Tag Archives: metroplex

Our Baby’s Pretty Eyes Won the Photo Contest!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote for Avery in the Metroplex Baby & Kids Photo Contest I wrote about last week, she won! I know it’s not a major contest, and you don’t actually win a prize, she just gets recognition on the website and is entered to win Cutest Kid of 2015!

The winning photo:

photo contest, metroplex baby, parenting, kids, babies,

Here’s the link to see her Cutest Kid of the Week profile.

Again, Going Mom and I truly appreciate all of our friends and family who voted and shared the contest with others.

Since I am convinced Avery’s eyes only add brilliance to her already beautiful face, I am going to share several close-up shots we’ve taken over the course of this month.

No more words of “wisdom” or rants about baby formula ads from me……at least not today, just some pretty pictures of our baby. Enjoy!

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids


Mesmerizing. That’s all I can say.

Do you have any close-up shots of your kids’ eyes? For the several I posted here, we probably took close to 1000 pictures that were blurry or something else wrong about them. Ahhh, the life as a parent.

Vote for Our Baby in the Metroplex Baby & Kids Photo Contest

Hey there! Hope you’re having a great Monday! Are you off for MLK Day? Going Mom is and we’re keeping it low key just staying at home with lots of coffee!

I just wanted to make a quick post asking for your help.  We’ve had great help from other friends, family, and even other bloggers (also considered friends!). Thank you, Tony! Check out his awesome dad blog, Papa Tont, for a vast source of knowledge on fitness and nutrition as well as being a great dad!

A local parenting site/magazine, Metroplex Baby & Kids, holds a monthly photo contest for the “Cutest Kid” and Avery is a finalist this month! I’m posting this pretty late since the voting ends tomorrow, January 20th, but hopefully you can vote in time to keep her in the lead.

Please go to their Facebook page at this link (or click the picture below) and vote for Avery. Let me know if you did in the comments and I’ll send you virtual hugs and high fives!

photo contest, baby, cute, babies, parenting
Look into Avery’s eyes…..”Please vote for me” is what they’re saying. Hear it?

Thank you in advance and hope your week is off to a great start! By the way, it’s almost 70 degrees here in Texas. Beautiful!