I’m an impatient dad when it comes to playtime. I was ready to start playing games with Avery right after cutting her umbilical cord at the hospital! But, I reluctantly held off.
Once we brought her home, I attempted playtime in some form or fashion on a daily basis. It wasn’t well received….
I kept trying, but she kept tight-lipped.

And then finally she acknowledged my stupid noises and facial expressions making them all worth my while!

Now that Avery’s coming up on 5 months and is becoming more active every day, Kelley and I have been finding new ways to play and keep her entertained. Although she still can’t crawl, I feel the time is drawing near and she’s pretty good in her jumper or standing with our assistance.
At a loss of ideas for what to do with Avery now and in the near future, I sought out Pinterest for some fresh ideas. And thus, my list of top ten activities to do with your baby is born (semi-pun intended). Some ideas are good to do before your baby can even crawl, like Avery, and others are just great for when the time comes. Check them out and let me know if you’ve tried these or plan on trying soon. Enjoy!
1. Baby Treasure Baskets. This is simple and fun. I want to use fruit and veggies too!
2. Homemade Material Box. Save your tissues!
3. Homemade Sensory Bag
4. Discovery Bottles
5. Ball Pit!
6. Muffin Tin Sorter. I never made good muffins anyway!
7. Obstacle Course for Crawling. Pretty sure I’ll go through it too!
8. Baby Bounce. I just tried this with Avery, but all she did was stand and smile; no bouncing yet.
9. This is just a link explaining the benefits of “Peek-a-Boo”. Very interesting and I’m trying to do it more now!
10. 24 Activity Ideas to do with your Baby. Yeah, I know this isn’t one thing, but they are all pretty neat!