Tag Archives: life

5 Easy Cocktails for the Fall

cocktails, alcohol, coffee, keurig, drinks, fall, autumn

As school begins and the busy schedule resumes, there’s nothing better than kicking back at the end of a long day and having a well-crafted cocktail. But if you don’t have the time or energy to be your own bartender, here are five boozy beverages that take seconds to prepare.

Hard coffee, hard cider – whatever your drink of choice, you can pop a Cask and Kettle k-pod into your brewing system or mix with water and a complete cocktail is ready. (Added bonus: there’s no added sugar, no artificial additives and about 130 calories per cup).

Irish Coffee

Your favorite classic whiskey cocktail prepared with a modern twist. Coffee with the aroma of smoky whiskey mixed with the welcoming allure of dark roasted beans and buttery caramel. The perfect balance of Irish Whiskey and robust flavor with a mild sweetness.

Mexican Coffee

This coffee cocktail offers the smooth mouthfeel and light agave flavor of silver tequila combined with darker notes of roasted coffee with a whisper of Mexican chocolate at the finish. If you want to add a dark chocolate treat, add a chocolate to the mug and brew the Mexican Coffee on top and stir.

Hot Blonde

A satisfying blend of lightly roasted coffee and full-bodied, crisp vodka. Malty vanilla and vodka hard coffee flavor notes. A beautiful sable color, decadent aroma and notes of a cozy fall afternoon.

Spiked Hard Cider

cocktails, alcohol, coffee, keurig, drinks, fall, autumn

A smooth, warm beverage with a fresh tart apple flavor followed by a hint of vodka and cinnamon. Perfect as an adults-only dessert! Slice an orange (blood orange), rim the lip of the mug with the orange slice and squeeze the juice into the hot spiked cider.

For more ideas and to find out where you can purchase Cask & Kettle ready-to-brew hot cocktails, visit its website at www.caskandkettleusa.com.

Can Not Wearing a Helmet Impact a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Motorcycle riders can file a legal claim if they cannot get compensation through an auto insurance policy. After an accident, it is necessary to report the accident to law enforcement and get an accident report. The parties involved in the accident need to know the identity of the person who caused the accident, and they will need a report showing that an accident happened.

When assessing the results of a motorcycle accident, the victims must consider what laws applied to them and if they violated these laws. You can also click atlantapiattorney.com to learn more about it.

Comparative fault rulings could present a dismissal of their case if the rider broke the law and caused the accident.

What Are the Current Helmet Laws?

The current motorcycle helmet laws require motorcycle riders to have at least personal injury protection coverage if they do not wear a helmet. The law applies to all riders who are at least 21 years old, and all individuals younger than 21 are required to wear a helmet regardless of whether they have insurance coverage.

The additional insurance coverage helps them if they are involved in an accident and sustain serious injuries. However, the circumstances of the accident could take precedence over how the lack of a helmet could impact the legal claim. Victims of motorcycle accidents learn more by hiring an accident attorney now.

Does It Matter If The Victim Is Wearing a Helmet?

While the law doesn’t require all riders to wear helmets, it is possible that the defense could present evidence that shows the victim could have avoided their injuries if they chose to wear a motorcycle helmet.

In some cases, it is possible to introduce comparative fault rulings because the victim chose not to wear a helmet. For example, in high-traffic areas, there is a greater probability of auto or motorcycle accidents.

Riders who choose not to wear a helmet could place themselves at greater risk by travelling down more congested highways and interstates. It is seriously important to remember that all motorcycle accidents can be life changing or even fatal and should the victim sustain a serious life-changing injury, such as a brain injury, or worse, the lack of head protection could play a role in defining fault and accountability in a legal claim. Despite the current laws, there remains a probability that the rider could sustain far more serious injuries if they choose not to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

Wearing a helmet in such accident cases helps your attorney to prove your case legit and deserving to seek a claim. There are many motorcycle accident laws associated with it. You can visit here and explore all about these laws.

Filing an Insurance Claim After the Accident

The accountable party could file an insurance claim to cover the medical expenses, property damage, and other financial losses incurred by the victim. If the motorcycle rider has personal injury protection coverage, they can file through their own insurer to get coverage for their medical expenses.

However, the PIP coverage doesn’t cover the loss of their motorcycle or any additional economic losses they incurred because of the accident. The accountable driver can file a claim to get the motorcycle repaired, but the victim will need at least three estimates from an auto body shop. If the accountable driver doesn’t have insurance coverage, the victim must start a legal claim to get compensation for their economic losses.

What You Need for a Legal Claim

Before starting a legal claim for the motorcycle accident, the victim needs evidentiary support for their claim. For example, they must start with their medical records that outline all their accident injuries and link the injuries to the motorcycle accident.

