Tag Archives: photo session

17 Month Photo Session: No Go With The Bow

This is the second month we’ve had to push off Avery’s monthly photo session. Last month, my wife and I had a date night paint night (King Kong even made an appearance), and this month Avery was too ill for us to subject her to pictures in the chair.

Once our little girl was back in action and running wild, we knew it was time for her photo session. She’s still not eating right and it’s obvious her current teething is the culprit. Poor kid, can’t catch a break.

I have to hand it to her though, aside from her stubborn eating, she bounced back from her fever rather fast and won’t let anything slow her down. She made sure to make her photo session difficult just to prove that she’s not sick anymore and we can’t just take pictures as we please like I did the other day. Taking her away from the book she was “reading” probably didn’t help either….


But that’s what parents do, right, we annoy the hell out of our kids. The first setup seemed promising and Avery put up a front as if she’d cooperate.


But not a second later, she was lunging forward with her crazy face.


It became obvious this session would be added to the another one of those categories, so we just managed with what we had. Basically, just a lot of re-positioning.


The only time she held still was when she was pulling on the bow in her hair.


Which, of course, led to it coming off.


Kelley only had to put the bow back on, ohhhhhhh, eleventy-billion times.


Which only made Avery increasingly interested in the little white thing clipped to her hair. Maybe it would be something good to eat?


Nope, maybe handing it to Daddy would be better.


Or maybe I’ll just hold on to it and give a quick pose.


Guess that was all we got, because things went “downhill” from there….


And hey, what’s with this bow always getting stuck on my head?!


So that was our photo session for her 17 month mark. I know there’s a lot of changes occurring each day in our growing girl, but does that mean she’ll be better or worse for her 18 month session?


I don’t know!

16 Month Photo Session: Mad to Glad in a Second

I completely lost track of Avery’s photo session posts with the last one being her 10 month photos. But, hopefully this will get me back on track to capture her growth month by month.

Let me play catch-up and post at least one photo for each month missed.

10 Months


11 Months

11 Months

12 Months / 1 year


13 Months

13 Months

14 Months

14 Months

15 Months

15 Months

Yeah, so we botched her birthday and never took a pic of her in the chair with the bear. Ha, I love unconscious rhyming!

She turned 16 months on March 15, but we were a couple days late at taking the photos. As usual, it was late and she was cranky for the shoot, as you can see at the beginning. Luckily, her bear knows how to instantly cheer her up! She went from mad….


…..to calm/kind of smirking with her bear….


…..to full on giggle-fest 2015!


And she even stopped and smiled for a good picture. This is very rare!


But, just like most monthly photo sessions, the bear got the shaft.


Annndddd off you go, bear!


“Oops, did I do that?”

We set the bear back on the chair several times, but Avery finds a way to make kick him off every time.


All in all, the session went better than I expected. One thing’s for sure, our girl is growing, fast, and we need to make the most of each day with her while we can. From what I hear, kids grow into unruly pre-adolescents that are embarrassed to hang out with their cool parents. What gives?!

Glad to play catch-up and get Avery’s monthly progression published for the world to see! It won’t be long until I’m posting her 17 month photos…..shhheeeesh!

1 Year Photos With A Blanket, A Basket, and Pretty Pink Balloons

Ten days from now, at precisely 4:13 pm, Avery will officially be one year old! #holycrap

That means she has ten days left to start walking so we can watch her run around for her birthday. Pretty slim chance, huh? Really though, that’s okay with me, she moves around just fine on her hands and knees anyway.

We just had Avery’s one year pics taken at a small botanical gardens near where we live and the day was thankfully really calm and beautiful. Besides the annoying mosquitoes and Avery being a little very fussy, the photo session was pleasant and turned out great.

I’m cutting it short with words and just want to share my favorite photos here.  Enjoy!

All photos posted were taken professionally by Kristin Hafner of Kristen Hafner Photography. She was very helpful during the photo session and since she has kids of her own, was understanding of Avery’s fussiness and how to deal with it.


Avery 1yr and Liley Family (24 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (1 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (2 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (8 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (9 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (14 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (18 of 25)

Avery 1yr and Liley Family (23 of 25)

I love the black and white one with Going Mom and Avery! It’s now the background on my computer so I can see it every time I turn it on!

Did you have or do you plan on having 1 year photos taken of your baby?

Any themes you’re going for?