Putting on dress shoes feels like attaching anvils to my feet. What if I had to make a quick getaway from a bear or mountain lion?! #screwed Okay, that’s a rare instance, but I like having shoes that allow me to run, jump, and play a whole lot better than the faux leather slip-ons I have. Same goes for the shirts/sweaters and pants; nothing fun about those cotton prison work clothes.
Nope, business casual no more for me, I’ll be dressing in one of my few pairs of athletic pants, a comfortable but not too loose shirt, and either my Vibram Five-Fingers or New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. Now I’ll show those bears and mountain lions!!!! How fast I can run away from them, that is.

My body’s nerve factory is in full production right now, but I am excited for this journey to start and am comforted knowing I have a wonderful partner, Kelley, to be by my side. Where this new road in our lives will take us, no one knows, but that’s what makes it so exciting.

Avery, if you ever read this, I hope you’re happy with the path we’ve taken.
Okay, time to wind down and prepare for my last day as an accountant. One door will be shut, but many more will open.