Tag Archives: Happiness

6 Reasons I Love the Morning

Morning used to be a dreaded thing; something that meant the drive to work where I’ll sit at a computer for several hours was soon approaching. I know many still do this, my wife included, and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just something that really got under my skin. I’m pretty sure a lot of my past bad blood results were from the stress I felt about my past job.
Me, happy.
Me, happy.

Now, I am happy to wake up and see my beautiful wife (despite what she says, she’s always beautiful!), my wonderful daughter, and be able to provide for them. Most days I am now able to prepare a warm, healthy breakfast for Kelley while simultaneously feeding Avery a bottle.

Avery and I see Kelley off and then it’s almost time for the first nap of the day. It was a long road for Kelley and me to get to where we are with our dear daughter, and we have never been so happy. I feel our relationship has grown even stronger and it gets better everyday. Okay, sometimes there’s regression during the night, but it blows over pretty fast.

So, I’m a much happier person for more than just 5 reasons, but here they are…..

  1. Seeing Avery give her “Squirmy Smiles”.  Almost every morning, when I put her on the changing table she’ll flash smiles while wriggling her arms and legs all over. It’s cute and it wins my heart every time.
  2. Being up with my wife and making something that she enjoys for breakfast. I love making loved ones happy with things I make. I usually don’t think I make anything very tasty since I’m so keen on making it healthy first, but she likes it and I’m happy to provide.
  3. Knowing there is no office to drag myself to and sit inside. My home is my office now, and my co-worker (errrr, boss?) is Avery. The chats are infrequent, but still worlds better than the pointless banter people say when crossing paths at work. Really, what’s with the need to say something when walking past someone? It’s okay to just smile and walk by.
  4. Exercising. I used to not do this until late in the afternoon when I got home from work. It sucked; energy was almost non-existent and the time felt limited. Now I can to sing our sweet daughter to sleep for her nap, and then fit in a workout in our garage.  Exercise is something I need to be healthy (obviously) and have peace of mind. Having it done before Kelley gets home means more family time and I love it!
  5. Knowing that each day Avery is learning and growing stronger. Kelley and I are both so happy that Avery does not have to go to a daycare. I know there is no other option for some parents out there, and we are truly grateful. Being able to raise our daughter in these first years will pay major dividends. I just can’t wait until we can play!!!
  6. Coffee. I’m a huge coffee fan; black is fine with me, but some skim milk is acceptable. I’m a fan of tea too, and enjoy all varieties; green, black, red, white, etc. Getting to make it at home means less spending and ultimately, more satisfaction. I love the French Press!

Okay, number 6 is pretty weak compared to the others, but I do like my coffee. Kelley mentioned how I already seemed to be a happier person since starting my “job” as a stay-at-home dad, and I couldn’t agree more.

I hope this is the start of something great and only continues to improve and make us stronger.

Crib update. Avery made her second night in the crib again and Kelley only had to go in to calm her once! She woke just before 2 a.m. and I brought her to Kelley for feeding. Once done, I took her back, soothed her, and laid her in her crib again. Success! She stayed asleep until 5 rolled around and she was ready for more feeding.

I hope we aren’t celebrating too early, but we are happy with how she’s been so far. Here’s to a good round 3 tonight!!

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, do you feel different from your past life in the workforce? Better, same, or worse?