Tag Archives: healthy

How To Look After Your Children’s Eyesight

As a parent, it’s important to be mindful of your child’s eyesight. Just like their teeth, your eyes are a vulnerable part of the body that if mistreated are going to be damaged over time.

There are many causes for poor eyesight but there are plenty of ways to help ensure your child has a good vision for as long as possible. If you’re already a wearer of glasses or contact lenses, you’ll appreciate how useful it is to have 20/20 vision. With this being said, here are some tips that will help look after your children’s eyesight in the future.

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Minimize device usage for tablets and mobile phones

It seems like all new generations nowadays are growing up with a mobile phone or tablet in their hands. Grateful generations above will appreciate the ability to switch off their electronic devices but for younger generations, it’s not so easy.

It’s useful for a parent to try and minimize screen time and device usage when it comes to their tablets and mobile phones. Too much screen time can do some damage to their eyesight, especially if they’re spending hours on it at a time.

Not only that but if they’re using these devices late at night, their eyes will naturally start straining in order to see the screen. This only gets worse when they’re tired. With that being said, set times in the day or evening when screen time isn’t allowed. It’ll help curb their reliance on these electronics too.

Ensure they’re wearing sunglasses when out and about

When they’re out and about, make sure they’re wearing sunglasses if the sun is shining. As children, they may find themselves looking up at the sky and towards the sun. Obviously, this is dangerous for your eyes as it’s burning away that exposed tissue on the eyes. 

For children though, they don’t know that until they’re told not to. Sunglasses can help them enjoy the sunshine without having to worry about damaging their eyesight. It’s also great for helping them avoid squinting when the sun gets too bright. Children’s eyesight is a little more vulnerable, especially when they’re still developing.

Teach young children the importance of eye safety

The importance of eye safety goes beyond just their early years. The potential damage caused now could have a long-lasting effect on their eye health in the future. With that being said, be mindful of young children when it comes to eye safety. 

For example, make sure they know to wash out their eyes with sterile water when there’s a potential infection or something has gotten into their eye. Ensure they’re not poking anything into their eye that could cause damage. There are a lot of simple eye safety tips that as an adult, you’d know, but for children, they won’t learn until they’re told.

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Encourage them to let you know if they’re having any trouble with their eyesight or if there is any pain or discomfort within the eye itself.

Get regular opticians checkups

Regular opticians checkups are essential for children and should be introduced from a young age. Just like other healthcare appointments, a trip to Merivale Vision Care is a must. It’s worthwhile getting them used to the opticians from a young age, especially as the experience can be a little daunting.

By providing them with eye care from an early age, it’s helpful to ensure they are being checked over properly and have any potential underlying problems ruled out. This can help you to deal with issues like pediatric myopia before they become more severe and get proper corrective eyewear prescribed for your child so that they don’t need to struggle day to day.

Provide them with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

Fresh fruit and vegetables are great for eye health and for the little one’s health in general. Make sure you’re incorporating plenty of fruit and vegetables that are known for being good for eyesight. These include:

  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Green leafy vegetables.

The more fruit and veg they have in their diet, the better it’ll be for their health in general so ensure they’re getting their five a day every day.

Be mindful of any changes in their vision

It’s important to be mindful of any changes within their vision. As a parent, it’s easy enough to notice something different in your child’s behavior or mood. This may be done to a problem with their eyesight whether it’s noticeable now or not. Make sure to be mindful and to question if they’re experiencing any pain or sudden change in their eyesight.

Looking after your children’s eyesight is essential so with that being said, be mindful, attentive, and encouraging toward your child’s eyesight this year and beyond.

How To Get Rid Of Loose Skin

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Rapid weight loss is the most common cause of loose skin. Perhaps you were overweight and you’ve managed to lose a huge amount of weight, but now you’re left with loose flaps of skin? Or perhaps you’re a woman who has recently had a baby and you’ve got loose skin from where your bump used to be? In either case, having loose skin can be frustrating. Not only does it not look nice, but it can rub and cause rashes if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are several ways of reducing this loose skin. Below are a few solutions to look into.

Build muscle mass

Building muscle mass can be a healthy way to fill out the areas of loose skin. This is most achievable if you are still quite young and not already toned.

Weight-lifting exercises can help to tone up arms and legs to reduce loose skin here. Sit ups and core exercises can meanwhile help to tighten the abdomen by building abdominal muscles, while squats and lunges can build glute muscles to reduce sagging skin around the butt. Consider which areas of your body have sagging skin and try to focus on toning up these areas.

