Tag Archives: health

Ways To Relieve Back Pain At Home

ways to relieve back pain at home, healthy, living, lifestyle


Back pain can be one of the most difficult types of pain to deal with on a day to day basis because we become tense and struggle to complete even normal daily tasks. If you have persistent back in which seems to plague you from day to day, there are plenty of things you can do to relieve it and allow yourself to stay healthy.

Chill it

The easiest thing you can do when you sustain an injury on your back is to put ice on it. In the first few days after a back injury, you need to think about touting some ice on the affected area for a while. Although you may think that heat is better for your back, it can actually make the area more inflamed in the first few days. Place ice on the area for about 20 minutes at a time to reduce inflammation and help you to heal the pain.

Get moving

Even though it might seem like the worst thing you can do when you have hurt your back, you need to keep it moving and stretch out your muscles as much as you can. In the first week after a back injury, you need to make sure that you try it move your muscles as much as you possibly can. Only do as much as is comfortable for you to avoid further injury, and this should help your back to heal quicker.

Keep your core strong

Your ab muscles are an important part of your overall health and fitness, and they play a vital role in the support of your back muscles during an injury. If you have hurt your back in any way, make sure that you still take the time to exercise your core with ab focused workouts. Some of the best exercises you do for your core without hurting your back are leg raises, flutter kicks and tabletop crunches. Keep your abs strong and your pain will be lessened.

Stay strong

Once your back pain starts to heal, you can prevent any injuries happening in the future by working on your back muscles and performing chest and back based exercises. Ideally, you will want to buy some 2 pound weights and use these to tone your shoulders and back and keep the muscles strong and resilient for the future.


You can visit a Chirocare and Rehab center to help you stretch out any issues with your back, and once you have done this you can continue to stretch and strengthen your back to keep it healthy for the future. There are many ways you can stretch out your back to keep it healthier, and you can practice yoga for a couple of times a week for a stronger body overall. There are some yoga moves in particular which are great for your back such as downward dog, cobra, and warrior I.

Make your workspace comfortable

If you think that the cause of your back pain might be your workspace, you need to make some changes to ensure that it is completely comfortable. For example, one of the main things you can do is adjust the height of your computer monitor and ensure that you have a comfortable and supportive chair to work at. Keep a cushion with you just in case you ever need some extra back support. It is a good idea to make sure you have enough leg room underneath your desk too, to keep stress off your legs and lower back muscles.

Improve your posture

If you constantly slouch at your seat and slump when you stand, it can out a lot of unneeded pressure on your spine and it will often cause you to struggle with your back. To help with your posture you can practice standing tall when you walk and make sure to always sit upright when working. You can also practice a yoga pose called standing forward forward with interlaced hands which is incredibly good for your posture and can make you look taller. Slumping makes it harder for your back to support your weight. Be especially careful of your posture when lifting heavy objects. Never bend over from the waist. Instead, bend and straighten from the knees.

Wear better shoes

Sometimes the issue you face with your back can be down to the shoes you wear. If you often wear heels to work or out and about, try trading them in for shorter heels or flat shoes for a more comfortable walk. It will make a big difference to your back and allow you to walk around in comfort all day long.

Stop smoking

Smoking might seem like a completely unrelated issue when talking about back pain, but it can be a big contributing factor to your back and its strength. Smoking increases the risk of your getting osteoporosis which can lead to serious spinal and bone issues. If you can quit smoking you cut the risk of osteoporosis down by a huge amount.

Watch your weight

If you think about it, this next tip is just common sense. The more you weigh, the more weight you are putting onto your back. When you have fat building up around your body you are losing muscle strength, and this can lead to you being at a higher risk of back pain and issues later in life. If you can eat a balanced, healthy diet and exercise regularly it will make a difference in your life and allow you to be much healthier overall.  

Buy pain reliever

Sometimes the easiest way you can deal with persistent back pain is by buying some over-the-counter medicines to relieve your pain. There are plenty of different medicines you can use for your back pain such as Advil, Aleve, Panadol and even Paracetamol. If you want a quick fix for your pain this is the most simple thing you can do. Take a trip to the chemist and ask for the best solution to your back pain if you aren’t sure what to choose.

