Tag Archives: pooping

The Squatty Potty: You’ve Been Pooping Wrong

My thoughtful wife gave me poop better for Christmas 2 years ago. For the first time ever on that glorious Christmas day, I upgraded my poop posture with this cool new toy stool (ha ha, get it?) and, holy crap, I’ve never been so relieved!
squatty potty, poop, health, colon, weight loss
Figured I would spare you from a photo of it in use. 🙂

The Squatty Potty has been providing every day relief since, with the only exception being when I travel. If I didn’t need to carry more items, I’d make it my carry-on item so I never had to go without it. They do, however, have an inflatable Porta-Squatty which I’ll have to look into.

squatty potty, healthy, colon, health, poop

The Squatty Potty is an ergonomic stool that elevates your lower half into a squatting position right over the toilet. Squatting is the natural posture for humans to poop, and it allows you to either stand over the toilet in a full squat or mimic the posture while sitting on the pot.

TheScienceIsSimple_Squatty Potty

Why not just find any old stool to do the same thing? You could, and I tried on vacation once, but there was a slight stability issue. The Squatty Potty is designed to allow natural squat posture while remaining sturdy so you don’t slip, and it fits around your toilet for easy storage. A regular stool would get in the way and, if there are any boys in the house, become victim of tinkle sprinkle. Hey, it happens!

When we simply sit on the toilet, our colon becomes kinked. This is why you can sit there for 20 minutes playing on your smartphone and never feel fully relieved.

squatty potty, healthy, colon, health, poop

But, when you pop a squat, literally, the colon is free and open to rid your body of all collected waste. For me, this equals much less of a bloating feeling and a flatter stomach. This just might be the fastest way to safely lose weight!

When I first started using it, I just raised my feet up on the platform and sat on the toilet. This alone proved quite effective at making me poop better. But then I did a little research on their site and found that the intended method to get the full effect is to stand over the pot in a squatting position. Basically, keep your rear in the air.

Sure, there were a few balance issues at first (please note: tight-fitting shorts/pants are not recommended!), but once I figured out the correct positioning, I found even greater poop elimination than when I sat using the stool. If you don’t already, keep a plunger nearby. Just saying.

TMI? Well, it is a post about a handy tool used to squat for a better poop, what do you expect? Plus, being a parenting site, I assume many parents read this; aren’t we all pretty immune to poop talk? I mean, we discuss the day’s “cloggers” during dinner.

Other than getting used to performing the full stand and hover squat, or the awkwardness of having your kid coming in a staring, I can’t find anything to complain about with the Squatty Potty. It’s simple, easy to clean, doesn’t get in the way, and best of all, is the most natural cleansing method I can think of. You’ll even end up using less toilet paper when squatting since things are more…err, open.

With the Squatty Potty, you can get in and out of the bathroom with the feeling of full relief. No need for laxatives or other drugs to help move things along, which apparently is used by many Americans.

squatty potty, healthy, colon, health, poop

Have you heard of or tried the Squatty Potty before?

Does poop talk gross you out? If so, sorry, but it’s a necessary part of everyday life, and now it’s a less time-consuming part!

Click Here to get your own non-laxative, completely natural cleansing product known as The Squatty Potty!

Want something a little more classy to stand on as you poop? They also offer Squatty Potties in Bamboo

Squatty Potty-Bamboo

….or Natural Wood. These are classy enough for the White House!

Squatty Potty-Slim-Natural-Wood

Full Disclosure: All opinions in this post are 100% my own. My wife purchased the Squatty Potty as a gift for me and I have not been compensated in any way. That said, there are affiliate links that, if you click on them, I might earn a few cents. So, please click them, I like cents!

Diaper Blowouts are Crappy

Pun very much intended here! Diaper blowouts are indeed crappy both figuratively and literally. Anyone who claims otherwise is either A) some weirdo who loves poop or B) in the business of blocking blowouts. Like, for instance, this appropriately named Blowout Blocker Diaper Extension.

Butt (ha ha, get it?), Avery doesn’t have her poop shoot up her back, it’s escaping from the seams around her legs. We use cloth diapers, and I’m starting to wonder if the elastic is just losing it’s strength or Avery’s crap is just getting more powerful.

Going Mom and I are positive it’s a combination of the two. Probably doesn’t help when they are on the runny side. Am I getting too detailed? No? Okay, I’ll keep going then. Just be glad I don’t have pictures to share! 🙂

On Wednesday morning, I walked in on Avery rolling around her crib with poop all over the sheets…….and her……and then me. A quick bath, lots of wiping, spraying the diaper forever, a change of clothes, and load of laundry later and we were good again.

