Aaaaannnddd there goes another month! Goodbye, July!
The end of July marks my mom’s (G-Ma’s) birthday, and the anniversary of when Going Mom and I first met. We think it was right before G-Ma’s birthday, but can’t remember the exact day.
11 years have passed since we first met, and we’ve been together ever since. Like most couples in love, there have been ups and downs, but obviously wayyyyy more ups than downs! I love my wife, and I’m happy to share this life with her and Avery.
August 17th will mark our wedding anniversary, and we’re celebrating by staying two nights in a hotel while G-Ma holds down the fort/Avery. I’d be lying if I said we weren’t counting down until this day; we could use the time!!
On the topic of time, I can’t believe July has already passed, but I’m excited to see what Avery will surprise us with next. Here are some of my favorite pictures from this past month; hope you enjoy!
First day of July started with a TMNT fort!!I’m a little stinker. But seriously, I’m sitting on a big stinker right now….Starting to hang out with Daddy in the kitchen.Crawling in G-Ma’s kitchen for 4th of July weekendHanging out at the pool with G-Ma and PaulMy favorite ladies all in one shot!G-Ma makes me happy!!I don’t even know what to say….Visiting Uncle Preston at work.You have to have a spoon if you’re in the kitchen!!Happy in the bathroom!Playing with PapaNight out with my love. BYOB paint class.Not happy, but I know I’m cute….8 Month photo session. Hey bear, I got your nose!!Okay, I’m a little proud.Keeping busy with my busy board.I claim this freezer MINE!No matter what, I’m happiest when working out in my jumper.Happy after a nap!Food tastes better in this position.At least she won’t be scared of a lot of things…I get lost in the ocean of her blue eyes every time.I have the power!!!Bottles stop her crying instantly.Yepppppppp.Excited about going for a run in the stroller!!
Did I post enough? I had to stop myself from adding more, but hopefully you like what I have. We’re looking forward to another exciting month ahead!
How was your July?
Any plans for August?
Do you have kids going to school for the first time or preparing for another year?
Now that Avery is becoming an active baby, I want to start posting some of my favorite photos at the end of each month. I’ll still have plenty of posts documenting every minute detail of her daily activities like any new parent would, but these are just like bonuses.
If you enjoy looking at cute baby pictures and not reading, this is the post for you!
Before I begin, I wanted to share this article about something invented for babies in the 1930’s; a window cage suspended outside of a window! It was proposed as a solution to provide babies with fresh air and sunshine to those living in high buildings with limited access to the outside, but thankfully no longer used! Crazy times…
And now, reliving the month of June with some of my favorite photos.
Placing 1st in our first race together!Petting the neighborhood ass.Family pool trip!!Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!Testing out the crib on my birthday.The “I’m not listening.” raspberry.A very active 7 month photo session.You can’t be mad at me, I’m too cuuuuuttttteeee!Building an activity board and she likes it!!
I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!Frizzy hair smiles!A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!Door stops are the coolest!!The demon inside…Learning good nutrition from the start!An official crawler!
Keeping my girls contained is tough work!Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.
What do you think of having your baby suspended outside of the window of a tall building?
Avery stepped into month 7 of her life the same day I celebrated my first Father’s Day, so we had two reasons to celebrate. Okay, three if you count not having a giant tortoise to care for in our back yard!
Before G-Ma, Paul, and our friend, Margaret came over to wish me a happy Father’s Day see Avery, Going Mom and I took advantage of Avery’s current good mood to take her monthly progression photos next to her stuffed bear. We asked her if she was ready as we sat in the living room and she gave us her typical constipated raspberry response.
We took that as a “yes.”
In the nursery, Kelley sat Avery in the chair and went to grab the stuffed animal bear. It was obvious Avery was just as excited as we were about her 7 month photo shoot.
Maybe the bear would help excite her?
Meh; a little better, but even blowing raspberries would’ve been better than this poker face. But then she opened up and seemed interested in her soft, friendly bear.
At least, we thought she was just interested, but apparently she had some aggression issues with her stuffed bear. What ensued for the remainder of the photo session was basically a bear mauling. Maybe Avery was giving a tutorial on how to fight a stuffed bear should the need arise. I mean, hey, you never know!
As you can see from the picture above, you must first act like you just want to pet the unsuspecting bear. Then, when you have good leverage, slam his face down in your knee and smile while doing so.
Then grab your bear prey from behind while he’s stunned….
….and throw him in a corner while staying as close as you can to prevent him from taking any swipes. Maybe bite his face a little.
From there, drive your shoulder into his neck region to let him know you’ve only just begun to show him who’s boss!
Don’t stop, keep really driving your body into his and don’t let up by any means! This is a bear, after all, and they can’t be trusted.
Having shown his jugular a thing or two, push him down from behind and bite his head! Trust me, you’ll “bear-ly” taste a thing.
At this point, you’re probably a little tired, so give yourself a break by just laying right on top of the big lug.
Keep laying there if you need to; bear fights are exhausting.
Once you’ve established yourself as master of all bears, prop the poor sap back up in a corner and go let everyone know your big feat!
Oh yeah, oops, learn how to crawl or walk before trying to get off the chair though. Thanks, mom, for catching me!
Have mommy or daddy help you down from the chair instead of trying to crawl right off of it and get to the nearest phone to tell everyone you know. Just so happens, Avery had her chance to use the phone when we changed her into swim clothes to go outside and try her new giant turtle pool.
After you’ve made the calls… the phone.
And that sums up our 7 month photo session and tutorial on how to fight a bear. Here’s Avery at her 1 month session; she’s a little more lively now!
1 Month
Wow, I will never get over seeing how much she’s already grown!
Do you have a certain prop you use to help mark your child’s growth each month/year? Or did you?
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.