Tag Archives: pictures

Toddler Smiles: Fake vs Real

At two and half years old, our toddler daughter is catching on to what it means when we say “smile.” We’ve only had the camera in her face since day one, so it only makes sense that her smiles are coming around.
toddler, smiling, cute, baby, parenting
Nope, not smiling!! What is this place?!

She’s come a long way in developing her smile since then, and even knows how to fake a smile. Like, for instance…

toddler, smile, smiles, cute, kids, parenting

Still cute, but definitely not a smile. We only hope she faked it on purpose!

Going through the recent pics we’ve taken, I have found several smiles that are fake and some that are genuine. Of course, after scrolling through, “Blog post!” sprung into my head. And now, here we are.

Let’s move on and see the fake vs real smiles from our toddler as of late.

smiles, toddler, cute, family

It’s not a super wide-grinned happiness smile, but this is in fact a genuine smile Going Mom caught on camera. A little unsure? Yeah, but real nonetheless.



Another real one here. Helping Daddy cook in the kitchen is a surefire way to put a smile on her face.


Fakers!! This is a result of her getting tired of me telling her to sit still and smile. I called her out on the fake smile which resulted in….

toddler, cute, eyes

Here boo-boos on her lip and face are from falling face first while riding her WOOM 1 Balance Bike. She wasn’t even moving, just sitting on it! She’s recovering fast and just has a little scab on her lip left now.

A photo posted by RC Liley (@going_dad) on

No question, wearing her new beach robe equals an obvious real, albeit cheesy, grin.


This is one I’m not sure on. It has both real and fake qualities. Maybe she’s unsure as well?


Real. Playtime in the backyard with Mommy always yields a happy girl.


This one seems rather forced, but I’d like to say playtime with Daddy in the backyard also makes her happy. I’m playing the ignorance card if it’s fake and just going for real here.


Okay, this is forced. Confirmed fake toddler smile here.


Phew, I think Mommy joined Daddy in the fake smile from our toddler club. Still both beautiful girls though!


And Mommy wins it back with an excited and real smile! She’s keeping her eyes on a spiderweb on our back porch roof which spooks her out.


Subtle, but it’s a half real smile from a cute little girl. I don’t think we even asked her to smile for this one. Oh wait, we ALWAYS ask for a smile.

toddler, smile

This is a Happy-to-be-me-and-free genuine smile! Running around like a wild child shouting “We’re having fun!” Love this picture!

A photo posted by RC Liley (@going_dad) on

Fake. She was doing it just for the NuttZo. Can’t blame her though!

As you can see, she’s getting it down. Soon she’ll perfect the fake smile and we won’t be able to tell what’s real and what’s not. Then we’re in big trouble. As if her bottom lip weren’t enough!

Luckily, we’re seeing more real than fake smiles from our precious toddler, and hopefully it stays that way. One thing I know is that our whole family smiles when we’re together.

magnesium, deficiency, anxiety, salt bath

Does your kid have a fake quality they know how to use?

Can you spot it or does it fool you sometimes?

A Baby Timeline On My Samsung Galaxy

I’m going back 2 April’s ago when I posted this baby timeline using pics on my Samsung Galaxy. It’s been long enough and I enjoy looking back to see how small our growing girl used to be. Enjoy!

So, we have been without internet for two days now. I am writing this from my phone using data I hardly ever use;  stupid AT&T…

What’s even cooler is they are finally building on the empty lot next to our house. …. right next to the nursery. Please sense my sarcasm. I guess the silver lining I’d that the workers talk loud enough that Avery might pick up a second language without us doing anything.


Since I wanted to have a post for Sunday, I figured I would just share the timeline of pics I have on my phone. Lucky you, I know!

And lucky me gets to enjoy this steamed organic broccoli with nutritional yeast, cayenne, and mustard. Seriously, I love this stuff!


Of course I’m having more of something else after, and even more after that. And yes, that’s a spork I’m using.

I’ll start with a picture of us before leaving to go to the hospital.


Here’s Kelley’s belly. .


At the hospital, I was excited about being coach.


Kelley, on the other hand, wasn’t too thrilled.


But she did great and brought us our sweet little Avery.


