Tag Archives: kids

Raising a Tiny Superhuman: Getting the Best Advice from Ben Greenfield

For the past few months, I’ve been enjoying listening to podcasts covering topics on fitness, nutrition, and obviously, being a dad. I have a few favorites on fitness/nutrition that I look forward to each week, but for the dad podcast, I only listen to The Life of Dad Podcast since it’s all you need for Dad-ertainment!

Regarding the fitness and nutrition podcasts I’m subscribed to, the one I listen to the most is from Ben Greenfield Fitness. Ben Greenfield is one of the world’s top personal trainers and wellness consultants who, in 2013, was voted as one of the top 100 most influential people in the health and fitness industry. Plus, Ben and his co-host, Brock, always put on an entertaining and informative show.

Since I’ve discovered his podcast, I’ve been listening along as I go on my daily walks with Avery. Hopefully she’s picking up on the great info too! As a dad to 6 year old twin boys, Ben frequently mentions the fun, creative ways he includes them in many of his exercise routines and has provided tons of advice on how to keep kids active and healthy. Or, as he puts it, raising tiny superhumans.

The world needs more tire flipping families!

Taking his words of wisdom on how to raise tiny superhumans, Going Mom and I have been implementing what we can to ensure Avery maintains her superhuman status all the way into adulthood.


Before she was mobile, Kelley and I would do workout videos together as Avery watched in her jumper or swing. Now that she crawls and is almost walking (so freakin’ close!), we depend on her jumper to keep her content as we workout.

Avery Under Squat Rack

We have a power squat rack with an Olympic barbell set in our garage in which I use to follow an upper/lower strength routine. We now have her jumper setup in the garage, and luckily Avery tends to enjoy this time making her own jumper workout.

Happy to workout in the garage.
Happy to workout in the garage.

I guess every day is “lower” day for her! Actually, with how much she crawls and pulls up on everything all day long, she’s getting a full body workout every day of the week. I’d say she’s on her way, if not already there, to superhuman status!

Ben also gives plenty of nutrition advice for kids (most adults should use it too!) that Kelley and I will surely use as Avery grows. For now, her main source is still breast milk, as all babies should have and deserve, along with steamed veggies and a little egg at dinnertime.

Going Mom and I also make it a point to get on the floor with Avery and simply play.


This does so much for a child’s development, and once she’s older I’ll add in a little rough housing too.

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Ben speaks on this in his podcast, “10 Tips for Raising Healthy, Smart, and Successful Kids” where he brings up playing with your kids releases oxytocin in both parents and their children.

Seriously, if you’re a parent, go listen to that podcast now! Ben and his friend, Ari, give all kinds of great advice on ways to exercise with your kids and incorporate healthy food in their diets. Some of my favorite things mentioned are:

– Going to a park or any open field and let your kids practice kicking a soccer ball or throwing a frisbee as you sprint after them to “fetch” and bring them back. Upon returning, he then suggests doing 5 burpees together, or you can whatever you and your kids are capable of.

– Doing pushups and pullups with kids on back. 

– If you work out at home, have mini versions of your equipment available so your kids can see and mimic your workouts. You can buy things like mini kettlebells and medicine balls made specifically for kids and I can’t wait to get both for Avery.

– Go on hikes and wear a weight vest to keep you from going too far ahead. Ben also mentions using an elevation training mask to make it even more challenging for you and I already bought mine to have ready once Avery is walking on her own. Then, if/when your kids tire, pick them up and carry them for a bonus challenge.

Elevation training mask + babywearing=not impressed
Elevation training mask + babywearing = not impressed

– Making use of essential oils instead of modern medicine. Use lavender oil on your kids’ pillow to help them relax and sleep peacefully or treat infections with oil of oregano. Even remove warts using lemon oil instead of the dangerous chemicals sold in most stores.

I could go on with a long list of things Ben and his many guests give on how to raise tiny superhumans, but I suggest you go have a listen or read for yourself. As a matter of fact, he has an awesome e-book titled “10 Ways to Grow Tiny Superhumans” you can download now and start incorporating his healthy advice today. And it’s not limited to just your kids, this advice is beneficial for us parents too!

For more informative articles Ben published on the topic of kids, check out this link to his website and have a look around.

I get antsy every time I listen to Ben mention some new activity he did with his twin boys as I can’t wait to do the same with Avery as she grows. That said, I’m not rushing her to grow up anymore….time is going fast enough as is!

Have you heard of or listened to Ben Greenfield?

Do you currently do anything active or healthy with your kids to turn them into tiny superhumans?

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any form for this post and all thoughts/opinions are strictly my own. That’s not to say I didn’t try though!!! 🙂

Help Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. Create a Healthier Generation

Hi guys!

Hope your Saturday is off to a great start and full of fun activities or relaxation, or maybe both!

Going Mom, Avery, and I will be out and about looking for a few clothing items for our daughter and hopefully we all have a great time along the way.

Anyone following my blog or who personally knows me, knows how much I value both good nutrition and exercise. If you didn’t know, well, I value both good nutrition and exercise; there you go.

My wife and I make it a point to show Avery how we keep active and include her whenever possible. I’ve even shared a few ways to workout with your baby on this blog. Here are a few:

When we can’t include her, she’ll watch us (or the camera) in action as we workout.

