Tag Archives: november
Silent Sunday + #MySundayPhoto – 11.16.14
Last Week’s Workouts and the Start of Movember
I don’t write it out, but I always warm up before lifting with a 10 minutes of dynamic moves and stationary biking before ramping up the weights to my working sets. Again, this is in additional to walking at least a total of 3 or 4 miles each day of the week and chasing a very fast crawler around the house.
Monday – 10/27
– Back Squat: 4 x 8 x 215lbs
– Straight Leg Dead Lift: 4 x 8 x 205lbs
– Dumbbell Lunges: 3 x 10/side x 45lb/side
Superset w/ Glute-Ham Raise: 3 x 12
– Double Kettlebell Swings: 3 x 31 x 25lb/arm
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
Tuesday – 10/28
– Bench Press: 4 x 8 x 160lbs
Superset w/ Strict Chin-ups: 4 x 6
– Dumbbell Hang Clean & Press: 4 x 10 x 30lb/arm
– 1-arm Dumbbell Rows: 3 x 12 x 45lb
Superset w/ Bodyweight Dips: 3 x 13
– Renegade Rows w/ 30lb Dumbbells: 3 x 10
– Dumbbell Curls “21’s”: 3 x 20lb
Superset w/ Standing Triceps Ext w/ 45lb plate: 3 x 12
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
Wednesday – 10/29
– Warm-up walk/jog followed by 12 x ~75 meter hill sprints pushing Avery in stroller with 35lb weights in bottom basket; cool down jog of ¾ mile
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups + run 2 miles easy
Thursday – 10/30
– Front Squat: 4 x 8 x 170lbs
– Dead Lift: 3 x 8 x 230lbs
– Clean: 5 x 5 x 120lbs
– 31 Bulgarian Split Squats w/ 20lb Dumbbells/arm and 31 Push-ups
– 1 Round of Tabata bike
Friday – 10/31
– Overhead Press: 4 x 8 x 105lbs
– Barbell Bent Row: 4 x 8 x 130lbs
Superset w/ Dumbbell Incline Press: 4 x 10 x 45lb/arm
– Dumbbell Hang Clean & Press: 5 x 5 x 45lb/arm
– 4 Rounds: Close-grip Bench – 10 x 130lbs, Wide-grip Pull ups x 5, Kettlebell Windmill w/ 25lb/side x 10/side, Bike ~30 seconds
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
Saturday – 11/01
– Cardio Challenge (30 min of 30s on: 30s off) wearing Elevation Training Mask
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
Sunday – 11/02
– Walk 1.5 miles with Kelley and Avery in stroller to playground to push Avery in swing and then run 1.5 miles back
– Reel Mow back yard while wearing Avery in the Onya
– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups
– Strict Pull ups x 10, 11, 11
November 1st marked the end of October and the month Avery was born. Yep, we’ll be celebrating her one year birthday on the 15th!!! Ahhhh! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it many times again; being a parent is equivalent to having a time machine stuck on the “future” setting.
I’ll be sharing more about her birthday soon, including her 1 year pictures we had done recently. But I need to go for now and just wanted to mention that I’m participating in Movember and just shaved my face clean on 11/01. Now I’m all set to let my mustache grow…..or something to that effect, it never grew well before.

If you can, I’d love to have you support the cause by donating to my page or team of Dads/Bloggers. Just sharing our page with your friends, family, and followers would be much appreciated too!
Any plans for November?
Have you heard of Movember?