The deepest love we have ever known was now in front of us living and breathing as a healthy baby.


Once home, I immediately tried out the Baby Bjorn.


And Going Mom held her close with loving care as much as possible.


At four weeks we had her newborn pics taken, and I was even part of the props!


Within a few weeks, I successfully made it through a workout with Avery in the garage.


Then I grew bold enough to go on our first run.


We’ve been on many runs since the first and loving each one. The weather was nice that day, but then a major winter storm hit. No worries,  Avery got to try on her bear suit!


I guess she has some growing to do. I attempted to cut her fingernails and got her finger instead, but friends of the Facebook world let me know all parents have been there.


Swaddling was a huge part of our daily lives and keeping her arms from moving was vital to sleep!


Yeah, she wasn’t a fan. I continued wearing her in the Bjorn before realizing I needed another carrier.


G-ma got to enjoy holding a happy baby fitting one of her visits.


Going Mom and I had our first date while G-ma watched Avery.


We saw Imagine Dragons in concert and had Chipotle and beer in the parking lot.


Once again, I tried cutting Avery’s nails, and once again, I failed.


I made a visit to my old workplace, Kelley’s current employer, with Avery.


Kelley was happy to see us both.


We bought a jumper for Avery, but she was a little confused at first.


Avery had her four month shots and I don’t think she enjoyed it;  what do you think?


Finally, thanks to Onya Baby, I got a better baby carrier and was in love at first wear.


After she mastered rolling over, we “unwrapped” the swaddle and put her in a Zippy from Zipadee-Zip. We all like it much better!


Now that she’s stronger, she also does better in her jumper.


But the best seat is her infant positioner from Mamas & Papas.


We go everywhere together with the help of Onya, even in the rain.


And Going Mom is still holding her close and giving her all the love she can. Together, we are a happy family of three.


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and hopefully I’ll have internet soon again!

Edit: the internet came back late at night, but I’m leaving this post. It’s hard work to write a post on phone!!

What do you do when the internet is down? It’s sad how much we rely on it sometimes.

Our Toddler’s Presidents’ Day Photo Shoot

This is a post from Presidents’ Day last year. I love looking back to see how much our little girl has changed, so I figured I’d share.

Happy Presidents’ Day! I’ve never done much for the holiday, but having a day off from school and work (for some) meant I never had a problem when it rolled around. So, happy birthday, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln!

As a stay-at-home dad, I obviously don’t have “off” in the work and school sense, but I do get to have Going Mom home with me for an extra day. Our beautiful Texas weather has subsided temporarily so going outdoors is not that appealing, but hopefully we’ll have a good time together with Avery.

Ever since she won the Metroplex Baby and Kids weekly photo contest, Avery seems a little more confident when we take her picture. And recently, she struck several poses in one photo shoot that I’m going to share with you now. You’re welcome.

presidents' day, parenting, baby, kids

I’m not so sure I’m ready to do this photo shoot.


Okay, starting to feel a little better in my ability to exude ultimate cuteness.


Hey, wanna see something cool?


It’s my tongue! Ahhhhhhh! Cool, huh?


Oh geez, I just froze up again! Where did my confidence go?!


Oh, oh, I know what I can try. Ready, annnnnndddddd……


IIIIIIIIIII ammmmmm theeeee youngggg-est opppperrrrrraaaa singerrrrrrr alive!


No? Not good? Yeah, I wasn’t feeling it either, forget that happened. I need a prop.


This will be perfect. Back to the couch for background. But first, how’s this “catching me off-guard” pose?


Ooooo, look, lights! Oh yeah, to the couch….


Hey look! I’m half baby, half ball! I can see this going somewhere. Like across the kitchen, that is.


Here goes nothing, lets get “rolling”. Ha ha, pun very intended. Proud, dad?


Whoo hooo, I’m having a “ball”! And I’m 2 for 2 with puns, must be the atmo-“shpere”. Boom, again!


Back to business, moving this ball across the floor for no apparent reason other than I can.


Accomplished! And now, for the final act that will have companies fighting for me to make an appearance. I’m going to pounce on the ball!


Wait, doesn’t count, my foot slipped! Redo!!

Happy Birthday to all presidents, dead or alive, thanks for all that you do…..kinda.