Tag Archives: healthy living

Taking Care of Your Health as a Dad

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In this article, we’re going to look at a number of factors that are relevant to taking care of your health as a dad, particularly as you get older.  

Men’s health is different to that of women’s health, and men suffer from a variety of issues women don’t – for instance, male pattern baldness is something some men are genetically predisposed to, and whilst it is relatively common in society it is something that can still cause much trauma to the ego of many men.

Similarly, there are issues such as hearing loss and eyesight issues that affect both genders, and of course diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke are also common in both genders.  There are specific formulations of vitamin supplements that are known to be good for men, though in the majority of cases, common sense and stable health practices such as ensuring plenty of hydration and reducing fat in your diet.

In this article, we’re going to look at some of the core prophylactic measures you can take to ensure you have optimum health as you grow older.  Of course, there are remedial devices such as how a pair of glasses can help correct eyesight deterioration and a hearing enhancer can amplify sound to make it easier to hear… but, prevention is often better than cure, and so in that spirit let’s take a look at some of the aspects of your health you might want to consider taking better care of.


What you eat you become.  We’ve all heard this phrase, time and time again, yet we still manage to stuff our faces with food that isn’t good for us.  The reason for this is that many people are emotional eaters, meaning they eat to derive pleasure and celebrate or derive comfort and commiserate.

The challenge with this approach to food, however, is that it’s being used as a “drug” rather than a fuel, and in that sense, we aren’t always making the wisest choices for our health – as we are placacting our emotional urges rather than physiological needs.

Consider the food you eat to be like a bank account, in that there are certain things that are “deposits” (e.g. a healthy meal) and there are also withdrawals (e.g. a greasy doughnut that clogs your arteries).  This way, you can simply keep track of whether you’re starting to get overdrawn.


Again, we all know that the body (and particularly the brain) is made up mostly of water, yet we often live in a perpetual state of chronic dehydration.  This causes headaches, low mood, stress and aches and pains throughout all our muscles.  

The simplest solution to improving your health is found in the process of drinking more water.  The more water you drink, within reason, the healthier you will become. There are many scientific reasons for this, but in a nutshell, you just need to make sure you are drinking a LOT of water in order to stay in optimum health.


In addition to diet, fitness that raises your heartbeat is a good preventative factor when it comes to fending off heart disease.  Now, if you are in a state of poor health the last thing you want to do is start going to the gym and engaging in extremely intense sport, as this is likely to do more harm than good.  

The trick is to start off slow, and build up gradually, to ensure you are maintaining a healthy heart.  Using a heart rate monitor can be helpful to assess where your heart rate is within a class, and ensure it remains within a safe zone.


Something a lot of guys focus on, when it comes to being fit is building their muscles so that they “look good”, yet this can sometimes be at the detriment to health in longevity.  For instance, if you overwork your chest muscles without focusing on your upper back, you are likely to become hunched over which can cause postural problems down the line.

Flexibility is more important than strength when it comes to functional fitness, so getting yourself to a yoga class, or simply following along on YouTube makes a lot of sense to ease common complaints such as back pain.


Stress is known as one of the biggest killers, in the sense that it’s often the underlying cause for physiological changes in the body that lead to disease.  There’s an idea that the mind controls the body and in that sense, you want to remember that your physical health is directly linked to your mental health. Always take note of your mental health and ensure to seek help if necessary. There are plenty of products out there that can help with stress, from chamomile teas to a list of full spectrum oils. You can also reach out to a doctor, therapist, support groups, helplines, friends and family if you are struggling. Remember, you are never alone!

Health Hacks For Dads Who Just Can’t Be A$$ed

health, fatherhood, dads, parenting, kids, hacks


Women get the most attention for wanting to look good, but guys are as bad. Dads may seem as if they don’t care, but a receding hairline and a fat gut can make them self-conscious. Whether they’re the type or not, pretty much every man on the planet wants to age gracefully, and the best way is to be healthy.

There is a caveat, though – you can’t be bothered. After all, you’re a dad who works 40 hours a week and takes care of the kids. You’re not a twenty-something spring chicken.

