Tag Archives: photo session

10 Month Photo Session + Friday Foodie Fun Facts: Mushrooms

Our past few monthly photo sessions have been quite eventful to say the least, but it seems Avery has calmed down a bit since then. She still fights with her bear, as if it just insulted her crazy, curly hair, but keeping her on the chair wasn’t as difficult this time.

Going Mom had to work later than usual, so I figured I’d try and take a few 10 month pics alone before she arrived home. If I tried this for her 7th, 8th, or 9th session, I would’ve failed miserably….and maybe have an injured baby!

For this reason, I started with her on the floor in fear of what might happen if I set her on the chair and step away.


But, much to my surprise, Avery actually stayed away from the chair’s edge once I gathered the courage to test her. Matter of fact, she didn’t do much at first.


No worries, she quickly warmed up and started flashing some funny/crazy faces as she tosser her bear around. Here are some of my favorites from the solo session before my wife came home to assist.

I'm cute and you know it!
I’m cute and you know it!
There might be poop and there might not....only one way to find out!
There might be poop and there might not….only one way to find out!
Check out my spit bubbles!
Check out my spit bubbles!
Quick, Dad, look over there!
Quick, Dad, look over there!
Hey bear, can we be friends forever?
Hey bear, can we be friends forever?
What? I can't hear you!
What? I can’t hear you!
Yeah, that's what I thought!
Yeah, that’s what I thought!

Thankfully, Kelley arrived home ready for more picture taking, so we went back to the chair. I suck at getting Avery “dressed up” and choose clothes that make it easier for diaper changes over how she looks. Sorry, Avery, that’s why people always ask “How old is HE?”

Since it was late, Kelley opted just to put a bow on Avery after I talked her out of picking a completely new outfit. I’d say Avery was just happy to have both parents at home and spending time with her.

I'm on to you, bear....
I’m on to you, bear….
Still cute....check!
Still cute….check!
This is my bashful pose
This is my bashful pose

Our love for Avery is unconditional, and her personality develops more and more each day. Not long ago, we had a baby who would just lie dormant wherever we sat her and she was completely reliant on us to move her. But now, ha, she’s zipping all over the house and makes it apparent she’s ready to walk very soon!

I could go on raving about our sweet girl forever, but now it’s time for Friday Foodie Fun Facts. This month, I have partnered with Life of Dad and The Mushroom Council and recently published a sponsored post for #ShroomTember with a recipe and details on how you can win $500. Today, I’m going to share fun and interesting shroom facts from The Mushroom Council’s website.

Besides being delicious when cooked or raw, mushrooms deliver a host of beneficial nutrients not found in many other foods. Their wide variety and multiple uses make them perfect to always have on hand. Instead of the normal list, here’s a handy infographic to loaded with mushroom info.


The healthy benefits of mushrooms span far and wide, and if you’d like to learn more, visit The Mushroom Council’s page on the nutritional benefits of mushrooms.

Hope you found one or more things you didn’t know about mushrooms and you’re inspired to go out and try some this weekend.

Are you a fan of mushrooms or can’t stand the sight of them?

Any favorite types and/or recipes?

9 Month Photo Session: Is This What Cat Scratch Fever Looks Like?

Well, we’re back home and back to being parents again. *sigh*

Okay, we missed our precious little Avery, but we also enjoyed our time together. Thankfully, G-Ma had a great time with her and survived the weekend!

Thank you so much, mom, for watching Avery and keeping her so happy. I think she’s already missing you, so we can’t wait long until we see you again. I promise, we won’t leave you alone this time! 🙂

It’s always tough trying to get things back in line after coming back home, and we’re still try to get adjusted. I plan on sharing a recap of our 7th anniversary “staycation” along with a review on our stay at the Embassy Suites in Downtown Fort Worth sometime soon, but not yet.

Today, I have photos from our 9 month photo session with Avery to share. Not even an hour before taking these, Avery was “playing” with our cat, Lou, who “played” back by swiping at her forehead. The result was this lovely ~6 inch scratch.


It looks bad, but we were relieved when she never cried. Guess that’s part of being hard-headed, huh? But, I think the scratch affected her in other ways by making her even crazier than she already is.

The 9 month photo shoot was the most difficult yet, and cat scratch fever seems the only logical explanation. Check them out and let me know what you think.

The initial setup
The initial setup
Might be the best one
Might be the best one
Annnnddd right to the bear.
Annnnddd right to the bear.
Now I'll just crawl off this chair. Gravity, what's that?
Now I’ll just crawl off this chair. Gravity, what’s that?
Time to readjust
Time to readjust
Take that, bear, I can stand on you now!!
Take that, bear, I can stand on you now!!
Mommy's turn to contain the wild child. Check out the booger on that nose!!
Mommy’s turn to contain the wild child. Check out the booger on that nose!!
Another setup attempt.
Another setup attempt.
Hey, you, I thought I was just standing on you!!
Hey, you, I thought I was just standing on you!!
Hmm, this is comfortable.
Hmm, this is comfortable.
No more pictures!!
No more pictures!!
Okay, just a few more.
Okay, just a few more.
Am I being difficult?
Am I being difficult?
Hey, check out my feet, they're at my chest!
Hey, check out my feet, they’re at my chest!
Here, take my side profile as I grind my teeth.
Here, take my side profile as I grind my teeth.
Oh, the floor. My parents are getting smarter....finally.
Oh, the floor. My parents are getting smarter….finally.
This is all you're getting, no more pics!
This is all you’re getting, no more pics!

And that’s all we got, just as she said. The session was eventful, as expected, and we can only imagine how the 10 month shoot will go.

Has your baby ever been scratched by the cat or dog of the house? Was it bad?

8 Month Photo Session with Snaggletooth and Sleepy Face

Every month we have been taking a picture of Avery in the same chair with the same bear; nothing different.
Please, not again!!
Please, not again!!


What is different, is the level of difficulty with each passing month as Avery’s mobility only gets better.

Last month, she was on the verge of crawling, and very hard to keep still as she constantly attacked her bear. This month was no different, but she was able to stabilize herself a little better. Yep, Going Mom still needed to stand by to prevent the gravity defying Avery from falling right off the chair.


Notice Mommy’s safety net arm ready to catch our baby as she lunges forward in her crazed state.

Another variable I never considered is the fact that she’ll eventually have more than just a gummy smile, she’ll have teeth! This is the first month where Avery is flashing us a snaggletoothed smile with only her front top right making an appearance.


Hard to see, but it’s there. She also has her two front bottom teeth cutting through, but they’re still hard to see.


Our 8 month photo session was short lived, but we successfully obtained a few good shots. The temperament of a teething baby is grab bag of emotions; you never know what you’ll get from one minute to the next. First, she’s happily hugging her bear-friend….


…..then it’s suddenly hands-to-face….


…..and more hands-to-face, really rubbing those eyes….


……oh, it’s back to happiness and bear hugs…


…..but wait, maybe the bear said something mean…


…..nope, it’s that damn tooth….


……okay, one more hug? for the bear with Mommy’s supervision…


……aaaaaannnndddd, she’s spent…..


…..now it’s all business, the bear is gone.


All of this happened in the span of approximately 4 minutes. I know, it’s a crazy life, huh?

As all parents already know, the randomness of our kids’ temperaments means us adults will also have a varied temperament. Guess that’s why we have our options of beer, wine, or liquor should the “need” arise!

I know, we never actually think we need alcohol to solve our problems, it’s just fun to reference………..and drink. 😉

If you take frequent growth pictures of your kids or used to, what difficulties did you experience as they grew older?