I am loving the content shared by Doctor Jonathan as I sift through his old and new posts. Fast food is not the way we should rely on our nutrition, and here he presents the reasons in a clear and concise format. While we all see/hear how bad it is on a daily basis, most people still consume it on a daily basis.
Not a day goes by that I want to help change how families are fed. For now, helping to spread information on the negative effects of poor nutrition and lifestyle in general seems the best approach. Please give this and the many posts sure to come a good read and put at least one of the thoughts into practice. Our kids, family, and YOU deserve it.
Link to original post is found here.
I recently posted a picture of 4 FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS visible from my GYM’s parking lot. The point was to show CONVENIENCE; a major factor contributing to our obesity epidemic.
Today I opened the weekly circular which displayed the following 7 ADS:

Where is the DECENCY and HUMAN COMPASSION for a problem that continues to escalate out of control?
This is legalized “FOOD PUSHING” that increases food addiction with dangerous consequences. Everywhere we turn (newspapers, TV, shopping stores, highway exits, etc…) we face these destructive products that tempt us the same way drugs tempt drug addicts and alcohol products tempt alcoholics.
Denying this reality continues to spread this epidemic we currently face. To rely on the fast food industry (as a sector) to grow the wealth of our economy is a sad commentary. It is a source of great PAIN and SUFFERING. We consume these restaurant foods an average of 5.8 times a week (as adults) while 30% of children eat fast food on any given day. (United States Healthful Food Council)
We are bombarded with this advertising and have convinced ourselves the dangers are grossly over-exaggerated. Our total disregard to the damaging effects of most fast food products has resulted in obesity and overweight becoming:
Source:Mokdad AH, Marks JS. Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA 291
Since this study is 16 years old, I am willing to bet obesity and overweight has surpassed smoking making it:
The food industry is not about to change their advertising and marketing approach which continues to grow their revenues at the consumer’s expense. It therefore, becomes the CONSUMER’S RESPONSIBILITY to reduce their fast food consumption by 80-90% if they wish to LIVE LIFEthe way they CHOOSE TO, rather than suffering the inevitablePREVENTABLE diseases, dysfunction and DEATH we see TODAY!
In a world where the general consensus seems to be that prescription drugs are the one and only answer to our ailments, this post from
All About Healthy Choices will hopefully help to disprove that. I’ve seen/heard numerous success stories about individuals having literally dozens of prescriptions to take each day, that, by changing to a healthier diet and just moving more were able to get off all of their prescriptions.
Hippocrates said it best with his famous quote, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Enjoy the article, hope you can take away a newfound approach to health/fitness and put it to practice for your entire family.
Reblogged from: All About Healthy Choices

“In the womb and in early infancy, several risk factors can influence susceptibility to the development of diet-related chronic diseases later in life.”
During childhood and adolescence, the adoption of habits such as unhealthy diets and low-levels of exercise, has been shown to increase the risk of developing certain chronic diseases.An unhealthy diet contributes to high blood pressure in children causing changes in the body which are associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and obesity. A high calorie intake in childhood is also linked to an increased risk of cancer in later life.
Most chronic diseases are expressed in adulthood. Risk factors that prevail during adulthood have been strongly linked with cardiovascular disease and diabetes including obesity,physical inactivity, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure and alcohol consumption. An individual’s ability to take control over his or her life and to make healthy lifestyle decisions appears to be an important determinant of health.
As the risk of developing disease is generally believed to be reversible at any age there is an absolute benefit for ageing individuals to eat healthily, maintain their weight, and continue to exercise. (Ref: World Health Organization’s Recommendation To Address Chronic Diseases)

***Chronic diseases are long-term diseases that are not contagious and largely preventable.***
“They are the most common causes of death in the world”
and present a great burden for society, particularly diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease , cancer, dental disease, and osteoporosis. Making improvements in terms of diet and physical activitycan help reduce the risk of these chronic diseases. (Ref: Diet and Nutrition Prevention of Chronic Diseases)

The World Health Organization’s own findings show the most common cause of death in the world comes from preventable and reversible chronic diseases. This article doesn’t mention ANYTHING about theCAUSE OF CHRONIC DISEASE originating from a HUMAN DEFICIENCY inprescription drug use. Nor does it recommend the need for further drug development and wider distribution as a remedy to this world wide cause of death. It does, however, specifically and repeatedly state the prevalence of chronic disease as a self induced condition TREATABLE and CORRECTABLE by, “An individual’s ability to take control over his or her life and to make healthy lifestyle decisions.”
If this is the leading cause of death, why aren’t our physicians writing prescriptions for nutrition and exercise? A dentist doesn’t offer prescription drugs because their patient’s refuse to comply with brushing and flossing their teeth. They don’t refer their patients with depression to family physicians for anti-anxiety medication to improve teeth brushing compliance. Why does the medical physician offer prescription drugs IN PLACE OF the PROPER PRESCRIPTION: EXERCISE AND NUTRITION? How will the patient ever be incentivized to take control of their life if their health relies on a doctor prescribing medication for the rest of their lives?
It is no longer acceptable for a doctor to prescribe medication because a patient would rather “pop a pill” than comply with necessary lifestyle changes. Doctors have refused to perform heart bypasses and transplants in patients unwilling to give up smoking. This concept needs to be extended to the family medical practice. Prescription medication shouldONLY BE USED after the SAFEST most efficacious treatments have been utilized FIRST without attaining desired results (unless an acute emergency presents itself.)
This means the physician must begin working in collaboration with licensed nutritionists and certified exercise specialists capable of helping their patients overcome obstacles interfering with healthy outcomes. When and if nutrition and exercise is insufficient to achieving healthy results, medical physicians can consult with natural health care providers to see if natural remedies could effectively and SAFELY provide additional support to overcoming any remaining obstacles. If this process does not achieve the desired results, the physician should then turn to their pharmaceutical prescriptions. Even if they are needed, there is a greater chance the amount and potential duration will be reducedlimiting the harmful side effects patients commonly experience.
This approach to HEALTH CARE (rather than DISEASE CARE) provides a solution for BOTH patient and medical physician. It provides the patient more comprehensive care intended to address and correct UNDERLYING CAUSES of CHRONIC DISEASE while empowering them with greater CONTROL over their lives. It provides the medical physician the additional resources needed to help their patient achieve a better quality of health.
Some of the listed cooking oils to avoid surprised me, but the reasons make sense. On my quest to eat less processed foods, and more whole foods, I value this info. I want the best nutrition for our family, especially when what goes in our little girl’s body is being used to create new tissue that will be with her for life.
In an effort to provide vital information on health and fitness, I’ll start to share what I find interesting from other articles/blog posts. With less time being spent on writing my own posts, this content will have practical advice for parents, kids, and, well, anyone looking to live a happy and healthy life.
Hopefully you find value in what I have to share and can put the info to good use. Enjoy the read and please let me know if you have anything specific you’d like to know more about.
Processed To Death – Get These Cooking Oils Out of Your Pantry STAT!
Source: Processed To Death – Get These Cooking Oils Out of Your Pantry STAT!
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.