Tag Archives: hearing

Helping Your Older Loved Ones Navigate Hearing Loss

As we get older, life becomes more challenging for a whole host of reasons. It could be mobility or the loss of loved ones, after retirement, many people have difficulties adjusting to their new life without a sense of purpose or belonging and these issues can result in feelings of isolation or depression.

Certainly, as we move through different stages of life, the challenges are different – but this doesn’t have to mean that the challenges are negative or debilitating. Life is for living and different phases of our natural evolution also offer us the chance to experience richer, fuller lives armed with a diversity of life experiences and skills. 

Now, one of the most important challenges that many of us will face is experiencing the issues that age brings with it, and often this means, hearing loss. If you’re concerned that you might be showing signs of hearing loss, then you should take action as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is key and as the adage goes, prevention is better than cure, so the earlier you see an audiologist the more options you’ll have at your disposal to address any issues.

However, when we start to see these signs in our older relatives and loved ones, it’s important that we understand the challenges they’re going to be facing and how we can support them constructively and lovingly, and most importantly, with empathy. This is especially true if they’ve never had hearing issues before and are facing a new reality, which could be causing feelings of anxiety and stress.

So, we’re going to look at a few ways that you can recognize signs of hearing loss in older relatives and what you can do to make their lives a little easier.

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The first step to finding help for your relatives and loved ones is to recognize when things are not going exactly to plan with their hearing, and while some signs are more obvious it is likely that at the beginning phase of hearing loss, the clues are going to be less obvious.

You may notice that they’re having difficulty hearing other people clearly or that they misunderstand what you’re saying to them, a scenario that can be more obvious in noisy places.

If they start to ask you to repeat yourself and this happens in greater frequency or if listening to music or watching the television needs a higher volume than normal, this is a sign of deteriorating hearing.

Missing telephone calls or not being able to hear the person on the other end, finding it difficult to keep u with conversations, and if you notice that they become stressed or tired after engaging in a conversation may well mean that it is time to get that audiologist check scheduled.

While these signs are common in most people, you also need to pay special attention to your Dad and older male relatives or loved ones because men are far less likely to speak up about hearing loss, just something to be aware of.


When you notice that your loved one is showing signs of hearing loss (and they have not said anything to you yet), it’s important to proceed with sensitivity and understanding. Try to imagine yourself in their position and realize that this is one stage of life that we’d all rather not have to experience. So empathy and patience are your two most important keywords.

The first thing you’re going to do is have a conversation with them. Discuss your concerns and the reasons why you’re worried, let them speak, and accept that this first interaction may not go exactly as you want it to, but patience is key and handling the situation delicately is a great departure point.

The next step is to schedule a hearing exam with an audiologist. They’ll be able to ascertain the extent of damage and at what stage of hearing loss they’re at. Based on that assessment, they’ll also be able to recommend a treatment plan moving forward and offer advice on how best to cope with the current state of hearing loss.

Your audiologist will also recommend the appropriate devices if they’re necessary and this is also your cue to learn everything you can about those devices, how they operate what hearing aid programming tips you’ll need to enjoy optimum levels of use and benefit from them.

The more you know, the better you’ll be equipped to help your loved ones cope with this new change in their lives and it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. People with hearing loss live rich, varied, and interesting lives, just like everyone else does.

4 Benefits of Hearing Aids

If you are experiencing hearing loss, it can be a confusing and worrying time. The reality is that as we get older, life events and situations can impact your hearing and cause some levels of hearing loss. This is entirely normal and to be expected. However, there are many other factors aside from age that can contribute to hearing loss. But you do not have to live with reduced levels of hearing as this can drastically impact your quality of life.

Instead, if you are experiencing hearing loss, you should consider the benefits of hearing aids. There is a long history of the hearing aid, and it has gone through many reincarnations to make it to the modern style devices in use today. 

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The benefits of hearing aids

Improved Independence

People who have progressive hearing loss find it challenging to maintain their independence. When you can’t hear very well, things like driving can be pretty risky. This means that you will be dependent on others to get you where you need to go. Aside from this, some people report feeling anxious when they are in a busy environment because they cannot hear clearly. As a result, even routine things such as grocery shopping can be pretty unpleasant for them. With hearing aids, you will be able to do things on your own once more, and your confidence will increase as a result.

Improved Career Options

Hearing loss is frequently associated with decreased performance at work. If you are unable to hear instructions clearly, you are more likely to make mistakes. If your performance is significantly affected, you may be considered unfit to work for a while. It is highly challenging for persons with hearing loss to perform any profession requiring them to speak on the phone consistently. According to research, those who are hard of hearing are considerably more likely than the general population to have a loss in their income due to their condition. However, if you wear hearing aids, you can cut your income loss by as much as 90 percent.

Improved Relationships

Maintaining positive relationships might be challenging when you have hearing loss. Inability to communicate effectively between you and your partner may result in unnecessary disputes, and it is more difficult to communicate well when you have a hearing impairment. Listening to and following talks in social circumstances can be challenging if you have hearing loss, especially in a noisy environment. As a result, people may avoid social events, and their relationships with friends may suffer due to this. Individuals who isolate themselves may be at greater risk of developing mental health concerns such as depression.

Improved Health

Worrying about your hearing and living with hearing loss, you cannot recover without aids can affect your health. The added stress and strains this can cause lead to poor health and exacerbate existing health conditions. Getting your hearing checked and using hearing aids can help you to improve your health both physically and mentally.

How to Protect Your Child’s Hearing

As a responsible and loving parent, you want to give your offspring the best start in life. You’ll come across all kinds of handy hints and tips that teach you how to be a better parent or how to stop your child from making terrible mistakes in their formative years.

The truth is, your child will come across all sorts of challenges in their life. What’s important is that you’re there to support your son or daughter through the good times and the bad ones.

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Of course, there are some things you should do to stop problems for your child occurring when they get older. One such example is damaging their hearing. The following will give you some practical tips and advice on how to keep their hearing sharp as they grow up:

Teach Your Child to Respect Their Hearing

It’s no secret that children will often do stuff first and think about their actions later. Unfortunately, some of those actions could result in irreversible hearing damage, which is why you should teach your child to respect their hearing.

As you may know, there are many life challenges faced by persons with hearing impairment, and you don’t want your child to face such challenges if you can help it. With that in mind, here’s what you could do:

  • Have your child to identify their most-favorite sounds and listen to them;
  • Ask how they would feel if they could never hear those sounds again.

When your child realizes the importance of respecting their hearing, they will appreciate the sounds around them and avoid situations that could jeopardize their hearing.

Gift Your Child Noise-Canceling Headphones

In situations where your child is traveling somewhere, for example, they might wish to listen to music or sounds from their favorite portable video games console. If they use standard headphones, they might need to turn up the volume loud to hear the desired sounds.

As you can imagine, prolonged exposure to loud noises and sounds can damage your hearing. Noise-canceling headphones allow your child to listen to those sounds at lower volumes because all the background noise around them will get blocked out.

Have Your Child Use Protective Ear Muffs

Is your son or daughter particularly sensitive to loud noises? If so, investing in a set of children’s protective ear muffs is a good idea. They can wear them if they likely get exposed to loud noises, such as walking past traffic or going on public transport.

Protective ear muffs can also work well if you and your child go to social gatherings where people are talking loudly, or there are loud outdoor activities taking place, such as concerts with music blaring from loudspeakers, or indoor ones like parties.

Keep the Volume Down on Electronic Devices

Finally, when your child watches TV at home or plays computer games, there’s no reason why they should have the volume set high. With that in mind, enforce a policy of maintaining low volume on all electronic devices.