Tag Archives: health

Getting Your Mojo Back as an Exhausted Dad

You wake up to energetic and demanding children every single morning, which you wouldn’t change for the world. You make them breakfast, play with them tirelessly, try to keep the house in order and attempt to put them to bed after a busy and hectic day. There is no wonder that you’re feeling depleted as an exhausted Dad! Getting your mojo back could look different to everyone, so you need to think about where you would like to make improvements to your current lifestyle. Whether you want to get back into healthy cooking, or you need to start prioritizing sleep more often, there are a number of small lifestyle changes that will make a world of difference. Parents can often hit a brick wall when they are deep in the throes of parenting, but this is a sign that you need to take a break and think about yourself for a change.

Of course, your children will always be your number one priority, but they won’t live a joyful life if they have an exhausted father who has lost a piece of himself during the process of raising them. Remembering who you are as a person will always bring you back down to the ground and allow you to see the whole picture again. Getting your mojo back is totally achievable, as long as you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and make a change.

Consider some of the following ideas and you will soon feel positive and ready to bring back the old “you” again, even as a busy Dad!

Enjoy Some More “Me Time”

As a dad, “me time” comes very infrequently and you need to carve out time in your schedule to make it happen. Although it may not seem important at the time, it’s a vital part of resting and recharging and it will ultimately make you a better parent in the long run. Whether you’re reading a book or going out for a run, your self care time needs to be enjoyable to you.

Take a Break from Work

Remember those vacation days you keep meaning to take from work? Now would be the ideal time to use them up! If you’re the type of person who often puts off taking work breaks, you will slowly but surely grind yourself to the ground if you don’t take time to reset your system every now and again. Taking a week off of work will not only give you the freedom to rest and do what you enjoy, but it will also help you to get your mojo back.

Get More Sleep

Getting more sleep as a busy dad is much easier said than done, right? Whether you’ve got toddlers climbing into your bed at midnight or babies co-sleeping in your bedroom, there are no words to describe how much you treasure your sleep. Although it can be tempting to stay up later and enjoy that TV show you are hooked on, it makes more sense to get yourself to bed early and enjoy an hour or two more of sleep. Prioritizing this will help you to think more clearly and make better decisions, which will ultimately help you feel more like “you” again.

Consider Hormone Testing

Lack of energy or motivation can stem from a variety of different things, but it could be a deep-rooted health issue that you aren’t even aware of. If you have recently experienced signs of fatigue, low sex drive, weight gain or a depressed mood, it may be a sign of male hormone imbalance. Seeking out medical advice from a professional can help you diagnose the problem quickly and find a course of treatment that is effective for you. Although this might feel like a huge step to take, it will be worth it in the long run when you feel more energetic, enthusiastic and positive about everything in your life again.

Focus on Your Relationship

If you have a romantic partner, your lackluster attitude towards life may be because you haven’t spent enough quality time with your other half. Now would be the perfect time to go on a date night, spend real time together and refocus on what’s important to you both as a couple. As parents it’s so easy to get swept up into the whirlwind of having children that you forget your true connection and why you chose each other as life partners. Think about some fun activities you can do together and enjoy spending quality time as a pair again.

Try Meditation

When you meditate regularly, it can actually increase your energy levels and give you more clarity on who you are as a person. Allowing yourself to sit with your thoughts and feel the silence around you is a beautifully powerful thing that not enough people know about. Give it a try for yourself and you will be grateful you discovered meditation!

Hopefully, you can use some of the following ideas to change your normal routines and rediscover who you really are as a person. For so long you have worn the dad badge with pride, but you can’t forget who you are as an individual. Whether you’re nurturing your relationship with your partner more, starting a hobby that you have always loved or simply starting a new and enjoyable morning routine, there are so many different options you can try. Don’t be afraid to take a step back, ask for help and allow some time for yourself to grow as a person. Once you are back on track again, you will be so grateful for all of the positive steps you have made. 

All in all, being a dad is one of the most rewarding jobs you will ever do, but if you don’t have your unique mojo you won’t be the best parent you can be. Rediscovering your mojo again will help you to feel positive, energetic and joyful everytime you’re around your child which will benefit them immensely both now and in the distant future!

dad throwing kid in air, playing with kids, fatherhood, fit dad, strong dad, strength

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

Are You Using Alcohol as a Crutch? 5 Reasons It’s Not Doing You Any Favors

Alcohol offers an amazing tool for dealing with situations in life. For introverts, alcohol can be a way of coming out of their shell and facing the world out there. For those struggling with esteem issues, alcohol provides a means for gathering courage and confidence, allowing one to do things they would have difficulty doing when sober. It is for this reason that alcohol is called the social lubricant due to its ability to loosen people up. However, such outcomes often come at a heavy cost. If you are using alcohol as a crutch, here are 5 reasons why it’s not doing you any favors.

1. Diminishing Effects

Alcohol can be dangerous mainly because its regular use may result in tolerance, which compels one to drink more to obtain the same effect they did when they started consuming the substance. As the trend continues, the negative effects of alcohol consumption begin to outpace the benefits you’ve been getting from alcohol consumption. In the end, the positive benefits that were once associated with alcohol disappear completely, leaving you lonely. When you find that your expenditure on alcohol has surpassed what you used to spend, then know that your consumption has become problematic, and the time to visit a residential treatment center has come. Seeing a professional can help go a long way in helping divert from your poor drinking habit and get control of your life.