Next, they need witnesses that saw the accident and could testify on the victim’s behalf. The witnesses will need to be deposed by their attorneys who will verify the events that led to the accident. This is where finding a motorcycle injury lawyer will help ensure all necessary steps are taken.

The attorney will need a copy of the accident report that explains law enforcement’s assessment of the accident. The officers identify the accountable party who caused the accident, and all parties must file the accident report with their insurer. If the victim didn’t report the accident, the odds of starting a legal claim decrease unless it was a hit-and-run accident in which the victim or witnesses can identify the other party.

The victim needs three estimates for repair costs for their motorcycle, and they will submit these estimates with their legal claim. The court will assess the estimates and choose the median cost.

If the victim filed any insurance claims related to the motorcycle accident, they must disclose all funds received from the claim to their attorney. If they were denied coverage, the victim must provide the details to their lawyer, too.

Is Insurance Required for Motorcycle Riders?

No, the state of Florida doesn’t require motorcycle riders to purchase or maintain liability coverage for the motorcycle. The insurance mandate applies to automobiles only. For this reason, if a motorcycle rider causes an accident, they will not have coverage unless they choose to purchase a policy. If the motorcycle rider is the victim, they can seek compensation through the auto owner’s insurance coverage.

What Can Victims Expect If They Win?

Typically, these cases offer monetary awards based on the economic losses incurred by the victim. The monetary award covers medical expenses, auto or motorcycle repair costs, and may replace lost wages. Some accident cases could lead to tort-based awards if the victim sustained serious or life-altering injuries.

For example, victims who lose a limb, organ function, or sustain traumatic brain injuries may receive a higher award. If a traumatic brain injury leads to the need for nursing care, the family could sue the accountable driver on the victim’s behalf.

Motorcycle riders must obey all traffic laws and decrease their risk of an accident. However, in the state of Florida, there aren’t any enforced laws that require riders over the age of 21 to wear a motorcycle helmet. This could present some issues for the victim and the defendant in a lawsuit. First, it could lead to more serious injuries, and it is possible that the rider could face some comparative fault rulings because they chose not to wear a helmet. Even though it isn’t against the law, it does present the riders with more serious risks and could lead to serious brain injuries during an accident. By reviewing the laws, the riders determine if they have a viable claim after an accident.

What Are Some Easy Ways To Be Healthier?

It doesn’t take much to become healthier. You don’t have to go to the gym every day and work out for hours (although if that is what you want to do, we won’t stop you as long as you warm up properly first and don’t push yourself too hard all at once); there are some extremely easy ways to become healthier that everyone can do every day, and that they can lead their family to do too. They may only be small things, but the results can be enormous. Here are some of the easiest.

healthier, health, healthy, fitness, exercise, nutrition, diet, food,
Image from Pixabay

Put Your Linens In The Laundry 

If your bed linens haven’t been washed in a while, get them off the bed and into the laundry. Dust mites tend to gather on unwashed linens, and they can trigger some nasty allergies. Wash your bed linens every week in hot water, and they’ll leave you alone. While you’re at it, you can use a duvet and mattress cover to give you even more protection. 

Look Out For Side Effects 

If you have been given medication by your doctor or you use Benecard PBF to fill your prescriptions, make sure you read all the labeling and information that comes with it. It’s important to know what you’re taking, but it’s equally important to know what the side effects might be so that if you start to suffer from any of them, you can do something about it. 

Silence Your Phone 

Nighttime is for sleeping, not for being disturbed by your smartphone. Make sure that you silence it before you go to bed (preferably at least an hour before if you can), and don’t touch it until the morning. If you use it as an alarm clock, don’t worry; it will still wake you up, but it will be when you choose, not when someone sends a text late at night. If you really don’t like the idea of being out of touch with friends and family, make sure you let them all know not to contact you between certain hours unless it’s an emergency. Even better: turn the phone off completely. 

Lower The Volume 

Listening to music can be relaxing, and that, of course, is good for you. Listening to music that’s too loud, however, can be bad for your health. Most MP3 players can go up to 120 decibels, which is far too loud for human ears and can cause hearing damage or loss over time. Don’t crank the volume up over 60 percent, and don’t use your headphones for more than an hour at a time without having a 20-minute break to allow your hearing to reset. 

Microwave The Dish Sponge 

Most likely, your kitchen dish sponge is the dirtiest, most germ-filled thing in your whole house, and the bacteria that it contains can easily make you and your family ill. Zap them in the microwave once a week for 30 seconds, or even put them in the dishwasher if you prefer. That will destroy the germs entirely and make the sponge safe to use again.