Tag Archives: life

Getting “Down With the Sickness”, Literally

Something doesn't feel right.....
Something doesn’t feel right…..

You know that crappy feeling when you get sick? Yeah, I wrote about my experience here. And then the awesome feeling once you recover? Of course I wrote about that, and you can read it here. Well, that crappy feeling is back, but not because I am “Down With the Sickness” (old song by Disturbed), it’s because now my family is.

Probably no thanks to me. Before I turned ill, all was honky dory in the house, and then Blam-o (or some other weird word for a noise), my body hurt and I was decommissioned. Several days and excellent spousal support later, I was feeling better and ready for a pint night date night with Kelley.

Not so fast, the sick bug or whatever it is/was must’ve grown tired of my old carcass and wanted to move on to something better. Like, for instance, my wife and Avery. Damn you, bug/virus/whatever you are!!!

After returning home from our date night, we had just enough time to read a book to Avery before she went to sleep. A few hours later, in the early morning, we woke to the sound of our daughter crying. Nothing new there, but it was worse and lasted longer than normal.

Kelley and I were both in her room and it was confirmed; poop. She had just let a hefty poo out for G-Ma while we were out, so we figured we’d be safe for the night. Ha ha, rookie parents, you’re never safe from poo!

This has happened before, so we cleaned her and Kelley nursed her to sleep. Done, problem solved. Ooooorrrr, problem just starting, rather.

Not long after getting her back in her crib, no baby monitor was needed to hear a hacking cat sound throughout the house. At first I thought is was our cat, hacking, but instead is was Avery, throwing up. Oh yeah, another first! She’s spit up plenty of times, but this was a first for real food to appear.

Poor girl, it was all over her sheet, blanket, and pajamas. Off with everything dirty, and replaced with clean items, Going Mom, looking a little weary (besides the fact is was 2am), nursed Avery to sleep yet again. Or so we hoped. Instead, she had round two, all over her new pajamas and Mommy.

More cleaning ensued while Avery seemed unusually happy as she flashed us smiles while we scurried around in clean-up mode. Kelley needed to take a shower and was only looking worse, so after we finished cleaning, I took a shot at just holding and rocking Avery to sleep. Milk seemed to not be what was needed anyway.

Upon finishing her shower, Kelley needed to get some sleep and went to bed after checking on Avery and me. Luckily, after tossing and spinning around my lap, Avery found a suitable position to fall asleep and we stayed like that for around 3 hours. I was in and out of sleep, and after G-Ma (she stayed the night since we’re close to her work) got ready and left, I laid Avery in her crib and made it back to our own bed.

Our freakin’ nursery chair doesn’t recline, so laying in our bed was like having giant pillow hands gently lifting me off my feet and soothing me into a nice sleep. I woke up to find Kelley still in bed and found out she turned even worse and was staying home for the day. Time for me to pay her back for helping me so much!

I cooked pumpkin teff for her and Avery in hopes they would keep it down, which they did, and tried to help them relax. Avery had several “runny” messes through the day on Thursday, but seemed to get over her symptoms by night came around. Kelley was weak all day and not up to much, but thankfully she’s kept everything down, unlike yours truly.

At the time I’m writing this, both of my lovely girls seem to be on the mend. Mommy has an extended weekend with us, so I gave her strict orders to get better so we don’t have another weekend of sickness!

How do you feel after giving your illness to others in the house?

What can we do differently to limit this happening, or is it just something that must “run its course”?

An Unexpected Benefit From My Sickness

If you missed the lengthy post about my amazing wife and why I missed a day of coffee yesterday, let me sum it up. I got really sick and lost all appetite, even for coffee, and Going Mom kept everything together and cared for my ailed body. I’m still not completely recovered, but an unexpected benefit from my sickness has emerged.

Something  my wife has wanted for a long time, and I have finally made it happen. No, not like that, get your mind out of the gutter; it’s having dinner with her and Avery!

super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
Daddy’s eating with us!!!

I haven’t been absent at dinner, I just would have my meal in front of me and maybe snack on a few pieces of broccoli as Kelley and Avery ate. Then, after Avery was in her crib, I’d shower and have my dinner. I don’t have a good reason for why other than it was just routine for me and to break it seemed sacrilegious.