The good news is you don’t have to be if you know the trade secrets. Here are the health hacks for fathers who lack motivation.

Be A Cook, Not A Chef

Meals are a sticking point as guys feel as if they have to cook up a storm in the kitchen. Plus, you want as much flavor in the dish as possible when you’re on a diet. There’s nothing worse than a bland chicken breast with a side of steamed veg and lettuce. Thankfully, there is no need to act like Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen. Instead, focus on these delicious recipes which are super healthy. Not only are they tasty and good for you, but they’re quick. When you can’t be bothered to cook, speed is of the essence.

Skip The Gym

Going to the gym may seem like a necessity, but it can often get in the way. There are too many idiots that make you feel self-conscious to exercise properly. Rather than a competitive environment, create one which is fun and friendly. The great thing is it can be anywhere, from the living room to your bedroom. All you need to do is focus on activities which burn calories without the need for specialist equipment. There are twelve for your information here, but press-ups and squats work well, as does skipping. Because you can do them at home, there is no need to get overly motivated.

Boost Your Hormones

The reason you can’t be bothered is mental. Typically, there are too many negative thoughts in your brain to be proactive. Plus, there may not be enough testosterone to give you an adrenaline boost. Thankfully, you can change this with a small Tongkat Ali Dosage. Because it’s a plant, it’s entirely organic and contains no chemicals while encouraging the brain to produce extra hormones. Alternatively, you can make a concerted effort to be happier and less fatigued.

Involve The Kids

Children are active and will take you along for the ride. So, don’t sit on the sidelines – get involved. All you have to do is join them in the pool when they go swimming, or hire a bike and cycle alongside them. Getting them to kick a soccer ball around the garden is a basic way to burn calories too. In fact, anything which includes running and jumping ticks the boxes, and as you know, kids do these in their sleep.

Do you think you can be a$$ed now?

How You Can Make Sure That You’re Aging Gracefully

aging, getting older, healthy living, tips, advice, family
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A lot of the time, you find that it’s women that complain about aging the most. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect men too. As you start to get older, you can definitely notice a change in your body and how you feel. But as men, we tend to just get on with it. When women are unhappy with the changes they are going through, they can be easily judged – so we tend to keep quiet. But aging can really have an impact on your self-esteem and your abilities in life too. So it’s so important that you can actually deal with it, not just brush it off. If you want to be able to age gracefully and actually feel incredible in yourself as you get older, then it’s time to make sure that you do.

1. Embrace It

First of all, you just have to embrace it. If you’re in denial, then you’re only ever going to harm yourself mental in the future. Instead, you need to just accept that you are getting older, and that you’re not as young as you were. But this really doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it can be positive. You’re really just entering a new phase of your life. And who says that it can’t be the best phase yet? So just go with it.

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2. Look After Your Body

One thing you will find really helps you to not only work on the latter point, but just grow old gracefully in general, is to look after your body as much as possible. If you want to be health in your old age, then making sure that you’re sleeping enough, that you’re eating right, and that you’re not overdoing things like alcohol, it will all count. So make sure that you look after yourself, and it will pay off.

3. Speak To Your Doctor

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you’re bringing up and age-related health concerned with your doctor. It’s important to address any issues that you have to nip them in the bug. Whether that’s to inquire about the Urolift procedure or find out solutions for your declining hearing, you need to ask the question. It’s the best way to keep things under control as time goes by.

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4. Enjoy Your Life

You also need to make sure that you enjoy your life as much as possible too. If you want to make the most of your time, then be happy, do what you love, and fully embrace the opportunities that come your way.

5. Keep Up The Exercise

It’s also going to help you to do as much exercise as possible. As you start to get older, you can often put this to the bottom of your to-do list. You have work and the kids to look after, and suddenly it’s not a priority. Then, when your kids are grown, you’re just out of the habit. However, it’s so important to the aging process that you keep moving. When you stop, you struggle to move. Old age isn’t a thing. It’s that you let your body decline. So if you continue to exercise and keep moving, you should find that it serves you well as you get older.