Going Mom rockin' the lunges with an overhead press!!
Going Mom rockin’ the lunges with an overhead press!!

But, not all children are exposed to a daily regimen of exercise and healthy food choices/options. Obviously this is something I am passionate about and it saddens me to know so many kids and adults both are unaware or don’t care about having a better quality of life.

I understand time is a big issue, 9 times out of 10, there’s a way to make it work. Something is always better than nothing!

Which brings me to Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. This organization works with groups and individuals across the country to implement “health-promoting school programs and resources.”

Action for Healthy Kids acknowledges that if the current trend of unhealthy kids continues, their generation will be the first to live shorter lives than their parents!

Here’s a quote from their website:

At Action for Healthy Kids, we believe that all children should be healthy and ready to learn. Sadly, they’re not. One in three of our kids is overweight or obese, putting them at risk for a variety of health complications and chronic diseases, including heart disease, gallbladder disease, asthma, Type 2 diabetes and cancer.

They are helping to combat this trend by providing resources needed across the country to “Learn, Act, & Transform”. They do this by:

  • Staff – We have a small, but mighty national staff of professionals with expertise in the fields of nutrition, physical activity, education, social justice and communications.

  • Partnerships – We work through a highly-collaborative partnership network of more than 70 national organizations representing leaders in health, education, fitness, nutrition, governmental agencies, corporations and others who care about kids. Together, we make health-promoting school programs and resources accessible.

  • Volunteers – Our legion of dedicated volunteers – school leaders, health professionals, parents, students and others – from within the ranks of our 70,000+ constituency, work through schools in every state and the District of Columbia to improve the health of children.

  • With Your Support – We need the support of millions to create social change. Consider getting involved – whether you donate, volunteer or fundraise for the cause – your help can make a big difference in the lives of children.


My birthday is just less than a month away, and I set a goal to earn $100 on the fundraiser website, Crowdrise before I turn 30.

This is where I am asking you for help. If you can and are willing, I ask that you please help by donating to this very important cause.

Just click on the link below to go to my Crowdrise page and donate whatever you can.


Please share this with your friends and family and help Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. create a healthier generation of children.

You can also visit their website and sign up to take their Every Kid Healthy Pledge.

I’m signed up and ready to go; starting with our precious Avery.

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Do you try to stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle to your children?

If so, please share.

The Bathroom of Solace

Old Bathroom

Bathroom – A room containing a bathtub or shower and usually also a sink and a toilet.

Solace – Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

No, I’m not sad, far from, but as a parent, aren’t we all a little distressed? If you said no, what pills are you taking?

As I was minding my own business looking at other people’s business on Facebook, I happened upon this picture from Someecards.com:

Bathroom Solace

I am not a woman, and I only have one baby, but this pretty much sums up how I feel.

One reason I look forward to the weekend so much is that Going Mom will be home and I can sit in peace in the bathroom when the need arises. And shi….I mean sit in peace I do!

For the other five days, Avery gets to hang with me every morning around the same time (consistency is good!) while she stares. Or, sometimes, I get lucky and she’ll just fall asleep…

Even Freddy the Firefly is out!
Even Freddy the Firefly is out!

Poor wife, she has to wait on me to make breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning, but I usually have an extended “me time” in the bathroom. 30 minutes is usually the max, then it gets uncomfortable; probably like you if I go any more into detail. Sorry.

But at the same time, not sorry. I mean, as a parent, you have to be comfortable with bathroom (i.e. potty) talk. I’ve only been a dad for 5 months, but I have a feeling poop, pee, and even puke (the three P’s) are a big part of raising a child.

If you’re a soon-to-be parent, get comfortable with the three P’s now. Practice by talking about how you need to tend to your “business” with your friends and family.

While at a big social gathering for the holidays or any occasion, just announce when you need to go; add how badly for extra points. Awkward looks will follow, but stand strong and flash a confident smile as you walk to your announced destination!

Many people see potty talk as taboo, but it’s something we all have to do and should be able to speak freely about. You don’t have to go into specifics, I do with certain people, but there’s no reason not to talk about it with others in general.

It’s quite obvious I am comfortable with and even enjoy bathroom talk from some of my previous posts…..

  1. How Our Daughter Saves us Water
  2. Are You a Paranoid Parent?
  3. Toilet Seats Up!
  4. Baby Compliments at a Urinal
  5. 10 Things Baby Wearing Dads Should Never Say In a Public Bathroom
  6. Just Go Poop!

Going Mom and I are very open about our bathroom ventures and I feel our relationship is that much stronger because of this. Hiding anything is never good in a relationship. I mean, amiright? We even all go to the bathroom together! Whoa, not like that, just to clean it….

Protesting the cleaning by slouching and kicking her Firefly toy off...
Protesting the cleaning by slouching and kicking her Firefly toy off…

I don’t want Avery to be scared to discuss her bathroom needs either, so we’ll all be open together. If you ever engage in conversation with us, just be prepared!

I have always enjoyed bathroom time as my peace and quiet time, but now I’ve grown to seriously cherish it. Vacation? No thanks, I’ll just go poop.

What are your thoughts towards talking about the bathroom?

Do you refuge in bathroom often?