Tag Archives: may

The Toddler Trance: #MySundayPhoto – 05.03.15

Kids and adults alike find themselves locked in a trance of deep thought almost daily. A toddler may ponder something as simple as what to make of the family pet. It’s nothing like mommy or daddy and certainly doesn’t poop or eat like anyone else in the house. Well, maybe…

But as adults, we have plenty of things swarming our brains that cause us to hold a trance of perplexity as we try and make sense of it all. I’m sure for many parents, myself included, that perplexity is comprises what’s going on inside our kids’ head. Especially as toddlers when they lack the verbal skills to better relay their needs/feelings.

Anyway, what I’m getting at, is that every time I catch my daughter in deep thought like this, I can’t help but to wonder what it is she’s thinking. Maybe why her bottom lip feels bigger than normal, or maybe she’s just pausing to poop in her diaper. Who knows?

Okay, I’m done being philosophical for the day. This week’s pic is the day after Avery busted her lip, hence its swollen redness, and she’s caught in a trance thinking about who knows what. Here’s the original…


…and a B&W version I probably tried to hard to edit.

Deep Thought_B&W

I wanted to keep the color of her beautiful eyes, but fear they look more bloodshot than anything else. Regardless, the picture captures that ever-growing mind working hard, I only wish I knew for what!

Do you ever try to decipher what your kids are thinking?

How do you like the b&w with colored eyes? Would it be better just straight b&w with no color?


5 Turtles Free and Uncle P Turns 23

Over the course of April, Avery and I have rescued 5 turtles from meeting their demise by something even their tough shells can’t withstand; cars. Texas has been fortunate enough to have lots and lots of rain so far, but this tends to bring more wildlife into the busy streets as they try to cross over to another safe-haven.

We’ve rescued both baby and fully grown terrapins and felt great knowing their life is at least prolonged just a little longer. Sadly, we also found many we couldn’t get to in time as they already met with their round rubber assassins.

My heart sinks a little each time I see one of those tiny turtles flat on the road. Unlike their bigger counterparts, they look like nothing more than a small stone to drivers. But, how about we focus on what we can control, like moving the living turtles off of the road.

I shared all but one turtle rescue on Instagram, but want to bring them all together in one post on my blog. But, before we go through each “saving”, I need to say something….

Happy 23rd Birthday Preston!

(aka Brother/Uncle P)

Yep, today, May 1st, is my little bro’s birthday. I don’t get to hang out with him that much, but need to have another night where we go enjoy a few craft beers. Avery also doesn’t get to see him as much as since the last picture we have is from Christmas.


We’ve seen him more recently than that, but never took a picture. Look at how much Avery has changed in just a few months, yikes!!

Anyway, Preston, if you’re reading this (I’ll also call you since that would be the brotherly thing to do), lets find a time to meet up so I can buy you a round of beers for your birthday, mmmmmmkay?

What better way to commemorate Uncle P’s birthday than to go over the turtles we’ve rescued last month? After all, his gamer tag/name on Halo, which we used to play ALL the time, was Turtle. It only makes sense, right?

1. The first one was a baby water turtle (actually, all of these are water turtles) that we found on our afternoon walk (again, all of these were found on one of our daily walks). This guy stayed with us for about a week before I realized I had no idea why I was keeping it, so back to the wild next to a serene creek bed he went.

“Lyle Leo” was supposed to be “Little Leo”, for Ninja Turtles, but stupid auto-correct wins again! Maybe that’s why he paused before heading off to find his family.

2 & 3. Then we found a mommy or daddy turtle with its little one. They were next to the curb, but trying to get to the other side of the road. Abby stood guard as I helped them cross.

4. This was a quickie rescue mission for another baby turtle. I saw, I picked up, I carried to a nearby lake, I forgot to take a picture. Instead, here’s an old pic of our escapee pet box turtle, Tash, from a year ago. This is when we first introduced Avery to my favorite creatures and G-Ma was there to help.


5. And the last one, saved just this past Wednesday, was the biggest turtle I’ve seen in our neighborhood to date! I had to put the mean snapper in a box and it literally weighed about 10 – 12 pounds!

I even caught video of the release. This is not the kind of turtle you want to pet. Avery walked right up to it and I had to grab her fast just as he snapped. Phew, close call!

Who knows what May will bring in terms of animal rescues? But one thing’s for sure, we’ll be there, walking and looking to help out whenever possible!

Do you encounter certain wildlife in your area often?

Do you or have you ever had to rescue an animal around your neighborhood or anywhere else?