Tag Archives: life

Parenting 101: A Dad’s Guide to a Happy Way of Life

Being a father is a stressful job, especially when you are new to it. Knowing that you have to take care of a bit of a human being can feel a little overwhelming. That said, it doesn’t mean you have to fight the stress all on your own. You have several effective ways that can help you in dealing with this problem.

So, if you have recently become a father and find it hard to deal with all the stress coming your way – here is a practical guide to help you that can significantly improve your life quality by making you happier and healthier at the same time. So without any further ado, let’s get started:

Add the Positive Effects of Herbs in Your Life

Cannabis is worldwide known for its stress-relieving properties. If you are also struggling with stress lately, you should look for ways to help you take advantage of this fantastic herb. That said, there are countless ways to take advantage of this herb, but the most popular among men is the ability to use it with a dab. Many find it one of the most excellent techniques of consuming marijuana.

Simply put, with dabbing, you consume concentrated cannabis by dropping a small amount on the hot surface of the dab rig. However, to maintain and ideally use a dab rig, you’ll need a rosin collector that helps you enhance this herb’s experience. With its regular use, you’ll feel stress taking a backseat while you become better at dealing with your child. Further, it’ll help you take the edge off of your mind, which will give you more reasons to spend your time with your loved ones.

Make Sure You Spend Quality Time With Your Kids and Family

Once you become a father, the more time you spend with your loved ones, the better it is for you and your children(s). Sometimes, you just have to listen to what they need to say, and it can solve all your children’s problems.

To spend quality time with your children, you can plan for a family event. You can take them to the movies or a sports event. These small initiatives will also help you to know about your child’s interests. It can help you nurture them while providing you with multiple ideas on connecting with your kids. It will ultimately help you become a better father and a parent.

Eat Healthy and Never Miss a Chance to Workout

When you know you have a beautiful family to take care of, that depends on you; your physical well-being becomes of utmost importance. As a father, you not only have to deal with your problems, but you also have to handle the problems of your loved ones. And how you can deal with these problems if you are not taking care of yourself.

Make sure you are eating healthy, which nurtures your body and mind simultaneously. To strengthen your mind and body, make time for yourself by going out on a walk, running, or a gym. These activities will help you understand your kids more while you feel more accomplished with a healthy lifestyle.


Fatherhood is not easy, but it is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. Loving your kids the way they deserve will boost your self-esteem and productivity at work. The reasons as mentioned earlier will help you become not only a good father but a great one

Reasons To Take Online Singing Lessons During Lockdown

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Are you thinking about taking singing lessons online? A lot of people love the thought of learning to sing, yet they assume they simply won’t be good at it, and thus they don’t bother. Nevertheless, there are many benefits you can get from singing lessons, as we will reveal below in more detail for you.

  • Singing is relaxing – One of the main reasons why you should consider these online music lessons is because singing will help you to relax. This is because you will learn to breathe more deeply and with more awareness. This helps to calm the nervous system, as you exhale for longer.
  • Feel-good chemicals are released – Whenever you sing, endorphins are released. These are feel-good chemicals that act as an excellent mood buster. So, if you have been feeling a bit down lately, singing could be the perfect pick-me-up.
  • It is good for your heart and lungs – Singing is good for your lungs and your heart because it is an aerobic activity.
  • It can help those with hearing difficulties – If you have hearing troubles, singing can help you in this department. Of course, it is not a magical cure by any stretch of the imagination. You should also look for comfortable hearing aids and see an audiologist to ensure they are tuned to suit your hearing. Nevertheless, there have been a number of studies that have shown that singing for just one hour per week can help individuals with hearing difficulties to hear better.
  • Singing can build your confidence – You will become more and more confident when taking music lessons online for singing. Not only is this because you are developing a great talent, but singing can help you to speak with more confidence and clarity too.
  • Express yourself – Singing is a great way to express yourself. You can let out all of your emotions, which can benefit you psychologically, physically, and socially.
  • You will become better at listening – When learning to sign, you need to listen to music carefully, and you need to learn to listen to yourself. You will develop a better understanding and appreciation of other singers. This is known as a musical ear.
  • Have great fun – Last but not least, the most important reason of them all to take singing lessons online and learn to sing is that you will have great fun. This is the perfect way to let your hair down and enjoy yourself.

To conclude, you do not need to be the next Beyonce or Bruno Mars to enjoy the benefits associated with singing. Aside from being a whole lot of funny, there are actually many advantages that are associated with singing, bringing benefits to your health in many different ways. Not only will you become better at expressing yourself, but you will build your confidence too. Plus, singing can have a number of different health benefits that a lot of people do not expect.

What to Expect When Students Sue?

People the world over have heard of the woman who sued McDonald’s when she spilled hot coffee and burned her legs. She won and went home with a $460,000 settlement. Other people laughed when they heard a judge in Washington, D.C. sued a dry cleaner for losing his pants. He requested $67 million in damages, lost the case, and ended up being suspended. He spent over 15 years litigating the case before that happened. Today, several students are choosing to sue their universities for a variety of reasons. What should a school expect when a student sues?

Notable Cases

The University of Winnipeg in Canada faced a lawsuit when a professor gave a student a B+ as opposed to an A. The B.C. The Ministry of Advanced Education ended up in court when a student sued after the university stopped payment on his student loan. He sued for $1.5 million when he dropped out of Dalhousie University and failed to let anyone know he had done so. People might assume the lawsuits are rare, but nothing remains further from the truth.

The University of British Columbia came out on top when a woman pursuing her master’s degree in English sued for religious discrimination. She requested $18 million only to have a Supreme Court of B.C. judge dismiss the case, saying there was no evidence to support her claim. The judge also awarded costs to the university. Students may wonder if they should pursue a claim with so many coming out on the losing end. Schools lose regardless of whether they win or lose the suit. It’s best to speak to an attorney at feldman.law to determine the best course of action when a school finds they are being sued.

