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Common Pains You Shouldn’t Ignore

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It’s never a good idea to ignore pain – pain is your body’s response that something is wrong. Some types of pain are more common than others and in some cases they may not be a sign of anything too serious and may subside by themselves. However, you should be wary of certain pains that could be a sign of a more severe problem. Below are just some of the common pains you should never ignore. 

Back and neck pain

An achy back or neck could be caused by a number of things such as poor posture, wearing uncomfortable shoes or carrying heavy loads incorrectly. Such pains may only be a temporary strain at first, but could turn into permanent pain if you don’t change your habits (i.e. correcting your posture, wearing comfortable flat shoes and learning the right form when lifting).

Pains that develop suddenly after an accident should be a particular concern. You should see a doctor as soon as you can to make sure you haven’t got a spinal injury. If not checked on and treated, certain back or neck injuries that may seem minor can lead to paralysis or even death. 

Joint pain

Like neck and back pain, the majority of joint pain is caused by repetitive strain from things like poor posture or incorrect footwear. It’s important to correct any bad habits before such a pain becomes permanent.

Joint pain following an accident is something to look into straight away. Many people develop injuries while running and never follow them up, dismissing it as a strain when it could be a fracture. By seeking a doctor early, you can avoid making the injury worse by continuing to walk or run on it. 

A toothache

Toothaches are usually a sign or decay or an infection. If ignored, toothaches can get worse. Infection may also spread to other teeth and even parts of the body.

If you get a toothache, it’s a good idea to book an appointment with your local dentist. Don’t wait for a toothache to go away on its own – while this can happen, it could be a sign that an infection has got so bad that it has killed off your nerves in your tooth.

Chest pain

Chest pain should never be ignored as it could be a lung or heart problem. This is usually a very different type of pain to something innocuous like heartburn and may be accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath or dizziness. You should seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing pain in your chest. 

Intense abdomen pain

Stomach aches are very common and could be caused by something that isn’t too serious such as gas, a stitch, menstruation, mild food poisoning or IBS triggers. Intense pain in the abdomen is usually a sign of something more and should not be ignored. 

Appendicitis, pancreatitis, kidney stones, urine infections and ulcers are some of the more serious problems that could be causing intense abdominal pain. You should see a doctor straight away to check it’s nothing serious. 

A severe headache

We’ve all experienced mild headaches from stress and dehydration. Severe headaches are usually a sign of something beyond this – and should never be ignored. It could be a migraine or it could be a brain issue that needs urgent attention. 

Headaches following injuries should always be chased up. This is particularly the case if they are accompanied by dizziness and nausea. 

Health Checks To Consider For Your Child

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Being able to spot health problems early can allow you to seek treatment early. With children, this can be very important for not just overcoming the problem, but also limiting any damage to your child’s development. Below are just some of the key health checks to consider looking into for your child. 

Dental check-ups

It’s worth regularly taking your children to the dentist to check on their dental health. Children consume a lot of sugar and don’t always have the best dental regime. Dental check-ups can allow you to determine whether your child’s teeth are in good condition so that you can limit sugar or enforce a stricter dental routine if necessary. 

Children can also experience dental problems as a result of adult teeth coming through incorrectly. In fact, it’s usually a good idea to visit a dentist after your child’s adult teeth have come through just to check that there are no complications (although ideally you should try to visit a dentist twice per year). 

Eye tests

Many children experience loss of vision during childhood. Not being able to see clearly can affect children’s ability to learn by not being able to see the board or not being able to read textbooks clearly. An eye test can help to determine if your child needs glasses so that they can learn at the right pace. 

Some schools will carry out eye tests on children. If not, it could be worth booking an eye test at your local optician or with a pediatric specialist. An online search for ‘oahu pediatrics‘ or a similar term tailored to your location will help you find professionals near you who specialize in children’s eye care. The experts will conduct a thorough assessment to ensure your child’s vision is healthy. This post lists some of the signs that your child may need glasses.

Hearing tests

On top of testing your child’s vision, it could also be worth testing your child’s hearing. Imparied hearing can have just as negative an impact on learning and can also negatively affect your child’s ability to socialise and communicate.

An audiologist can carry out a hearing test on your child. A hearing aid can then be prescribed to your child if they have hearing loss. You can check out some of the signs of hearing loss in children here

Tests for genetic conditions

You should be wary of any genetic conditions that run in your family. It could be worth running tests on your kids to determine that they have not inherited these conditions – especially if they could be dangerous if not treated or if they could negatively affect your child’s development. A few examples of such conditions include hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and heart disease.  

A doctor will be able to carry out tests for these conditions. This could allow you to pursue the necessary treatment options for your child early.

Other health checks to considerIf you worry that your child may have a condition, it’s always worth looking into relevant health checks. For example, if your child is displaying signs of autism, don’t be afraid to look into an autism assessment – it could be essential for giving your child the upbringing they need. Any concerning abnormality is worth seeing a health professional for.

How to Recover from Illness in the Healthiest Way Possible

When you’re dealing with illness or injury, your focus is usually on trying to get back to normal as quickly as possible. And although that’s completely understandable, it’s also important to consider the fact that recovering best is not always about recovering fast. We’re going to talk today about the healthiest ways to recover from illness and get back on track. So read on now to find out more about that.

Don’t Run Before You Can Walk

First of all, you need to make sure that your health comes first and that you don’t try to rush this whole process. That’s something that some people definitely make the mistake of doing, and it’s a mistake that you should definitely do your best to avoid. In short, you should make sure that you can walk before you try to start running. It sounds obvious, but it’s tempting to push yourself too hard too soon when you crave a return to normal.

Stay in Touch with Your Care Providers

Staying in touch with your care providers as you go through your recovery at home is something that’s very important. Sure, you’ll be sick of talking to doctors sooner rather than later, but that certainly doesn’t mean that you can start ignoring their advice and thinking you know better. The chances are you probably don’t know better at all.

Understand Your Unique Needs

It’s vitally important to understand your needs and how they’re unique to you. No matter how many other people have already been through what you’re going through, it’s important to consider what makes your needs different so your doctors can address them specifically. No one wants cookie cutter care. Places like MedComp Sciences can help with testing that’ll get to the bottom of your unique needs better.

Drink More Fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids is the tip that can be applied to just about every health situation, especially when you’re recovering from an illness or injury. Drinking more fluids helps to give the body the hydration it needs to function and carry out vital healing. So one of the most important things you can do is drink water and get the nutrition you need as you recover.

Practice Meditation and Breathing Exercises
Finally, you should think about your mental balance and your mental health. If you want to stay calm and on track, you should try to make the most of meditation and breathing exercises. These can help you to stay balanced and motivated, without getting too down and negative about the situation you find yourself in. There are lots of guides out there on starting meditation, so make the most of them.

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As you can see, there are lots of things you need to think about and put in place when looking to bounce back from illness in the healthiest way possible. Making sure that you’re monitored by your doctors and listening to their advice is perhaps the most important part of all of this. And don’t take any unnecessary risks with your health and recovery.