Tag Archives: no bake

Gluten-Free No-Bake Quinoa Almond Protein Cookies

For the record, we don’t follow a gluten-free diet in our house, but I know it’s a concern for many. That said, most gluten containing foods you find on the store-shelf typically are not the healthiest choices. So, by default, following a healthier diet usually means not having a lot of gluten, which is the case for us.

We love oats (especially with NuttZo) which are technically gluten-free, but unless they’re certified gluten-free, they could have traces of gluten due to sharing the same processing facilities with other grains. But that’s another post, I’ll spare you…..today.

Although I’m all about living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding most processed foods, I still have a sweet tooth and feed it frequently. But, I don’t succumb to relying on packaged food to feed my sweet tooth (or anything really), I know I’ll appreciate it much better by making it myself.

Michael Pollan’s quote in his book, Food Rules, pretty much sums up my feelings; “Eat All the Junk Food You Want as Long as You Cook It Yourself.” If more of us followed this simple mindset, I’m positive we’d have less health issues today. It’s something I want to instill in Avery as she grows. I’m sure after all of that time she’s spent with me in the kitchen, she’s already picked up on plenty of dad’s healthy habits.

Practicing how to taste test on the spoon.
Practicing how to taste test on the spoon.

She’s since moved on from practicing to just actually eating for her taste tests. You know, that’s like another lady I know who lives in our house.

Yep, it's good. More please?
Yep, it’s good. More please?

Lately, a healthy treat that definitely has her asking for more are these quinoa cookies.

gluten-free no-bake quinoa almond protein cookies

Quinoa has become pretty mainstream, and everywhere you look, you’ll find articles raving about it’s numerous benefits. It’s a staple in our home, and I love the versatility it offers to be made into a savory meal or sweet treat. There are not many plant foods that are a complete protein and so versatile; not to mention easy to prepare.

Since I’m always using it to make a meatless meal with black beans and salsa, I decided to change things up and use quinoa for a delicious protein packed treat.

The best part is how adaptable this recipe is to what you have on hand. Don’t have almonds? Use cashews, pistachios, or peanuts. No dried apricots? Dried raisins, dates, or figs would be just as tasty!

gluten-free no-bake quinoa almond protein cookies

No-Bake Quinoa Almond Protein Cookies/Balls/Bars



Process until well combined and roll into balls or press into small brownie pan to make into bars. I pressed the balls with a fork to make cookies, but they taste the same (freakin’ awesome) either way. These will firm up once left in the fridge.


Give these a try and please let me know how you liked them. Or how you didn’t like them, but I’m positive that won’t be case.

WIAW #11: No-Bake Mini NuttZo Pumpkin Cake

Baking can be such a hassle. Especially when you have little ones running the kitchen. Crazy kids plus a hot stove/oven NEVER mix! So, feeling creative for Avery’s breakfast, I decided to make a delicious and healthy cake that I didn’t need to bake. Wham, and I just rhymed; score!

NuttZo No-bake cake

I grabbed one of my 24 cans of Organic Farmer’s Market Pumpkin (Thank you, Amazon!), some NuttZo Power Fuel, peanut flour, and unsweetened shredded coconut and got to work. It turned out to hardly be “work” since 5 minutes later, our NuttZo Coconut Pumpkin Pie was born.

Avery was tugging at my shorts and whining for the first bite, so after I took a few quick pics, I fed my ravenous daughter.

I thought maybe, just maybe, there’d be a little leftover for me to savor, but that hope died fast. Unlike a typical pie, I found it easier to just roll into balls to feed her. At least that way I had messy fingers I got to lick!


If there was time, I’m sure chilling it would make for a cleaner finger food, but as Jack Bauer would say, “There’s no time!”. It does cut pretty good even at room temp though.

Wanna give it a go for yourself? Do it!

Mini No-Bake NuttZo Coconut Pie

by RC Liley

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Keywords: raw appetizer breakfast dessert snack nuttzo

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1/2 Cup Pumpkin Puree
  • 2 Tbsp NuttZo (or other nut butter) at room temp
  • 1/4 Cup Peanut flour (Can use coconut or almond flour or even protein powder instead)
  • 2 Tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 packet stevia or 10 drops liquid stevia
  • Pinch of sea salt


Add all ingredients in a bowl and stir well to combine.

Form into a small cake, roll into balls, or just leave as is to eat with a spoon.


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On to the main part of the post now, my eats!

Thanks as always to the wonderful Jenn from Peas and Crayons, for creating this fun link-up for foodies everywhere! It was great then and continues to be an awesome linky now!

what I ate wednesday, WIAW


Breakfast – One of my many leftover cups of black coffee from Starbucks that I picked up on Mother’s Day.


Lunch – Steamed veggies with eggs and raw broccoli on top. Then some Greek yogurt with purple sweet potato, NuttZo, and homemade banana bread. While watching Avery not take her nap!
Dinner – Shredded chicken with black garlic and steamed broccoli and a little spicy kimchi mixed in as well.
And don’t tell Avery, but I made another batch of the no-bake NuttZo pie for myself to have as a nighttime treat.


Yeah, I’ll be making more of that for the both of us for sure! Have a great Hump Day!

Do you like no-bake recipes or prefer to always cook your meals/snacks?

Ever buy things you use a lot in bulk on Amazon or another site? It’s a must in our home!

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