She’s giving Going Mom and I enough material to make several posts per day, but for now, I’ll stick to just once a week of something good. Maybe I’ll include more than once conversation on some, but today it’s just one quick discussion I had with Avery. And yes, it has to do with both nipples and swimming.
For context, I was in a hurry trying to make good on my promise that we’d go to the pool if she behaved at the store. Well, she behaved, but it was getting close to lunch before nap time. After going potty (her, not me), the conversation went like this…
Me: Okay, good job, Avery, now lets wash our hands and get ready for a quick swim.
Avery: Ooooo, I both pee and poop!
Me: Wow, you did, good job dear! Do you want to flush?
Avery: Yes!! <—- it’s like a reward for her to get to flush
Me: *toilet flushing* Okay, now we need to wash our hands.
Avery and Me: Singing Itsy Bitsy Spider as we wash.
Me: Now, since this will be a quick swim, I’m not going to put your swim shirt on, okay? You can just be shirtless like daddy! <—-the thing is kinda of tight and she cries every time I work it over her head, so just not worth the trouble for 10 minutes of swimming.
Avery: Yes. We can have nipples!
Me: *laughing* Yes, dear, we can have nipples.
Avery: Daddy has hairy nipples.
Me: True, they are kind of hairy….
I went on to explain how guys usually have hair on the chest and belly. She said something about standing on her froggy stool and then we went for a quick swim. The result?
Yeah, she’s loving it. No one else is going to our neighborhood pool since it’s been cloudy outside and fairly cold, so we get it to ourselves every visit so far. She’s already swimming by herself with her floaties and you can tell how proud she is for the feat.
Do you document the funny things your kid says?
Care to share any?