4 Great Reasons Why You Should Have Regular Dental Check-ups

dental, cleaning, doctors

Most people think that if they brush and floss their teeth daily, then everything should be OK. However, this is not the case and regular visits to your dentist are required to keep your teeth in optimal shape. You should try to go see your dentist at least twice a year, to let him or her check for decay and plaque, and if necessary, remove it for you. Keeping your teeth clean and healthy protects you from further infections and a clean mouth is the key to good health.  Make sure to search for a top dentist in your area to ensure a comfortable visit with a caring and knowledgeable staff.

In the past, the dentist was there to administer fillings and pull out rotten teeth if necessary, but now dentists are taking a more preventative approach, where they try to catch issues before they become problems. You may say that you are just too busy to visit a dentist Noosa locals go to, but going to visit your dentist means that you don’t have major problems further down the road. There are many reasons why regular dental checkups are essential and we will look at some of them here. 

1. Poor Gums – Gum disease in Australia, and even in other countries around the world, is an ongoing problem. Just because you brush your teeth regularly doesn’t mean that you can avoid gum disease. When you go to see your dentist at your regular times, they will look for any changes in the structure of your gums. They will look for any large spaces between your teeth and your gums because this is a sure sign of gum disease. Poor gums can actually affect the rest of your body and lead to ill health.  

2. Prevention Is The Key – Many of us already have cavities in our teeth, but because we feel no pain, we wrongly believe that everything is OK. The cavity may be hidden between your teeth and may not be in a prominent place where you chew, and so you feel nothing. Your dentist’s job and the purpose of your twice annual check up is to find these cavities in their early stage. This way, it can be treated early and with the minimum of fuss. 

3. Well Equipped – Even though we brush well and we brush regularly, we never get everything totally cleaned. Plaque can build up behind the teeth in places that are hard to reach with the toothbrush. If the plaque continues to accumulate, it will create tartar and this will certainly lead to bad gum disease and most likely cavities. Your dentist has all the tools necessary to clear away the plaque and the tartar. 

4. Early Discovery – When you attend the dentist, they just don’t look at your teeth and gums, they also look at other areas like your throat and tongue, to try to spot other potential issues with your health. If you get early treatment with some oral cancers that are spotted earlier, there is a better chance that treatment can address them. 

Dental health checkups are an essential part of your dental routine and should always be undertaken twice yearly. Healthy teeth means healthy gums and a more confident smile. 

Nutrition is Key: Are You Limiting Your Kids’ Potential?

Childhood nutrition, and nutrition in general, is an all too often overlooked aspect of raising kids. I’m no expert on the topic, but it shouldn’t take one to know how important the food you put in a child’s body affects not just their current health, but their health way into the future.

Take the type of water you give a plant as an example. Tap water from the city is typically treated with an abundance of chemicals and minerals. While plants can and do grow with just tap water, it’s not the optimal choice for them to thrive. Same goes for softened water which is hard water treated with sodium carbonate to make is soft. Excess sodium is unhealthy for plant growth and may even kill surrounding grass.

Rain and spring water, on the other hand, comes directly from nature, untouched by additives. Natural water sources like these provide the best “ingredients” to allow for optimal plant health and growth. Yes, I’m aware that the surrounding environment plays a big part here and smog from factories, along with a host of other factors, will affect natural water sources, but hopefully you see my point.

Packaged, processed food is similar to tap/treated water in that it is altered from its natural state to last longer, taste better, and travel well. Give this type of food to a kid (or anyone), and sure, they’ll grow, but most likely their growth will be limited in some or many ways. But natural, wholesome foods in their unaltered state is more bioavailable to the body and way more nutrient dense than that box of Cheerios.