But, I’m happy to report I have broke free from routine and started having a full meal with everyone, like a real family! I started because this sickness that still hasn’t fully left my body has left me with less of an appetite and little desire to eat much. Before, when I abstained from dinnertime eating, my meal was a gigantic salad with fermented and steamed veggies, some sort of lean protein, and avocado with vinegar. It was good and I loved it, but after many years of this, it seems I have broke free.

The real test is when I’m fully recovered, but so far, I enjoy eating as a family and then just having some healthy snacks like NuttZo and cottage cheese later on if I want. Speaking of NuttZo, I used it in the dinner I made last night and it was delicious!

healthy recipe, nuttzo, stew

Black bean, chicken, and sweet potato stew with NuttZo mixed in to give it a healthy boost of protein, fat, and wonderful nutty flavor. I was happy with the outcome, and Kelley and Avery had no problem eating it either. #Winning  <—– Thank you, Charlie Sheen

There are some foods, like the fermented goodies and mushrooms that only I enjoy in our house, so I know not every meal will be identical, but eating together will become the new norm in our home, and we’ll be an even happier family as a result. Unless I make something that none of us like!

Do you have unusual eating schedules with your family or do you always eat together?

Anything happen to make you change your ways for the better? Worse?

Working on Walking and Her First Encounter with Santa Claus

My blogging goals have been falling somewhat short lately in that I’m not capturing the happenings of our daily life as much as I used to. Instead, I have a Word document filled with several pages of blog post ideas I keep thinking I’ll write. You see, I’ve been trying too hard to write some deep, insightful post on things like “Why Dads Should Encourage Breastfeeding” or something related to being an at-home parent instead of just writing about our life.

I still type my ideas on the Word doc as they pop into my head, but until the time arises, I’ll stick to what I intended to do when creating this blog. Sharing the story of my at-home dad life with a beautiful working mom/wife, Kelley (a.k.a Going Mom) and our precious daughter, Avery. In addition, I’ll frequently write reviews on parent-related products and healthy food as well as my thoughts on the fitness and nutrition world.

I feel I have a lot to share when it comes to food and exercise, and hope anyone reading is able to benefit from what I have to say. Please, if you ever have any questions or thoughts of your own, feel free to share and I’ll respond as best as possible.

Now that we have that out of the way, lets talk walking. No, Avery’s not a full-blown walking yet, but she sure is close! First, I commend her for never giving up as you might’ve seen on Instagram….

But just a couple days later and she has shown improvement….

It’s been a lot of up and down (literally) since then, and although she still doesn’t have walking mastered (does anyone?), she’s getting better each day. Sometimes she gets really confident and even tries to bust out a few dance moves.


She also thinks she owns the place now and has been doing some rearranging of the furniture.


I guess having a stool beside the oven and refrigerator could prove useful. Maybe she’s just lashing out at my decision not to put a shirt on her. Sorry, Avery.

This past weekend was fun seeing her take a few steps, fall, and get up to try again without thinking twice, and I’m glad Going Mom and I got to experience it together. Another thing we got to experience together was Avery’s first visit to see Santa Claus, and we even received a pleasant surprise from our growing girl.

She freakin smiled! Of all the facial expressions we were prepared to see once we handed her over to the strange guy with a giant white beard and a red suit, smiling was not one of them! All it took was the photographer, one of Santa’s not-so-little elves, to ring a bell and wham, she smiles!

We were shocked! It made standing in line for over an hour in the cold as we passed our squirmy, increasingly heavy, daughter back and forth all worthwhile. It even rained on us a little. But, $20 for one 5×7 photo of our smiling baby on a stranger’s lap made our day complete. Sounds weird, huh, that something like that would make parents happy?

No matter, we’re told next year is when she’ll probably cry once she understand more of what’s going on. Looking forward to it! Sense my sarcasm.

How long once your little one starting taking steps until they got it mostly down and began terrorizing the house and any pets you have (or had)?

Any good visits to Santa stories you’d like to share?