Use firming creams

Firming creams are often recommended for people with loose skin. These creams work by increasing the turnover of skin cells, helping to tighten up areas of thin loose skin. Ingredients typically include retinoic acid or tretinoin. 

This guide to firming creams compares some of the best options on the market. Some are designed to target specific areas of the body such as the arms or the tummy, while others can be used on all parts of the body. 

Try massages

A massage could help to stimulate collagen production in an area with loose skin. This can help skin to become firmer.

Your best option is to visit a clinic that specialises in skin treatments as well as massages. Such professionals will have a better idea as to the type of massage therapy needed to help make skin firmer and may even be able to use lotions or infrared devices to further help tighten up skin.

Alternatively, you can try massaging areas of your body yourself. There are also devices that you can buy that use infrared and RF technology to help boost collagen production within the skin. 

Explore cosmetic procedures

When it comes to large amounts of loose skin, cosmetic procedures may be the only solution. 

Surgery is the most effective way to reduce large amounts of loose skin quickly. This is typically done in various stages if there is loose skin on different parts of the body. Surgery can be expensive, which is its biggest downside. 

Radiofrequency treatment is also an option. This involves heating the skin to induce collagen production. The likes of postpartum skin tightening often uses this treatment and can help remove excess skin gained during pregnancy. 

When it comes to small amounts of loose skin and wrinkles, another option is chemical peels and laser resurfacing. This also promotes collagen production to decrease the appearance of loose skin. 

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Your skin may start to firm up on its own if you are looking after your skin well. 

This includes making sure that you are consuming a healthy diet that provides your skin with all the nutrients it needs. Citric fruits are full of vitamin C, which is important for our skin’s collagen cycle – by consuming oranges and lemons, you could help to fight sagging skin. Garlic, tomatoes and egg whites are other foods that are important for our skin

To make sure that these nutrients are getting to your skin, you should also consider giving up smoking and not drinking too much alcohol. Both smoking and heavy drinking can restrict blood flow and prevent nutrients getting to the right places. This can not just prevent loose skin from tightening up, but may even lead to further sagging of skin. Finally, make sure that you are getting enough sleep. It is while we are asleep that our skin produces new collagen, helping to fight sagging skin. You should aim to get 7 hours of sleep per night. This is not always possible for new moms trying to reduce loose skin around their stomach, however catching up on sleep with naps and sharing night feeds can help. If you cannot get a good night’s sleep for other reasons, there are many other solutions to help you improve your sleep quality.

4 Steps That You Can Take To Improve Your Wellbeing

Are you interested in improving your quality of life and taking more care of your wellbeing? If so, then it’s probably easier than you might imagine. Here are some of the key steps that we recommend you explore sooner rather than later. 

people enjoying meal at restaurant, health, healthy, food, diet, lifestyle, happiness

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Get Physical Therapy 

First, you should make sure that you explore physical therapy options. This is going to be particularly useful for anyone who has experienced issues with chronic pain. For instance, you could be struggling with a problem such as RSI. This is now the most common type of injury in workplaces across the country. Or, perhaps you have an issue with your back. If so, then a professional chiropractor could help ensure that you feel less pain and are able to do more through the day without issues. 

People assume that physical therapy will only be useful if you have sustained an injury in the past. However, it can also help with elements such as your posture or stiff joints. 

Improve Your Diet 

Something else you can do to improve your wellbeing is take a look at and improve your diet. This means if you are overindulging on junk food then you should work to resolve this issue. Eating too many unhealthy foods can lead to weight-related illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and increased risks of strokes. If you have tried all the diets there are then you may need some extra input from other professionals. Take a trip to your local dietician or nutritionist who will be able to give you more support. 

Change Your Environment 

Next, you should consider changing your environment. There are certain environmental changes that could have a huge overall impact on your wellbeing. For instance, you might want to think about improving the air quality of your home. Research shows that better air quality can help people relax far more easily and ensure that you don’t have to worry about trouble with headaches. The best way to improve air quality would be to add more green around your home. Green choices will help guarantee that toxins in the air are removed and aren’t clouding your home or work environment. 


Finally, if your life contains a lot of stress and stressful events then you will need to find something you enjoy doing that calms you down. This could be anything from taking up a new hobby to meditation. Meditation is a wonderful relaxant as it frees up your mind and body so you feel less burdened. There are plenty of apps you can use that will help you center yourself and keep you focused. All you need to do is follow along to them and you will feel better in no time. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take if you want to improve your wellbeing. In doing so, you can guarantee that you do see significant changes to your life including differences in how you feel mentally and emotionally as well as physically.