Tag Archives: healthy

Things You Didn’t Know Could Affect Your Hearing

One of the senses that you don’t realize you need is your hearing – and you don’t appreciate it until you really need it and usually, this is after you notice that it’s going! Did you know that hearing loss is actually one of the most common medical issues affecting people in the US? The thing is, hearing loss isn’t always something you can just fix with hearing aids, nor is it something that everyone can fix at all.

Because there is such a variation in hearing loss, it’s tough to pinpoint what will necessarily help. Hearing loss isn’t just caused by aging, nor is it only caused by a prolonged exposure to noise. When you choose the right hearing specialist, you can get your hearing properly tested and then get the support that you need most. Hearing loss happens for many different reasons, and understanding the different types of hearing losses will help you to understand what started your hearing loss in the first place. Let’s take a look at some of the things you may not have even known could affect your hearing!

hearing loss, music, headphones, deaf, hear, ear health

Image source: Pexels

  1. Infections. Did you know that both bacterial and viral infections can affect your hearing? Something as simple as a cold gone awry can muffle and impair your hearing, affect your balance and result in things like tinnitus. The good news with this one is that a cold affecting your hearing is usually only temporary. You won’t have to worry about it long-term and the sooner you seek out new treatment, the better. Hearing loss that remains permanent comes from illnesses such as meningitis and brain inflammation.
  2. Trauma. Have you bashed your head recently and noticed muffled hearing? Head trauma can damage the internal structures of the ears, and so can foreign objects in the ears. If you have had a trauma to the inner ear or the head, you could have damaged the ear canal or the eardrum of that ear. You’ll find that your auditory signals are completely interrupted when this happens and if you have noticed hearing loss as a result of a head trauma, it’s important to speak to a doctor as soon as you can.
  3. Your teeth. You wouldn’t think that a problem with your teeth will connect to hearing issues. The thing is, they’re more related than you’d imagine they are. Infections in the mouth and the teeth can compromise your hearing because of the inflammation that they cause further issues. Inflammation narrows the blood vessels and this pulls the blood flow away from the cells in the inner ear. Your dentist can help you with this, ensuring that your teeth are in the best condition possible so that your hearing isn’t compromised as a result.
  4. Diabetes. If you are dealing with other medical issues outside of your hearing loss, these could be a main contributor! You’re twice as likely to develop hearing loss if you have diabetes due to the deterioration in the ear’s nerve cells. This goes back to the fact that high sugar levels can cause damage and as it’s something that happens over time, it may not even be something you’d notice until it creeps up on you.
  5. You have higher blood pressure. You’re not alone in this but high blood pressure can lead to hearing loss and you wouldn’t even know it most of the time. It’s a particularly rare side effect and as blood flow has to be established for healthy living, you can bet that it’ll also be the case for healthy hearing. Speak to an audiologist when you can so that you can get a handle on the cause of high blood pressure.
  6. You’re on prescription medications. The one thing that you want to find out with any medication you’re supposed to take is the medication side effects. You need to know if the medications taken to improve and help your wellbeing are going to cause other issues or not. If so, you can speak to your doctor about changing the medicine. There are more than 200 different medicines out there that can cause hearing damage as a side effect. 

All of these things can affect your hearing and if you didn’t know about them before you surely do now. Your hearing is something that needs to be protected and the best way to do that is to speak to your doctor. Get a hearing test if you notice any changes and talk to them about any existing medicines that you may be taking. It’s all important if you want to keep your hearing consistent.

10 Secrets To Healthy Heart

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Keeping your heart healthy is one of the most important things you can do. After all, you’re completely reliant on the organ to push blood around your system and keep you alive. 

The first symptom of heart disease is often the last: a massive heart attack. So prevention is more important than cure. But even if you do develop symptoms, they can be highly unpleasant, ranging from angina to erectile dysfunction. 

The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to keep your heart healthy and on the right track. It takes decades for heart disease to develop, but only a few weeks to reverse if you adopt the right strategy. This makes seeing a heart specialist in New Jersey or wherever is close to you an important part of catching heart issues before they become a bigger problem.

So what can you do to improve heart health? Let’s take a look at some of your options. 

Practice Regular Hygiene

One of the best ways to protect your heart health is to practice regular hygiene. Keeping yourself clean reduces the risk of getting infections that can harm cardiovascular health. 

Historically, many people got rheumatic heart, a condition where the heart is weakened because of the presence of a nasty virus or bacteria. These conditions aren’t as common these days, but you can still damage your cardiovascular system if you have gum disease or another chronic infection that damages heart muscle cells. 

Love Your Veggies

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You can also protect your heart by loving your veggies. People who eat the most whole foods tend to be the healthiest. 

Researchers aren’t quite sure why vegetables and beans are so protective but it seems to be true. It could be because of their high fiber content, nutrient density, or another factor. The underlying reasons aren’t what’s important. What matters, according to researchers, is that it works. 

Research The Latest Information

Data around heart health changes regularly as new scientific discoveries come to light. For this reason, it’s also essential to keep up to date with the latest information. You don’t have to become a scientist, but you should look out for new types of thinking in the field and use it to figure out what type of lifestyle is most likely to protect you. 

Try to avoid the temptation to let new evidence sway you one way and then the other. Spend some time digesting new information before coming to a conclusion. A headline result may not reflect the actual findings of a specific study. 

