Kelley is full of great ideas for our home, but, much to her dismay, I tend to stray in this area. If it was up to me, I’d seek the the help of professional lawn care services. Something like around where we live would be first on my list!
I focus more on what to cook for our family and of course keeping active. Good thing a big requirement of her backyard project entailed moving dirt, which fit perfectly with being active and working together as a family. Win-Win!
I made sure to stay on track with my squat every day program, and then it was time to get dirty together. Actually, compared to my hardworking wife, I didn’t get as dirty. I did the grunt work of digging up our existing dirt soil crappy clay with rocks and carrying it out with a wheelbarrow to a dirt dump site nearby and then moving the 4 cubic yards of dirt you see in our driveway.
The first half felt like it took forever to even make a dent in the pile, but the second one went much faster. Kelley did the dirt-y work (I crack myself up) by getting into the dirt to spread it around in the 3 garden sections she made. Basically, my dirty level paled in comparison to hers. When she sets her mind on a project, she doesn’t mess around! (Seriously, I’m on fire!)
Speaking of mess, our little toddler, who’s growing more defiant each day, “helped” by getting in the dirt with Mommy and falling several times. I mean feet flying in the air kind of falling; it was hilarious, but only because she didn’t get hurt. As long as she was outside (one of her favorite words right now), she was all smiles.
That’s a lie, of course there were a few meltdowns, but nothing that serious. Oh, and stopping everything to announce that a plane was overhead and waving.
That waving, it’s serious business.
All weekend long, Kelley was hard at work with one mission; finish the project! She wouldn’t let anything stand in the way either. Well, besides this tree….
….but only that was temporary. Although I claim to not care that much about landscaping, I’m impressed by and enjoy seeing what my wife created in our backyard. It was great working on the project together and I loved taking on the labor of moving out the old dirt and bringing in the new. But I can’t take all the credit, Avery did walk around making sure to stand right in the way as we moved around.
She was just making sure Mommy and Daddy weren’t slacking. Which, I didn’t take the best pictures here, but obviously the end result looks good to me.

Let me reiterate, all of the good looks come from Going Mom, I just took and dumped dirt as directed by the boss. Oh, and found humor lurking around the new trees…
Kelley had planned to tackle this project several weeks ago, but things kept getting in the way. Spending time together with my girls as we worked on a project together made for a quality (albeit dirty) bonding experience, and left good vibes throughout our home. I even installed a new faucet Kelley happened to pick-up at the store while I was away at the At-Home Dads Convention.
“Accomplished” is the word of the weekend in our home, with an equal side of love and happiness.
Did you do anything fun this weekend?
Are you the project planner in your home, or tend to avoid them as I do?