As we get older joint pain becomes more common. Sometimes we push on and ignore it, but that could be the reason you end up with a hip replacement, shoulder surgery or long term issues.
Typically joint pain will start due to an injury, which is easy enough to get when you’re in the yard playing with the kids. Other times it is the onset of arthritis. Whatever happens, there are plenty of ways that you can take care of your joints.

Or more precisely – most oily fish. Tuna, sardines, or mackerel are all perfect choices. Depending on your preferences, you can find high-quality and cheap fish to eat. Additionally, fish is a healthy and nutritious source of protein. Eating fish can also help to reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Besides, eating fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, alongside them being packed out with antioxidants, could as much as half the risk of arthritis.
It has long been noted the positive impact of fish oils on joints. If you don’t particularly like fish, then you might want to try a cod liver oil supplement. If you’re vegan, then flaxseed supplements are going to be your choice.
Move It Move It
If you sit for most of the day because of work, it might be time to work with a Pomodoro timer. This little trick will make sure that you get up and walk for at least five minutes every hour. There is also the added bonus that they make you more productive.
If you are simply at home and have more control over what you do and when you should stand up and stretch at least once every 15 minutes.
While you are standing and waiting for something, you likely (like most people) lean to one side. This causes excessive pressure in one area. Try to spread your weight across both legs for a more even distribution.
Regular exercise will also help you protect your joints. It will keep your weight in check for a start, and following on from that it will keep your energy levels up – which will avoid pain and swelling.
Joints are designed to move and move often. Try to stick to things that won’t put them under any unnecessary stress. Swimming, yoga, pilates and walking are all great places to start. Even cycling is great!
Don’t Play Hero
We all like to think that we can carry the weight of ten men from the car to the house, but in reality, that train of thought will land you in a lot of trouble. Try not to overload yourself and carry too much at once.
It might be the food shop, or it might be the big Christmas shop, whatever it is, take shorter trips or use the shopping cart all the way to your car.
Simply put? Avoid overloading yourself, and you’ll avoid pulling a muscle or damaging your joints.
Don’t Ignore Pain
One of the quickest ways to end up with permanent damage is to ignore the initial pain. We often put things off, being absolutely sure that it is nothing serious. But, unless you’re a doctor, then you simply don’t know.
If you have a recurring pain, or an injury recently that has taken a while to feel better – get it checked out.
The quicker you are to get it checked out the sooner you will be able to treat it – if you need to.
Watch Your Weight
It might not really need to be said, but the more extra weight you carry, the more work your joints will need to do. The additional stress can cause damage over a period of years.
So work on shaving a few pounds off when you can.
What you wear on your feet chances your posture. They should be comfortable and supportive in all the right places. When you can, head to a reputable shoe store and get your feet measured. Over the years, and even during a single day your feet will swell and change shape. Buy shoes that will accommodate that.
If you intend to run, or even walk for long periods, you should go to a specialist sports store. They will analyse your gait and instep and show you the exact shoes that will provide you with support in the arch of your foot.
It doesn’t take too much to look after your joints, small changes in your daily life and plenty of water can keep your joints in good working order for years to come. Of course, a little extra helping hand in the form of a capsule supplement is never a bad thing either! Take care of your joints, and they will take care of you too.