The morning carried on as usual; she threw her green smoothie on the floor several times and we had a lot of standoffs. I even brought her to the bounce house since I had to go to Costco which is nearby. I was sure the bounce house would keep us on good terms, but Mickey Mouse was there and she DID NOT like that giant cheese lover!

Once home, we had lunch, ran around the house, and even read an instruction manual.


Then it was nap time.

But I just got to the French version of the instructions!
But I just got to the French version of the instructions!

Just over an hour later (yeah, she doesn’t give us much for naps these days), I walk into her room and am overwhelmed with deja vu. There she is, rolling around her crib with crap…..everywhere…..again!

Same lengthy routine as last time and we were good once again. Her sheets are pink, but at this rate they’ll be washed out white in no time!

The next day, Thursday, I cautiously walked into her room prepared for another blowout, and not the fun, party variety, but was pleased to see a clean Avery and bed. But there was no poop, which means she’s a ticking time bomb. This girl has crapped 5 times in a day, so we never feel safe.

Sure enough, right after changing her, she took one drink of her morning smoothie and that got things moving. Still no blowout, and she even came to me with her guilty “I pooped” face.


Changed and good to go once more, we finished our NuttZo and banana breakfast before getting ready for the morning walk. As I was cleaning up in the kitchen, Avery ran off to the couch to jump around, her current favorite activity despite my pleas to be careful. Shortly thereafter, she came back to me with her arms extended to pick her up to which I obliged because, parenting.

Damn parenting, I should’ve known she was too quite for her own good. I look down and have a nice plop of poo on my shirt and see it oozing out the side of her legs. Crap, I thought (yeah yeah, literally and figuratively again), the couch! Sure enough, she tagged the couch with her crap. My patience gets tested mostly every day, but this felt like the final exam…..or at least mid-terms.

Same cleaning routine again, including all of couch cushion covers and all of us getting stripped down. I think Avery enjoyed my frantic state, but seemed unsure of her wild post-shower hair.


I was trying to cook that night’s dinner before the episode, so I went back to finish while handing Avery a few fresh green beans to snack on. This helps to keep her from standing on my feet and pointing at my butt and then saying “butt”.

The girl has yet to understand chewing her food, so this resulted in her gagging on a tiny green bean. A big cough and a two gags later, and viola, I have a very viscous vomit on my feet. Can you even call that silver lining since it wasn’t a blowout?

I took Avery to clean her and my feet and then shut her in the playroom where I setup our tent which is obviously a little too big for indoors….


….just so I could clean the floor without her going to wipe everything around with her hands like I know would and has happened.

Friday was a blowout-free day, but her morning diaper was so overloaded with poo that she leaked all over her sheets. Washed out white, I tell ya, those sheets won’t be pink much longer!

What a week! Who knows what the weekend holds (or doesn’t for that matter), but I guess only time will tell. Wish us luck!

How often, if ever, do you experience blowouts with your little ones?

Any tips you want to share for cloth diapers in order to prevent more blowouts?

Our Toddler’s Poop Frustrations: Avery & Daddy Vlog Episode 3

Looks like we’re starting another week with an even fussier toddler who really likes to poop. I mean she poops, sometimes tells me by saying what sounds like pronouncing the letter “p”, I change her, set her down to run around, and 5 minutes later I hear “p” again.

I joke around a lot, but this is not one of those times. We usually have enough cloth diapers to last a good 3 days, but after 2 days, the diaper pail is almost overflowing. It smells good too. Okay, that is me joking around. 🙂

As a stay-at-home parent, I know I need to stop the whining, so that’s what I’ll do….kinda….maybe after this post. Maybe not. Ahhh, who am I kidding? Like I have any clue what’s in store for the near and distant future; I’m sure I have plenty more whining to do.

For our third installment into the world of Vlogging, it’s just Avery sitting with me as I rant about her multiple poops so close together and her moodiness. The unimpressed look on her face throughout the video pretty much sums things up.

These Vlogs make it easier for me sometimes since Avery likes to be included (forget her glum look in what you just watched), so we’ll keep doing these. Please, for those reading, let me know what you’d like to see from us. And no, Gary, there will be no more maiming…..I hope. We did record a couple videos with Going Mom reading to Avery, so be on the lookout for those soon.

Avery still has bouts of cuteness and continues to work on her dance skills, but I miss having a full day of happy Avery. Until then, I’ll cherish any time no crying is involved, like here…..


Wouldn’t having a poop schedule to refer to reduce a parent’s stress ten-fold? I think so!