Tag Archives: photo dump

1 Year Photos With A Blanket, A Basket, and Pretty Pink Balloons

Ten days from now, at precisely 4:13 pm, Avery will officially be one year old! #holycrap

That means she has ten days left to start walking so we can watch her run around for her birthday. Pretty slim chance, huh? Really though, that’s okay with me, she moves around just fine on her hands and knees anyway.

We just had Avery’s one year pics taken at a small botanical gardens near where we live and the day was thankfully really calm and beautiful. Besides the annoying mosquitoes and Avery being a little very fussy, the photo session was pleasant and turned out great.

I’m cutting it short with words and just want to share my favorite photos here.  Enjoy!

All photos posted were taken professionally by Kristin Hafner of Kristen Hafner Photography. She was very helpful during the photo session and since she has kids of her own, was understanding of Avery’s fussiness and how to deal with it.


Avery 1yr and Liley Family (24 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (1 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (2 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (8 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (9 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (14 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (18 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (23 of 25)

I love the black and white one with Going Mom and Avery! It’s now the background on my computer so I can see it every time I turn it on!

Did you have or do you plan on having 1 year photos taken of your baby?

Any themes you’re going for?

Sunday Photo Dump: Our Baby in June

Do you NEED something?
Do you NEED something?
Reflecting on life......all 7 months of it.
Reflecting on life……all 7 months of it.
I'm happy. Seeeeeeeee
I’m happy. Seeeeeeeee
Eating cucumber naked is sooooo my thing now.
Eating cucumber naked is sooooo my thing now.
Working out with dad makes me this happy....and awkward looking.
Working out with dad makes me this happy….and awkward looking.

Hey there, welcome to Sunday! How’s it going?

It’s been pretty busy for the first half of the month, and things are finally starting to slow down. We started with being part of an awesome Father’s Day campaign with Oral-B, winning first place in our first race, Avery going to her first brewery, being part of another wonderful Father’s Day campaign with Onya Baby (love their carriers!), my birthday weekend, and celebrating my first Father’s Day the same day Avery turned 7 months.

We’ve had a blast and the month is flying by. Holy crap, it’s almost the 4th of July! Like how I rhymed there?

Anyway, instead of going on about how I feel about food and health, I am zipping my mouth and just laying on the photos of our sweet little 7 month old daughter. Not a second passes where our love for her grows even stronger; even if she screams bloody murder because we broke eye contact with her for a second.

Enjoy the pics and the rest of your weekend!

Just enjoying my carrots.
Just enjoying my carrots.


Door stops should be located in the toy aisle.
Door stops should be located in the toy aisle.
You can't be mad at me, I'm too cuuuuuttttteeee!
You can’t be mad at me, I’m too cuuuuuttttteeee!

Hey, why are my pupils so big?
Hey, why are my pupils so big?

Baby Collages: Sleeping, Sitting, and Saying “Ahh”?

Hey there, how’s your weekend going so far?

Saturday was pretty low key around here, but I did get a well overdue haircut! Yep, I used an exclamation because that’s what this stay-at-home dad gets excited about now.

I almost went too extreme by asking for a Mohawk, but thankfully the lady cutting my hair talked me out of it. Phew!

When I was a freshman in high school, my step-dad at the time once made me go back to the hairstylist that put highlights in my hair and have them taken out. Yep, I came home all happy to have highlights like the cool kids (fyi, not cool anymore) and he drove me right back to have it reversed. Fun guy…

Needless to say, my mom is no longer married to him and we’re all better because of it. She deserves better and has someone much better now!

Anyway, I got carried away, the moral of the story is that Kelley would’ve sent me right back to have the Mohawk cut off immediately; no questions asked. So just the regular “do” for me and we’re all happy.

When I returned home, I worked out in the garage and then Kelley and I went to a nearby hill for a great workout. I did hill sprints and Kelley charged (carefully) up and down the hill while wearing Avery in the Ergobaby Ventus.

We both worked up a good sweat and Avery had a short nap to boot! Win-win for us!

While I was out, Kelley had photo session with Avery in our room and snapped some great shots. I came in and we worked with Avery on sitting up and took more pictures in the process.

There are tons of photos to go through (yes, stamp “new parents” on our foreheads!), so I thought I’d share the most recent via collages.

Before the collages, here a few single shots. It’s hard not post everything we take since we are just so proud and think even the most blurry picture is priceless and hard to delete. C’mon, if you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about.

I couldn’t “bear” to delete the photo because, well, what if one day…..


No explanation needed, just an adorable face I’m lucky to see everyday.


Oh hey, are those mine?


Helping her get set up for sit up practice.


Someone knows how to pose…


The first collage is of Avery’s multiple positions before falling asleep that we captured on the baby monitor.


Here she is in 3 stages all spanning about 5 seconds. From left to right: sitting, falling, fallen.


A few days ago Going Mom and I had a fun play session with Avery. Going Mom snapped these as Avery reached for and grasped the blue ring.


And the last collage is of Avery (surprise!) with her mouth wide open. Not sure if it’s just a laugh or she’s trying to say something, but as always, we think it’s adorable.


I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the rest of your weekend too!

Have you ever had to go back to have your hair “fixed” either by choice or by force?