We’re almost there; Avery is approaching 6 months and we’ll attempt to start feeding her food other than breast milk!
I’ve read a few signs to look for to know your baby is ready is for them to sit up on their own and that they lose their reflex to push out with their tongue. Right now, Avery does not sit up on her own and I’m pretty sure that tongue reflex is how she rejects the bottle every day. But we’ll start slow and take it from there.
She still has 12 days before she’s officially 6 months anyway, so maybe an intense core workout will build up her strength to sit on her own. Bad idea?
Well, what’s not a bad idea is making your own baby food. Those little jars of pureed grain and produce can and do add up fast, so it only makes sense to make your own. It’s healthier, puts you in control, and saves money!
Here’s my top 10 list of recipes, tip, tricks, and helpful tools to have you on your way to making a nutritious puree!
1. This is a long one but a good one!
2. Gotta have the tools!
3. If you don’t know it already, homemade costs less and is healthier!
4. If I had a printer, this would be printed.
5. This is great for any left over breast milk bags. They also make bags like the little fruit squeeze pouches that cost an arm and a leg, but they are reusable for your homemade food. Here’s the link.
6. Yes, I’m getting this!
7. Good to know a schedule of what to start with.
8. Another good info source.
9. Make that Crock-Pot work!!
10. More tips and ideas. Can’t have enough of these!
Do you make or plan on making your own baby food?
Any stories (good, bad, funny, etc.) you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!
As a parent, there are countless memories we want to love and cherish forever. Sometimes we forget all of the memories as they happen so fast or we get caught up in the next big “first” for baby.
Another Dad Blogger, Jonathan from Dad’s the way I like it, has been making monthly posts to capture a number of thoughts depending on his son’s current age in months. I enjoy reading all of his posts, and here is his current post on 12 thoughts from my 12th month as a parent.
Inspired by this, I am going to start writing a list of memories as if talking to Avery every month. Like Jonathan, the number of memories will be driven by my daughter’s current age in months.
Today, Avery is 5 months old, and although my list of memories could already span across the U.S., I will limit it to 5.
So, Avery, it’s exciting and scary to think of reading these with you years down the road, but here are 5 of my memories since becoming your father.
1. I remember mommy and me sitting in our living room with the lights off while you slept in your swing every night for about the first 2 months. We usually had the swing turned on and it made the most nerve-wracking “click-click-click” that drove us insane.
Mommy would nurse you to sleep and gently lay you in your swing with a tenderness only she can give. This is when I would be eating dinner and I made sure to tip toe every trip to the kitchen and my heart would stop a second if I made even the tiniest of noises.
2. I remember laying mommy’s breast milk soaked shirt in your crib to get you to sleep there at first. I would tightly wrap your arms in a swaddle in order to keep your arms from thrashing all over which kept you from sleeping.
Mommy and I eventually had to upgrade to the Woombie and keep your arms down by wrapping a long strip of t-shirt that I cut around you. We did this every night after bath time and most of your daily naps just before you were 4 months.
3. I remember sleeping in with you in the recliner on several occasions during the day and when you woke at night. Mom would usually be the first to try and calm you, but if you were still restless, I would take you to the front room and eventually get you to fall asleep with me in the recliner.
There was one time during a harsh winter storm in February where I had to wrap you in my jacket to keep you warm when our heater went out. But, we still made the most of it and went for a very cold, white walk in the snow.
4. I remember the first time I brought you in the garage to workout with me; you were just over a month. I was scared and worried you would start screaming when I was in the middle of lifting something heavy, but you were great!
I used to depend on your morning naps to get a workout in, but now you come to the garage with me every day and do fine watching me…..usually.
Sleeping while daddy works out in the garage
5. I remember mommy and I cheering you on as you rolled over for the first time. Our excitement was even captured on video to show just how proud we were! Even you were excited!
Well Avery, like I said, I could keep going forever, but it has to stop at 5 for this post. No worries though, you’ll be 6 months before any of us know it!
Going Mom and I love you so much, may you have another wonderful month of learning and growing!
Yesterday, Avery and I made our usual two store grocery trip to Sprouts and Costco in hopes that we won’t have to go this weekend. We live only a few miles from the Texas Motor Speedway, and since it’s race weekend, driving anywhere is worse than most days.
Since we don’t head out until after her morning nap, I some work in the kitchen to tend to. I try to make Kelley’s meals in bulk so I am prepared for a few days out, so I readied four ready-to-be-grilled bean and goat cheese sandwiches. Sometimes, I wonder why I don’t make one for myself…..
Oh yeah, because I’m more of a roasted beet, Brussels sprouts, and garlic kind of guy.
I could find something to do/cook in the kitchen all day, but Avery makes sure that never happens. She woke up from her morning nap with loud moans permeating the baby monitor. She was in an area the monitor couldn’t capture, so I went in her room to see what all the fuss was about.
How a sleeping baby is able to roll around and get their leg stuck in the slot of their crib, I haven’t a clue. Luckily, she didn’t hurt herself and seemed fine once Daddy was there with a camera in her face.
I liberated our daughter from her self-induced leg restraint and gathered everything to head out. Our first stop was Sprouts, as usual, and the urge to use the restroom suddenly hit me while perusing the aisles. Damn multiple cups of green tea and coffee!!
As I stood at the urinal, I looked down at Avery in the Onya Baby Outback carrier and tried to keep her from letting out any random cries as she generally does. Why she has to fuss as I hopelessly stand at a urinal, no clue. But, as I tried my best to offer soothing words, I paused and realized what I was saying might be taken the wrong way considering my location.
Then I thought back to the countless times before when I was wearing Avery and had to use a public restroom. “Crap” (not literally), I thought to myself, “Anyone in the restroom at the same time must really be questioning what they heard from me!” I know if I were in a stall and heard some guy talking in a soothing, coo-like voice, I wouldn’t come out until I knew he was gone.
So, I listed the top ten things a dad should never say while wearing their baby and using a public restroom. And if you’re wondering, yes, I have said all of these to Avery. It’s a surprise I’m still allowed in these stores!
To help you see things from my perspective.
Don’t worry, you’ll get bigger. (I said this to Avery when her head couldn’t see over the carrier.)
Well, hello there.
Uh oh, I need to get you a burp cloth.
Daddy won’t take long.
I’m so proud of you!
What do you see up there? (This is when Avery is looking up at the ceiling.)
Mommy is going to be so happy to see you!
Please stay still so I can finish.
Are you hungry?
If you’re good, we can play with that new toy at home.
Yeah, needless to say, I’m going to be more conscientious about how I word things when talking to Avery in a restroom.
Baby wearing dads, have you ever said anything to your baby while wearing them in a public restroom?
I don’t know how the baby wearing moms deal with this issue, but if you have any good stories, please share!
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.