Go For Regular Checkups

You should also consider heading to the doctor for regular checkups. Medics are now pretty good at tracking your heart health and have all sorts of tests to tell you your risk. One such test is an echocardiogram, which can provide detailed images of your heart’s structure and function. You might want to look into getting an echocardiogram in Denville, NJ or other nearby locations for a comprehensive assessment, especially if you have been experiencing chest pain or discomfort.

Data won’t provide you with the full picture, but it will tell you a great deal about your heart health. Your LDL and APOE figures are the most critical, followed by other metrics. Using the available data, physicians can tell you the likelihood of a cardiac event over the next five to ten years, and what you need to do to reduce the risk of that happening. 

Keep Cholesterol Levels Down

Another great strategy is to keep your cholesterol levels down. The best way to do this is to reduce the intake of dietary cholesterol, a proven promoter of higher concentrations of cholesterol in the blood strenuously denied by some of the most vocal people in the health industry. You can also reduce your intake of animal foods in general and watch your numbers improve. 

Keeping cholesterol levels low is one of the best ways to cut the risk of a cardiac event. People with total cholesterol below 160 mg/dL are far less likely to have a heart attack than those with more than 200 mg/dL. 

Get The Right Herbal Support

You should also make sure you’re getting the right herbal support to maintain cardiovascular health. Certain supplements can have a profound effect on the overall health of your heart muscle, veins, and arteries, letting you pump more blood around your body. 

Red Boost blood flow support is one example of how these supplements work. The basic idea is to take a bunch of natural ingredients and combine them in a way that causes blood vessels to dilate. The more space blood has to flow, the lower your blood pressure is, and the more energetic and lively you feel. 

Nitric oxide production is essential. It is a vasodilator and something that beetroot produces when you eat it. The more you can produce, the wider your blood vessels will open, and the healthier they will be. 

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Another powerful strategy for heart health is to reduce your alcohol intake. Consuming fewer beers, wines, and spirits can actually improve your heart health and put you on the right track. 

Some researchers used to believe that red wine was protective or enhanced heart health. However, more recent investigations suggest that that’s false. Alcohol appears to harm heart function, regardless of how you consume it. 

Don’t Smoke

People interested in their heart health also avoid smoking. Cigarettes contain elements that actively damage artery walls. 

Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease and can double your chances of developing the condition later in life. The good news is that you can almost completely eliminate your increased risk by quitting smoking long-term. 

Move Every Day

Another not-so-big secret of a healthy heart is to move every day. Physical activity improves heart function and keeps you healthy. 

Aim for around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. Cycling, brisk walking, and swimming all count. 

Also, move as much as you can in other ways, including simply being active around the house or at work. The more gentle movements you can do, the better it is for your health and longevity. 

Manage Stress Levels

Finally, you should find ways to manage your stress levels if heart health is important to you. People who can remain calmer for longer are much less likely to experience heart issues as they go through life. Stress leads to hormone changes that can cause damage to the heart muscle and weaken it over time.

Protiotics: Turns Out They Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Having a urinary tract infection can be the most uncomfortable situation to be in. It can not only affect your health but can also make it difficult for you to go about your day. Sometimes, a UTI can be a one-time thing, but for some people, it’s a recurring thing. In order to keep these horrible episodes are bay, there are steps you can take to prevent them; one of these methods is the use of probiotics.

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection?

Before you can learn how to get rid of a uti without medication, it helps to know what a UTI is. It is a bacterial infection that can take place in the kidneys, urethra, bladder, or ureters. The symptoms of a UTI include frequent urination, the urgency to urinate, and a burning sensation when urinating. If left untreated, a UTI can spread and start to affect the kidneys. It can spread even further into the bloodstream, with dire consequences.

What To Do If You Have A UTI

If you’ve been diagnosed with a UTI, there are some steps you can take to help it go away faster and to prevent more in the future.

  • Take the antibiotics that you’ve been prescribed, for the length of time stated even if you feel better.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. This will help to flush the bacteria out of your system.
  • Urinating after sexual intercourse; this is also good for removing any bacteria that might be in the area.
  • Avoiding irritating feminine products, such as diaphragms, spermicide-treated or unlubricated condoms.
  • Taking probiotics. Studies have shown that improving your gut biome can have a positive effect on UTIs.

How Diet Lowers Your UTI Risk

There are some foods you can add to your diet that can help prevent UTIs in the future. As mentioned before, probiotics can make a dramatic difference in how often you might experience a UTI. Other foods include:

  • cinnamon: it possesses antibacterial properties, as well as anti-inflammatory effects which can reduce the severity of your UTI pain.
  • blueberries: blueberry is a superfood when it comes to protecting your gut lining from bad bacteria.
  • cranberries: cranberries prevent bad bacteria from sticking to the lining of your urinary tract, thereby reducing your risk of UTIs.

Good Sources of Probiotics To Prevent UTIs

One of the easiest ways to get probiotics into your system is to take supplements. The most effective probiotic is any lactobacillus strain. It would be a good idea to do your research into the various products that are out there so that you can find the one with the best quality.

If you’ve taken many of the steps and suggestions mentioned above and you’re still experiencing UTIs, then it might be a good idea to seek medical attention. Your UTI could be the result of another condition you might not be aware of, so it’s a good idea that you speak to a medical professional to help you figure out what’s going on so that you can start effective treatment as soon as possible.