Tag Archives: health

Natural vs. Artificial Dog Treat Flavors: What’s Safer?

As a loving and responsible dog owner, you want to look after your pet in the best way possible. That means trying to give them the best options when it comes to how you feed them.

One of the best approaches to take is to consider feeding your dog in the same way as you would feed yourself and your family. If you can give them delicious and healthy food options it should help keep them healthy and happy.

When you look at the range of natural menu options available at somewhere like Open Farm dog food you can see that there are varied healthy menu options to consider for your pet’s diet.

When comparing natural vs. artificial dog treat ingredients and flavors, do you know which one is the safer option, and why?

Know where your dog food and treats are coming from

When you look at a list of ingredients on the back of a packet of human food you can often see a long list of items. Sometimes, you are not sure what some of the ingredients are. That can make you think twice about buying that product.

It is the same mindset that needs to be adopted when buying food for your dog if you want to protect them from potentially harmful ingredients.

Some dog treats actually contain toxic or harmful ingredients. These can even prove fatal to a puppy who is unable to digest the food properly or safely.

The use of preservatives and unnatural flavors is a widespread practice when it comes to dog treats, in particular.

Your top priority should always be to check the list of ingredients so that you have a better understanding of how your dog’s food has been created.

Making healthy choices for your dog

It stands to reason that if you want to enjoy good health you need to try and eat a healthy and balanced diet. The same rules of engagement apply to feeding your dog.

If you can choose products that contain natural and healthy ingredients you will be helping your pet to live as long and happy life as possible. When they get all of the wrong food it can lead to weight and general health problems.

If you take a look at the list of ingredients on the packaging you can soon see how healthy it is. If the main contents are things like meat and vegetables that means your dog will be getting the sort of proteins and carbs they need for energy and wellbeing.

Your aim should be to try and avoid products that have preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, and steroids in them. You might be surprised to even find that some products have these items amongst their list of ingredients. That’s why you need to check.

The answer as to whether natural flavors are better than artificial ones is an obvious one. If you can make the right choices for your dog you will be rewarded by having a pet who is happy and enjoys a healthy lifestyle.

5 Steps For Managing A Chronic Condition

tissues, kleenex, nasal spray, sickness, illness, cold, flu, allergies

Image Credit: Diana Polekhina from Unsplash.

A chronic condition is never expected or wanted, it’s something more than a few people are diagnosed with every day. You wouldn’t just have to learn to accept this, but you’ll need to get through life with it. Managing a chronic condition can be complicated, though.

This takes quite a bit of time and effort, not to mention the emotions you’ll go through. It’s a stressful and emotional time, and that’s without mentioning the frustration. It’s far from impossible to deal with, though. 

You can manage your condition and make your life as close to your old normal by using a few specific tips. It shouldn’t have to be a complicated process, no matter what kind of condition you’ve been diagnosed with.

Managing A Chronic Condition: 5 Top Tips

1. Invest In Yourself

Every chronic condition comes with some lifestyle changes. You’ll have to spend quite a bit of time figuring these out, and your doctor and some specialists can help you with it. That doesn’t mean you can’t look for a few of these changes and implement them yourself.

Focus on any doctor-approved changes first. They’ll be specifically designed to help you with your condition, and they’ll have the most impact. After that, it’s a matter of looking for ones that make you more comfortable with your lifestyle. These can help more than you’d think.

2. Coordinate Care

You’ll see multiple specialists when you’re managing a condition. That doesn’t mean all of them will speak to each other, however. They could be too busy to do that, leaving it unlikely that they’ll know what the others are doing. You might feel a little confused and stressed just because of that.

That’s especially true when it comes to coordinating care. Actually speak to your specialists and inform them of what’s going on. You could even talk to your general practitioner about this, and they can help you coordinate your care. They’ll take a decent amount out of your hands while still getting things done.

3. Be Informed

You should be as informed as possible about your condition. You’ll need to learn how to live with it, after all. It’s something you should want to put some time and effort into. If you have lyme disease, for example, you’ll need to be aware of lyme disease co-infections. The more you know, the better you can be prepared for everything.

While that could mean spending a decent amount of time speaking with medical professionals and doing your research, it’ll help you long-term. You can then make more informed decisions about what you need to do in the future. You’ve no reason not to put the time and effort into this.

4. Partner With Your Doctor

Your doctor will naturally take steps to help you manage your condition, but that doesn’t mean you should let them do everything. Instead, you should partner with them and actually work to manage your condition. Take as much control as you can with this.

Take some responsibility for how you do this, and start putting as much effort as you can into it. Keep track of how you’re feeling and what kind of issues and symptoms that are popping up. It’ll be on you to partner with your doctor and take your health into your hands. You’ll be in a better position once you do.

5. Manage Medications

You’ll naturally need medication to help with managing your condition. In some cases, you’ll need more than a few of these, which makes taking them difficult. You might have to take them at different times and on different days, and you might have some difficulty keeping track of them all.

Speak with your doctor and pharmacist about how and when you should take them, and make sure you write this down. There are even quite a few apps and other things that could help you with the process. With a little bit of effort, you’ll make this much easier than you would’ve thought, no matter how much medication you need.

Managing A Chronic Condition: Wrapping Up

Managing a chronic condition is an emotional experience at the best of times. You’ll need to deal with quite a lot, and that’s before you consider the shock and other emotions that you’ll go through. Then there are the countless steps you’ll have to go through to get your life back on track.

It isn’t impossible. Far from it. You’ll have your loved ones and countless medical professionals there to help you. You shouldn’t have to worry about it.

Struggling to Find Time to Exercise? Here’s What you Can Do About That

Do you feel as though you are finding it hard to work out? If so then now is the time for you to do something about that. This guide will show you what steps you can take to boost your fitness goals, today.

Focus on Small Chunks of Time

One important thing to do is focus on making small chunks of time. Finding time to go to the gym can be difficult, especially when you have kids. One way for you to work around that would be for you to park further away from your destination, and for you to run errands on foot. If you can do this then you will soon see that you can take way more steps in the day and this can work in your favor. Taking a brisk walk when taking the kids to daycare can also help. Remember, all the minor improvements you can make now will add up, and they will make it easier for you in the long run to achieve your goals.

Combine Chores

Another thing you can do is try and combine your chores with exercise. Walk or ride a bike when doing your errands, as mentioned above, or do squats while you pick up toys. If you can do 20 squats a day then this will equal around 560 a month. It’s easy to see how this can add up and make a difference to your fitness level so make sure that you put in the work and that you go the extra mile in those small windows of opportunity you have.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Go to the Gym

Did you know that some gyms have childcare facilities? This is a great way for you to turn your routine into a fun and exciting fitness opportunity. By taking your kids to daycare while you workout, you can give them the chance to get out of the house and do a lot of activities. You can also feel confident that you are getting the results you are looking for, which is a win-win.

Workout as a Family

Another thing you can do is try and work out as a family. There are countless ways that you can do this. Take a walk after work or go on a hike with the kids. The time before you watch a movie can be used to keep the whole family active too. Playing sports together, in addition to the health benefits, may also help you to enjoy family time more. 

Focus on your Body
Your body needs protein to build muscle. If you are not getting enough protein then you may find that you end up struggling to meet your nutritional goals. You can also take Ostarine if you want to boost your results. Sites such as Science.bio have products that can help, so make sure that you look into them today if you want to start seeing bigger and better results. Make sure that you add a lot of vegetables to your diet too, as this will speed up your results.