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Vitamins You Cannot Live Without

vitamins, citrus, orange, immunity, immune system, health, nutrients,

Vitamins are the lifeblood of our bodies. In order for us to function and to live healthy lives all of us need to ingest vitamins each day through food and drink. 

If you want to change your life for the better in 2021 and are looking for a lifestyle change; increasing your vitamin intake can do you the world of good and should be top priority. 

Today we are going to take a look at some of the vitamins you cannot live without and what their roles are in the body. Stay healthy this year and make sure you get enough of these in your diet. 

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A is the first of the vitamins we want to talk about today and it plays a lot of important roles in the body. Taking a multi vitamin every morning will help you get plenty of this vitamin as well as eat apples and carrots. Vitamin A is important for our health in a number of ways such as our eyesight, bone growth, and immune system. If you want to live a long and healthy life it is important to get enough Vitamin A and you may even benefit in terms of aging as this vitamin can slow the signs. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is incredibly important for the body and if you don’t get enough of it, you might suffer from something such as scurvy where the body is unable to develop bones properly. Vitamin C is essential for the health of our skin cells and helps to produce collagen. Collagen is the elastic material which keeps our skin supple and young and as we grow older this deteriorates causing wrinkles. Keep your skin young and healthy with Vitamin C and keep those bones strong. 

Vitamin D

It is so important for us all to get our daily dose of Vitamin D if we are to stay strong and healthy. Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and it also plays a role in the repair of tissue after injury or strain. Without this you might struggle to heal effectively and this will cause you to struggle in your life in a number of ways. Without this vitamin you may be more susceptible to injury and this can land you in a lot of trouble health wise. 

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin B12 is essential for the body as it helps to create new DNA in the production of new cells as well as keeping our nerves healthy and blood cells strong. This is a vitamin that can be found in meat and dairy and is essential for the diet. You can also see benefits in the strength of your hair and nails by having enough of this in your diet and it is a brilliant vitamin to have each day. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is often not talked about but it has some incredibly important roles in the body. For starters –  Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting which is an essential part of the healing process. Vitamin K also keeps our bones intact as well as regulates levels of calcium in the blood which is important to avoid calcium build up that can lead to joint and bone issues. You can buy vitamin k drops combined with Vitamin D to maximize the beneficial effects of Vitamin D and bring it to where it is needed most.

Stay healthy and make sure to have all of these vitamins in your diet each day for a long and healthy life.

Tried and tested tips to cope with your regular mood swings!

How many times have you felt irritated, happy, sad, or angry, all at the same time? This roller coaster of emotions is termed as “mood swings.” The uncanny results of mood swings can be hard on you or the ones who are around you.

But what is the prime cause of mood swings?

American Medical Association confirms that more than 75% of women are diagnosed with emotional distress, especially between the onset of menstruation and the culmination of menopause.

And this emotional distress is the primary driving force of the mood swings. But that’s not the only reason. Hypersensitivity to any touch, look, word, feeling, voice can trigger some unannounced emotions.

In fact, some people have admitted that they often feel uneasy, worried, angry without any good reason. It could be a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder.

However, regular mood swings are not normal. It can affect your personality (not a pleasing one) and could get you detached from your loved ones. Yes, that happens!

But, with problems come solutions. There are ways through which you can cope with your mood swings. Some of them are listed below.

  • Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is considered one of the best ways to calm your mind, body, and soul. Essential oils help elevate your mood by reducing depression and anxiety (also responsible for mood swings). It soothes the nervous system and boosts the happy hormones.

Just by massaging the drops of essential oils on the wrist or palms or simply inhaling it, the aroma acts as the diffuser for all the negative emotions. Such oils are elixirs that help in changing your vibe entirely.

  • Natural Remedies

How many times have people suggested to you some weird ways to deal with mood swings? Every single body is indeed different. So, it is possible that the tricks that worked for them might not work for you.

It is better to be on the safer side and stick to natural remedies. Eat healthily, listen to some good music, exercise. According to health experts, these tips work on almost everyone.

In fact, if you want to take some supplements, side with the natural ones. Such natural supplements contain soothing herbs to calm your emotions and nervous system and help you deal with your mood swings. Thus, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and homeopathic remedies, combined with a healthy diet, can do wonders for your mood swings.

  • Yoga and meditation

Today, yoga and meditation are considered amongst the best remedies for mood swings. Studies show that people who regularly practice them seldom experience any panic attacks, mood swings. It shows that depression and anxiety level reduces when someone practices yoga or meditation.

The bottom line is that,

It’s okay to have problems, attacks, and mood swings. But, once you learn how to deal with them, there is nothing to worry about. If you feel that you are suffering from mood swings, then don’t let it change your lifestyle.

Use the tips mentioned above to control them, and the world would seem a better place to live in.

Next time you think you have a mood swing, you know what to do!

3 Considerations to Make if You’re Making the Switch From Bathtub to Shower

Remodeling a bathroom is one of the most popular home improvement projects owners consider, and it’s easy to understand why. Bathrooms are often too small, and many are just plain inconvenient to use. Many property owners no longer like their home’s tub and consider replacing that tub and shower combination with a walk-in shower. However, home improvement experts and real estate professionals encourage homeowners to consider a number of issues before removing that tub.

How Much Space is Available?

When working with clients, Bathroom Remodelers review the existing spaces to determine what options homeowners should consider. In smaller spaces, tub and shower combinations make sense, but there are other factors to consider. If a bathroom has the only tub in the home, most experts recommend keeping the tub, as not having a tub often creates issues when selling a home. On the other hand, if there are multiple bathrooms with tubs, moving to a walk-in shower is certainly an option to look at.

If the existing bathroom is large or space can be taken from an adjacent room, it’s quite possible to have both a soaking tub and a shower. One of the current trends is wet rooms, where both a shower and tub share the same large, waterproof space. It pays to discuss your goals with a bathroom remodeling expert to see which options would best suit your needs.

Who Is Using the Room?

If you’re the type of person who enjoys a long, hot bath, removing the tub and replacing it with a walk-in shower may not be the best choice. While young, busy individuals may prefer a shower and don’t care about having a tub, others don’t share that sentiment. Make sure everyone is in agreement when making a bathroom remodeling decision.

If you’re older and planning to age in place, a walk-in shower or a walk-in comfort tub may be a better option. Again, if there are other bathrooms in the home, these types of decisions are easier to make. However, if there is only one full bath, take the time to consider not only your current needs but also what the future may hold.

What is Your Budget?

Replacing one tub with a similar one is not overly expensive, but completely altering a bathroom can become costly. When walls are moved, plumbing and electrical lines rerouted, or additional space is added to the home, the total cost of a project can get out of hand quickly. Homeowners are always encouraged to explore all the options with a contractor before making any important decisions.

Many times, a bathroom remodeling professional will provide ideas for ways to achieve your goals without going over the established budget. Careful measurements and planning make it possible to know exactly what will work for your bathroom remodeling project. During the planning stages, it also makes sense to contact plumbers or electricians to determine how many changes would be necessary for the project.

The Choice is Yours

Even though there are numerous factors to discuss when deciding to replace a bathtub with a walk-in shower, the ultimate decision is yours to make. However, take the time to get advice from the experts who know what it takes to see that a bathroom remodeling project is completed on schedule and meets your goals.