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Worried You’re Losing Your Hearing? Here Are The Signs

Age certainly does take a lot away from you, doesn’t it? When you get older, you start to have to worry more about your body, your mind, and even your senses. A common issue is hearing. Problems with hearing can make you feel a lot older than you are. However, it is worth being aware that hearing issues can affect you a lot earlier than you’d think. In fact, a recent report revealed alarming evidence that children are having hearing issues like tinnitus. So, let’s look at the signs that you might be having an issue with your hearing and what the cause could be.

losing your hearing, ears, listening, aging, getting older

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Hearing Noises

You might find that you are hearing noises that aren’t there at all. This could be a buzzing, whirring, vibrating or whistling. It might even be a small piece of music that seems to play on repeat in your head. The bad news is that this is a sign of tinnitus. It’s due to damage to your hearing, typically because of constant exposure to loud noises. Good news, if you’ve only just noticed it, this noise probably will go away after a couple hours, days or months. After it returns a couple of times the chances of it becoming permanent increases dramatically.

Hearing aids won’t fix tinnitus. Instead, you’ll need to think about cognitive therapy. This can help you ignore the sound and treat it as a subconscious occurrence.

Be aware also that tinnitus can be caused by growths in the ear. That’s why it’s always worth getting it checked out by a trained professional.

Loud Talking

Are you talking louder than usual? You probably won’t notice this yourself but someone around you will. It’s like that this will be someone in your family who won’t be embarrassed to tell you that you’re shouting. What’s happening here is that you’re reacting to the fact that you can’t hear your own voice as loudly as you used to. It’s a clear sign that your hearing has deteriorated and that you need to think about speaking to an audiologist.

Remember though, there are plenty of hearing aid options that are completely discreet. With in-ear canal hearing aids, no one will be able to tell that you’re wearing them at all. As such, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or anxious about using this tech. These hearing aids are mostly suited for people with mild hearing loss.

Zoning Out Of Conversations

Does your partner constantly get annoyed at your level of listening? Are you missing out key details that they swear they told you? Perhaps you didn’t show up for dinner on time because you didn’t know what time to arrive? This is usually because you can’t hear what people are saying. However, rather than admit this, many will simple zone out of the conversation and miss large parts of it, simply nodding along. It’s far better to get your hearing checked out. You’ll be amazed at the change this will bring to your life. Suddenly, you’ll be able to hear clearly again, and it will improve your ability to socialize and maybe even your relationships.

We hope this helps you recognize some of the key signs that there might just be an issue with your hearing.

Kicking Unhealthy Habits

When it comes to our health, many of us have spent years making bad choices. However, when you have kids, your perspective on life changes and you want to stick around and be in good health for as long as possible in order to support and care for them. So, it’s time to stop taking your good health for granted!  It’s important that you monitor your habits and behavior and curtail anything that has a negative impact on our health. To get you started in the right direction, here are a couple of unhealthy lifestyle choices that many of us engage with but should really consider cutting out as much as possible!

habits, health, tips, advice

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Evaluate drug habits 

One thing that many people struggle with, young and old, is potential habits revolving around occasional or recreational use of drugs. It might be that you have done this yourself before, or you start to notice becoming more reliant on certain things that you are using more regularly. If you know you need to kick the habit it might be time to get some expert help and advice. Whether that is online courses or appointments as an alternative to drug rehab could be options to consider. Understanding that you have a problem is one of the biggest and first steps that you can take, so getting to this stage means you want to make some healthy changes to your lifestyle. Which is only a positive thing.

Stop Drinking

Drinking alcohol is a common social activity. We tend to have a few drinks with friends while we catch up in the pub or a bar, and we may have a glass or two of wine with or evening meal or to wind down before bed. Now, this isn’t problematic, as long as you drink in moderation. It is recommended that the average adult doesn’t exceed 14 units a week (one unit is equal to 10 milliliters or 8 grams of pure alcohol). If you find that you are regularly exceeding this amount, it’s time to seriously consider cutting down. While alcohol may well be legal and widely available, you should always bear in mind that it can easily become an addictive substance and cause problems with your health while interfering with your lifestyle. If you find that you are having difficulties, consult a Stop Drinking Expert who will be able to give you some sage and practical pieces of advice to reduce your consumption.

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Cut Out Fast Food

Fast food is convenient. It tastes good on a superficial level and it has some seriously addictive qualities. So it’s not surprising that more of us are turning in droves to fast food outlets rather than cooking a meal for ourselves. Sure, a burger and fries here and there are fine as a treat. But when you start consuming them on a daily basis, things can quickly become problematic. Not only are fast food and takeaway items stuffed with fat and artificial additives, but they have a scant nutritional basis in terms of vitamins and minerals. In short, they may provide a quick fill and be easy on your taste buds, but they’re not doing a whole lot of good for you regarding meeting your nutritional requirements. What’s more? You’re going to end up spending a whole lot more of your hard-earned cash on maintaining this kind of diet than if you were to cook up your own healthy meals at home.

Now, drinking and fast food are just two unhealthy habits that many of us engage with. Sure, there may be other habits out there that are more widely perceived as negative. But just because alcohol and fast food are pushed on us by advertisements and the media, doesn’t make them any more acceptable!

Get Back On Track After A Stressful Year


Stress is a horrible thing. It can leave us feeling powerless, trapped and in a place where we have no control over our lives. If you have had a stressful war recently and you need to find a way to get back on track, here are some ways to deal with your stress.

Take A Walk

It might seem like going for a walk is on every stress busting list ever, but the reason for that is that it works. If you feel stressed out and you feel as if everything is on top of you, go outside and take a walk in your local park. While you are out in the fresh air you will be able to relax and refresh your mind, and think about something else for a while.

Healthy Mind

Mental health is an issue which goes hand in hand with stress, and you will often find that stress is the root cause of mental issues. Therefore, looking after your mental health and happiness can give you more confidence and a sense of control back into your life. You will be able to look at Rehab Center Reviews and find help, join groups to talk things out, and even do meditation at home to relax your mind. Mental health should be one of your main priorities.

Get Away

When you are stuck in the same place and in the same routine every single day, you sometimes need to get away and be somewhere completely new for a while. Think about booking yourself a trip to somewhere you have never been. You’ll be able to get out of your everyday routine and be in a totally new environment. The power of being somewhere unfamiliar is incredible and you will notice how much more open and relaxed you feel.

Take A Breath


When you are having a day, month or even a year where you feel stressed out you need to make sure that you always take the time out to breathe. Get home at the end of the day and have some me time. Have a bath, watch a movie and just switch off from the world. This will allow your brain to calm down and it will do wonders for your mental state.

Take a Mental Break


Switch off your phone! If you have been stressed out for a long time and you struggle to cope with everything going on in life, you need to take a breather from social media and your phone. Being online is great most of the time, but you have to give your mind the chance to relax completely. Switch off your phone at least an hour before bed, and don’t make it the first thing you check when you wake up in the morning.

Take A New Perspective

It always seems difficult to put a positive spin on a hard situation, but a lot of the time it can be exactly what you need. Is it pouring it down on your morning commute? Enjoy the water! Stuck in traffic on your way home? Put on some music and be glad you aren’t walking! Bring a positive spin on things in life and it will make a huge difference to your life.