Tag Archives: new year

2016 NuttZo Ambassador + 5 Healthy Recipes

Exciting news in the Going household, I’m on for my second year as a NuttZo Ambassador! If you’ve followed the blog or any of my social media pages, you’d know we’re all NuttZo Fanatics over here, and I am looking forward to sharing the #NuttZoLove with everyone in 2016!

nuttzo, fanatic, healthy, peanut butter

Sure, peanut butter is good, but why choose good when you can have out-of-this-world awesome with organic nuts and seeds providing a host of healthy benefits? It’s delicious and something I feel good about giving to my precious little girl, Avery. She definitely has no complaints either.

Breakfast with NuttZo

Actually, I often have trouble getting it back from her.

Holding NuttZo Up

It’s almost a daily stand-off. Guess it’s no surprise when she hugs the jar and proclaims her love for NuttZo.

Since we’re all busy in midst of the holiday season, I wanted to kick off my renewed role as a NuttZo Ambassador by sharing 5 of my favorite quick and healthy recipes I shared this past year. These are perfect for entertaining or making just for yourself.

Microwave NuttZo Banana Bread

nuttzo, healthy recipe

Sweet & Spicy NuttZo Carrot Dip

NuttZo Carrot Dip_Close up

NuttZo Cinnamon Banana Frittata – Perfect Christmas morning breakfast!

NuttZo, healthy, recipe, frittata, breakfast

No-Bake Mini NuttZo Pumpkin Cake

NuttZo No-bake cake

Single Serving NuttZo Oatmeal Cake

Oatmeal Cake with Yogurt Frosting

It’s also good in savory meals like soup. Just stir a little in for that flavor *pow* that’ll have everyone asking for the secret recipe. Or at least saying they like it. 🙂

Annnddddd, there’s always Plan B for those not into putting something together. I even made a little rhyme…

If you’re in the mood for snacking,

but your time is seriously lacking,

just grab NuttZo and a spoon

and you’ll be happy really soon.

Hey, I’m no Robert Frost, but you get the point. Eat NuttZo, be happy and healthy.

Can’t wait to share more NuttZo goodness in 2016! Have a wonderful Christmas (or other holiday) season!

Do you plan on having NuttZo as part of your holiday eats?

What’s your favorite way to use NuttZo or other nut butter?

My Resolution Success and Failure Before the New Year: A Mohawk

Have you ever had or do you currently have a mohawk haircut? It’s something I’ve always wondered how it would look on me, so I decided to attempt cutting my own hair to see what it would look like.

When I went to get my haircut, the hairdresser refused to do it since she figured my wife would hate it (probably true), and now that Going Mom cuts my hair (except this time), she too refuses to grant my haircut wish. Guess the hairdresser has seen this from other married men in the past!

For the New Year, I decided one of my resolutions would be to have a mohawk and finally see how my large head would appear sporting the look of a Native American warrior!

First, take a look at my main motivation for wanting to cut my hair; bedhead.


No, no, wait, let me show you my “El Confidant” look…


…or lack thereof.

As Avery sat patiently ran all around her gated area throwing everything in site and screaming, I figured now would be the best time to make a first attempt at cutting my hair.

I setup in our living room for Avery to watch and had my cape, vacuum, cardboard box, and shears ready. *Buzzzzzzzzz* And off with my head hair!


Gaaahhhhh! WTF did I just do?!


Geeehhhhh, nothing good, that’s what!


And the most annoying part about my “longer” hair is how it goes over my ears. I still couldn’t manage to get that right!

After getting a big raspberry thumbs down from Avery, I ended my minute of mohawkdom and buzzed it all off.


Yeah, that’s better. Finally, I got the hair over my ears too!


Not bad for a novice, huh? Unless you count the mohawk, which I’m not!

And with that, I succeeded and failed at my New Year’s resolution before it even arrived!

Have you ever jumped the gun on a resolution and failed before the new year?

How do you like the haircut?