Being the husband of a committee member, I, along with a few other husbands, had the pleasure of helping out with the event. I loaded Avery’s Fisher-Price Basketball goal to bring (it ended up being a “slam dunk”) and helped with the kid’s fishing station. We didn’t know so many kids lived in the neighborhood until our big party. It’s great knowing there are so many playmates right in the hood.
Hopefully they won’t become hood-lums as the get older and terrorize all of us parents. Just like I (never) did when I was a kid. Sorry, Mom. Not that I’m concerned our little angel would cause any trouble when all she want to do is play with bubbles.
The bubble machine was THE highlight of the party for our little girl, and many others. Then there were the piñatas. Going Mom was in charge of buying these, and she chose the coolest turtle piñata for little kids…
….and a giant flip flop for the older kids.
I’ve been part of a piñata massacre before, but never a turtle; it hurt to watch.
No pictures of the abuse, but if you’ve seen an mob of zombies hovering over a fallen human on the The Walking Dead, it’s basically the same thing. Only kids are the zombies and scattered candy is the fallen human.
Avery has yet to taste candy or anything that’s basically pure sugar, so she didn’t care much about what came out of the papier-mâché vessels. I know the day will come, but until then, we’ll enjoy her not begging to satisfy her sweet tooth unless it’s something we ourselves.
The party was a major hit for the neighborhood and we’re all thankful for an awesome committee. I suggested another party with a Midsummer’s Night Dream theme. Sounds cool, but I guess I wouldn’t be the one doing all of the hard work, so I won’t push it.
The rest of the weekend was low key with us just taking care of chores around the house. Avery made sure to help when and where she could.

My wife continued her paint everything beige project around the home and enlisted the help of some non-toxic finger paint from Alex Toys to keep our toddler’s wondering hands busy.
And guess what? It worked!
After finishing in the kitchen, I sat down and painted with her to make sure she kept busy. The paints are nothing great, but they are inexpensive and colors go on paper. That’s all toddlers care about! I still have yet to help with the actual painting.
Sorry, wife. Hope you still love me!
That’s about it for our weekend of fun, cleaning, and projects. This time next week, we’ll be living it up in North Carolina at the Outer Banks. It will be Avery’s first trip to the ocean and we’re excited to play in the sand with our beautiful girl. The sleeping arrangements, on the other hand, are something we’re not quite looking forward to. We’ll be in bunk beds with me on the top and Going Mom on the bottom with Avery. Sounds simple, but from what I posted on Instagram the other day, well, I’ll let you know afterward.