2. Alternatives to Drinking

The truth is, there are other numerous ways to achieve the outcomes that alcohol seems to present. The only reason why alcohol is a preference is because it’s an easier method compared to the rest. Meditation, for instance, can be an excellent way of experiencing a real sense of well-being.

3. Self-medication is Never an Option

Alcohol is always an option for those dealing with mental health issues such as depression. Self-medicating with alcohol is problematic because, in the long run, this tends to worsen symptoms and could make it even more difficult to treat the underlying conditions causing the mental health issues.

4. Alcohol Abuse Doesn’t Improve Life

Addiction often results in a down spiral. This implies that with continued use of alcohol, addiction is likely to worsen and it would be impractical for anyone to make positive progress in their life. Alcoholism holds people back, but once you stop consuming the substance, you’ll be in a position to find happiness and progress forward.

5. Recovery Reveals Self-Worth

If you use alcohol as a way of experiencing inner peace, you only need to change the method to achieve this goal. When you are sober, you’ll be able to develop emotional sobriety which will give you the peace of mind you need to deal with life and make informed decisions that propel your life in the right direction.

Final Word

While alcohol can help you deal with the issues you are facing, uncontrolled consumption often becomes problematic. If you feel like you’re having difficulties in life due to alcohol problems, visit a rehabilitation center close to you to get the assistance you need.

Fix Your Smile So That You Want To Show It Off More Often

man wearing sunglasses smiling, white teeth, clean teeth

Pixabay CC0 License 

A winning smile is truly the greatest asset that anyone can ever possess. If yours is in need of some attention, it’s very likely that this problem has caused self-conscious feelings over the years. Whether you have always realised it or not, this can impact everything from careers to relationships.

Thankfully, an active effort to build a better smile or restore its former glow will transform your life for the better. Focus on the steps below, and you won’t go far wrong.

Quit Bad Habits 

If you think about fixing a leak, you have to stop the leak before you worry about removing the water or making changes to prevent future leaks. If you use this analogy for your smile, it’s clear that removing bad habits is the first step. Smoking, excessive coffee drinking, and nail biting are just some of the issues impacting your oral health and appearance. The sooner you quit them, the better. 

If you fail to do this, they will continue to cause problems. So, even when you subsequently make positive additions, you will struggle to see the full benefits. Conversely, removing the negatives will instantly put you on a smoother path to success. 

Seek Professional Treatments 

Many steps can be implemented to support your long-term oral health. However, the first step to success revolves around seeking professional support. The best dentist will identify the issues that are causing problems and find the appropriate course of action. This could mean teeth whitening, invisible braces, dental implants, or other procedures. Either way, this will get your smile back to where it should be.

The harsh reality is that nothing you do will only deliver limited progress unless it’s supported by professional care. After completing the initial treatment, regular oral hygiene checks will be needed to maintain the results.

Upgrade Home Oral Hygiene

toothbrush with toothpaste, clean teeth, whitener, brushing,

Pixabay CC0 License

A deep scale and polish service from a professional dentist will give you a whiter and brighter smile. However, you need to take care of it on a daily basis too. Home hygiene is the key to success. Finding the right toothbrush will make life a lot easier. However, you must also use floss and mouthwash on a daily basis if you wish to see the best outcomes. A solid evening routine after you’ve eaten your last food for the day is vital.

A strong oral hygiene routine will keep your teeth looking whiter and cleaner on a daily basis. Better still, it fights plaque to protect your teeth, gums, and general oral health for years to come. Start now, and you’ll never look back.

Stay Hydrated

A winning smile isn’t only about looking great in pictures. You want to feel confident when communicating with others too. With this in mind, your breath will play a valuable role. Bad breath will cause self-conscious feelings and impact the way others feel about you. In most cases, it is linked to bacteria. So, while scented mouthwash is great, staying hydrated is the key to success. Because it will literally wash bacteria away.

Of course, there are many other benefits to be gained from staying hydrated but this is one that can offer great motivation. For the best results, try to incorporate both tap water that has fluoride included and mineral water into your routine.

Boost Your General Health

Your oral health is closely linked to a host of other health issues. Blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity are just three issues that can influence your smile. Visiting your doctor to gain a diagnosis and treatment plan may be the key to building a better smile. Besides, the lifestyle changes linked to these issues will help you adopt a winning mindset for healthy oral health habits.

Even if it doesn’t achieve this goal, you should never overlook those health issues. Nevertheless, the fact that they can enhance your smile with stunning results should not be overlooked. 

Train Your Smile

When building a better smile, it’s not just about white teeth. Learning to use your smile in a more effective manner is equally vital. This guide to smiling better will provide many tips. From analyzing photos to smiling with your eyes and developing different smiles, each step in the right direction will serve you well. When combined with the steps mentioned above, you will see a noticeable difference.

It may feel a little strange to actively analyze your smile at first. However, it will be worthwhile once you have found the smile that works for you. In turn, you should feel more comfortable and confident in your smile and yourself.