The end of July marks my mom’s (G-Ma’s) birthday, and the anniversary of when Going Mom and I first met. We think it was right before G-Ma’s birthday, but can’t remember the exact day.
11 years have passed since we first met, and we’ve been together ever since. Like most couples in love, there have been ups and downs, but obviously wayyyyy more ups than downs! I love my wife, and I’m happy to share this life with her and Avery.
August 17th will mark our wedding anniversary, and we’re celebrating by staying two nights in a hotel while G-Ma holds down the fort/Avery. I’d be lying if I said we weren’t counting down until this day; we could use the time!!
On the topic of time, I can’t believe July has already passed, but I’m excited to see what Avery will surprise us with next. Here are some of my favorite pictures from this past month; hope you enjoy!

Did I post enough? I had to stop myself from adding more, but hopefully you like what I have. We’re looking forward to another exciting month ahead!
How was your July?
Any plans for August?
Do you have kids going to school for the first time or preparing for another year?