Consider everything going on inside a child’s body; they are constantly growing, creating new brain cells, and developing their bones and muscles, as well as their entire endocrine system plus so much more. In order to grow and develop their entire body, it’s clear the quality of food (i.e. building materials) is VITAL! For infants, breastmilk is the best choice to feeding them the most nutrient dense food that can’t be replicated. I do, however, realize breastmilk is not always an option, but thankfully companies like The Honest Co. provide organic formula that’s modeled after breastmilk and created to support a healthy, growing baby.

When you feed a kid fast food, their hunger might be satisfied, but their entire body is being short-changed important nutrients it needs to build a strong, healthy body. It might seem like “just one meal”, but how many times do you say that? “Just one” usually turns out to be one hundred over the course of a year. That’s a lot of meals where whole food would’ve been able to provide more than just fulfilling a child’s hunger.

This topic gets under my skin more than anything else, and even more so now that we have Avery. I want to give her the best so that she has a bright and healthy future. I have zero tolerance for fast or over-processed food and refuse to allow it in our house or in our bodies. Yes, I buy packaged food, but not before scrutinizing the ingredients and where it comes from to ensure there’s nothing limiting to my wife, myself, or Avery.

When I hear people laugh it off saying things like “I know this is bad, but….” or “You wouldn’t want to see what I’m having.” a fire ignites inside of me. Same goes for those that consider it to be weird if you’re the healthy one. No wonder our population is obese when the weird one is the person who refuses to partake on those sugar-laden fried dough circles someone brings into the office, or when someone turns down going to any fast food restaurant where the food serve is borderline “real”.

C’mon! I choose to eat something that didn’t turn out of a factory’s manufacturing line and instead have fresh veggies with organic pasture-raised eggs and that’s weird? Dumb.

Please, to all parents and EVERYONE, think more about the food you feed your little ones and yourself. Our kids need optimum fuel for optimum growth. When it comes what we feed our children as well as ourselves, keep it real.

Keep It Real

I’d go on forever about this topic as I am obviously highly passionate about it’s importance. But, I’ll leave you with these paragraphs from the Children’s Heart Center website about the importance of nutrition for children.

Nutrition is very important for everyone, but it is especially important for children because it is directly linked to all aspects of their growth and development; factors which will have direct ties to their level of health as adults. For example, a child with the right balance of omega fatty acids in their daily diet has a much better chance at creating a more solid foundation for their brain activity and capabilities later on. Likewise, a child who practices a low fat and cholesterol diet on a daily basis significantly improves their chances of preventing a heart attack; even if heart disease tends to be hereditary within your family.

You will also help promote a better quality of life if you instill proper nutrition trends in your children. It will allow them to partake in more activities and with greater enjoyment. People with high levels of health also consistently report that they enjoy elevated feelings of wellness and wellbeing. As part of this, children are also able to fight off colds with improved efficiency with the support of proper nutrition. And this brings up a vital point in communication with your children: You should always be on the lookout for different ways to make solid connections for your children. You can picture it in your mind like a web diagram, connecting major points with a line for your children to better understand issues. If you actually explain to your child that they won’t have to suffer through those nasty colds nearly as much if they maintain healthy diet.

Another huge reason why nutrition is so important for children is because they simply don’t know enough on their own to naturally choose to eat well. Unfortunately, the foods and snacks that taste the best are usually the worst for our bodies, and a child left to their on whim will almost always choose junk food over fruits and vegetables. Provide them with the right nutrition now and they will learn at an early age what’s necessary for good health. This will also help to set them up for a life of proper eating and nutrition, almost certainly helping them to live longer. Countless studies show that what someone learns as a child is then perpetuated throughout their life. Teach them healthy eating habits now and you’ll perpetuate a healthy lifestyle for them and put them on autopilot on their way to lasting wellness.

It’s easy to make a million excuses as to why we can’t feed our kids or ourselves a healthy diet, but maybe stop finding reasons and start making real changes. If you make health top priority, you’ll find other aspects of life that just fit in and flow better.

Do you feel like you give your kids the best source of food to enable optimal growth?

What would you like to change about your current diet?