Legitimate Claims

Many students sue their school and win. The problem lies in knowing which cases have merit and which are frivolous. Men and women who read the headlines need to dig deeper, as the newspaper cannot show the complexity of the case in a few words. Certain cases need to go to court, as when the student was a victim of discrimination or wrongdoing. This doesn’t consider intellectual property ownership cases that often end up being decided in the student’s favor. Nevertheless, schools often find they are being sued without a valid basis for the legal action.

Speaking to an attorney serves as the best option, as many schools choose to settle when a case has substance. Furthermore, a successful lawsuit often leads to changes in the school’s policies and procedures. This ensures the school doesn’t face similar challenges in the future. The reason it seems so many frivolous cases make it to court lies in the fact schools refuse to settle when they realize the student is trying to get money with no basis. These cases make it into the newspaper, where they draw a great deal of attention. Nevertheless, schools don’t find these cases amusing.

The Problem Behind These Lawsuits

Attorneys representing schools today rarely want to speak to the press, as they worry about being sued for slander, breaching the confidentiality of their clients, or encouraging others to file similar suits. The United States has a reputation for being a litigious society, and other nations continue to see an increase in lawsuits. People in those countries watch what happens in America and want to see if they get similar results.

Schools dread lawsuits, as do their attorneys. These legal cases take time and disrupt operations for the legal team and the academic staff. The school spends large amounts of money to fight the suit, which may take years before reaching a conclusion. This wastes resources. However, certain suits have merit and need to be heard in a court of law. For this reason, people must take every claim seriously until authorities finish an investigation. This ensures schools and courts address legitimate suits, as they bring to light necessary reforms.

A Place to Turn

Lawyers in Canada recognized this was a problem decades ago. They opted to come together as a group to share information. This group, known as CAUS, often looks to case law coming from the United States, as they recognize many trends start south of their border. What they have noticed over the years is some claims have merit, but the plaintiff requests an outrageous sum of money. This leads to the case being deemed frivolous when the facts call for legal action.

The problem lies in the costs associated with fighting a charge, even one that has no merit. A school has no choice but to fight the claim, even when doing so can take years before the matter is settled. The Maughan case serves as a good example of the damage that occurs when a frivolous lawsuit makes its way into the legal system.

The Maughan Case

In November of 2000, a student sent out an email to graduate students in the English department. This email joked about how he recalled with fondness a time when the stoning of Christians was acceptable. He followed this statement with a smiley emoticon, but not everyone took it as a joke. Cynthia Maughan, an Anglican Christian graduate student, became offended and shared her opinion with those who received the email.

Months later, the student held a meeting at his home for students in a graduate-level seminar. Ms. Maughan refused to attend, although she was in the class. She didn’t bring up religion in relation to her reason for not attending the meeting. Time passed and the professor gave Ms. Maughan unsatisfactory marks on some coursework. The bad marks, along with the e-mail and meeting, led her to conclude atheism was being encouraged and that the school denied her academic and religious freedom.

Ms. Maughan complained to the university. This complaint went through the internal appeal process to the Senate Appeal Committee and Ms. Maughan lost. Besides complaining to the university, she did the same under the Human Rights Code. Finally, Ms. Maughan took her case before the Supreme Court of British Columbia, naming the university and four English professors in the suit. Three of these professors did nothing more than write letters of support for Dr. Weir during the internal investigation.

UBC claimed the lawsuit was frivolous when it reached the Supreme Court in March 2003. Attorneys for the school argued it was without merit and offered to pay Ms. Maughan $1 to end the case. She rejected the offer, and it was another four years before the case ended. By then, Ms. Maughan was representing herself and even gave six weeks of personal testimony in 2007 in the courtroom.

The court ordered Ms. Maughan to pay legal costs, but the attorney for UBC states she will only end up paying approximately 60 percent of what the school spent defending itself. In the past, students wouldn’t question the judgment of a professor, and lawsuits were unheard of. Today, students contradict their instructors, but this serves as only one reason schools have seen an increase in legal suits.

Additional Factors Contributing to Lawsuits Against Schools

Students believe schools have large amounts of money, due in part to the rising cost of tuition. Furthermore, liberal values continue to be promoted, ones that emphasize individual rights and personal freedom. Men and women see these schools as soft targets and choose to sue. This doesn’t consider how students feel about their school records and how it will impact their future.

Students worry bad grades will prevent them from getting into their school of choice or their desired job. They have a sense of entitlement and blame others when they don’t get the grade they feel they desire, for example. This doesn’t mean a student should sit quietly when treated unfairly. Lawsuits have a role in society, as a lawsuit provides individuals with a place to turn when they receive unfair treatment. For this reason, each case needs to be examined independently. Additionally, schools need to put measures in place that allow students to be part of the decision-making process in school matters. Internal reviews and investigations provide students with a means to have their voices heard.

The reviews and investigations become of great help when there is a complaint, a dispute, or a student is disciplined. A clear and fair process helps to prevent lawsuits. Students may present their case, much as they would in a legal setting. Until every school has this type of system, however, students need to learn from Ms. Maughan’s case. She is looking at years to pay off the legal costs incurred by the school. This may be enough to deter other students from filing lawsuits that have no merit. When these cases stop, everyone wins.

Any school facing a lawsuit from a student needs to seek legal advice immediately. This ensures the rights of the educational institute remain protected at all times. Nobody wants to learn when a student is suing, as schools are there to help people grow and learn. Sadly, this does happen, and every school needs to be prepared. A good attorney handles these cases regularly and knows how best to proceed to get the matter resolved. Get help right away to allow the school to move past the suit and continue with its purpose of educating students for a better future.