Do you have any hobbies? Do any of those hobbies involve you getting into nature and being a part of the great outdoors? When it comes to your life, are you spending more time at work without any downtime? You need to consider, then, whether a hobby would be a good idea for you. Having a hobby that gives you a break from being a Dad or being a Worker means that you are taking on a hobby that gives you time to breathe. Finding the right hobby isn’t often easy, but what if you took up gardening?
You don’t have to be completely green thumbed to take up gardening, and we’ll start with that point. A hobby isn’t designed to make you an expert on a topic, it’s designed to show you beauty is quite literally in the palm of your hands. You can grow Palm Trees and create beautiful color coordination in the rose bushes outside. You can learn how to lay a lawn and grow your own bushes, and when you do that, you can create something beautiful. Not only will it add value to your home, but you will get so much out of it! With this in mind, here are some of the most popular reasons that you should take up gardening.

- You can grow your own food. It may not seem like much, but being able to grow your own food right at your door is going to make such a drastic difference in the way you eat and live. Define a section of your garden to act as your vegetable patch and consider looking into sod farms in colorado that can supply you with quality turf to lay down so that your plants have a healthy spot to grow. Who wants to pay for organic foods if you can just grow them yourself? Veggies that are fresh and right out of the garden hold more nutrients than those in the store that have traveled for miles. You’ll be able to eat the veggies you like, too, as you can choose what you grow!
- You’ll get some fresh air. When you work inside, it’s not actually all that easy to get outside and into the fresh air. Your ability to look after a garden is going to improve and the chance that you have to be outside is going to give you a moment to breathe after a stuffy week in the office.
- You’re going to save cash. If you tend to your garden yourself you are going to save the money on the gardening team you’d usually call to do it for you. The cost of organic produce is rising, too, and you’ll save so much money if you start growing your own. If you plan it well, you can ensure that you have food through the year for your vegetables and your fruits. It’s a great way to slash the cost of your grocery budget.
- It’s going to look beautiful in your hand. Imagine having a hobby where you’re creating beauty in your property. You aren’t playing sports as much and you’re not into painting, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make your home somewhere you can be proud of. Let’s be honest, your garden is an extension of your home, and you want it to look its best!
- You’ll be benefiting the kids, too. If you have children, you can get them out into the garden with you and teach them how to plant veggies. You can really get them absorbed in the great outdoors and you could even ensure that they have their own vegetable patch and they can choose the things that they plant. Come time to flower, you might find a mix of tomatoes, peppers and strawberries!
- Expanding your interests. In a world of technology, it’s very easy to get caught up in iPads and iPhones. Gardening is a fantastic way to expand your horizons and learn something new. Gardening isn’t about just chucking some seeds onto soil and hoping for the best. There is a science and a technique to getting it right, and you could learn just how to do it! You can meet with other gardeners and eventually, you could even have your own allotment!
- Time for you. One of the best reasons to choose gardening as a hobby is that you will be able to have time for yourself. It’s this time that will change the way you view the time that you do have. You’ll want to fit in time to get to the garden, it really does give you a calm space in which to think and just be. It’s something we all need from time to time.
- Getting back to basics. Gardeners need to be patient people. You need to learn how to be patient while you wait for things to germinate, to plant, to grow. It takes time to wait for all of these things to happen and come together, and you will spend a lot of time waiting for the next step and the next step again after that. You get to go back to basics, and these basics can be life affirming.
- You get to dabble as a healer. If you grow your own herbs, you get to play alchemist. You can plant healing herbs and feel like you’re your own therapist. Try making your own tea leaves, or growing mint for herbal teas. It’s fun and you can figure out what works to make you feel good on the inside.
- You can achieve something. It takes time to grow a garden, so if you manage to do it and keep your garden looking beautiful, you’re achieving something. Setting your mind to a task like this one is huge. Similarly to conquering your first Beef Wellington, there is a sense of achievement within it that just doesn’t go away. Go ahead and start with a small patch of earth, and then watch your garden grow.
Growing your own garden is one of the hobbies that will give you time, peace and perspective. It’s also a huge workout to lug machinery around cutting grass and other things. Tone up, enjoy and just get started.