That’s exactly what stay-at-home dad Jesse Andrist set out to do when he created Chabee Outfitters. As an involved dad to three, Jesse knows the important role of being “dad” and he wanted to reflect that in Chabee. With fathers all around seeing a product made just for them, it is Jesse’s hope that this will help solidify their significance.
With the good looks and rugged nature of his messenger-style bag, I’d say he’s doing just that. When I received the bag, I could tell the heavy duty materials, all hand-crafted in the USA, would easily last long enough through several kids, and if something needed a little fixing, lucky for you, Chabee offers Free Repairs for Life!
With that kind of guarantee, a dad could give the same bag to his kid when he’s all grown up with kids of his own. Even if you have a daughter, I’m sure they’ll fully appreciate the look and style. Avery has already been practicing how she’ll tote it around.
To look at it, you’d never know it’s a diaper bag, which means it won’t end up in the attic with the other baby items that have no more use. The changing pad is conveniently attached and folds out from the inside.
This is helpful to me since other bags I’ve used that have a removeable pad means keeping track on one more thing and always fighting to cram it back when as I rush to get everything packed. And hey, a comfy leather pad will practically have your kids happy to climb on for a change.
As long as they’re not 14 and still climbing on, this is a very good thing!
There are not many storage compartments compared to most diaper bags, but that’s what I like, it’s simple. The pockets are plenty deep and provide plenty of space for the average guy (yes, even ladies too!) to fit what he and his kids need.
I won’t lie, when carrying the Chabee Diaper Bag around, I felt a sense of pride and kept wanting to have another dad ask about it just so I could show it off. But the “Made in USA” leather badge basically shows it off for me.
While there are many diaper bags out there that do their job and do it well, Chabee offers one you can use for years after your little one is not so little anymore. It will easily fit books, laptops, tools, or many other non-diaper items, and will hold up to the job with its tough construction.
Since I only have one sweet little girl to carry stuff around for, this bag is perfect for the two of us. This bag is a perfect gift for the soon-to-be or new father, so be sure to check out Chabee’s website to learn more and keep up to date with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
For all of my readers, you can get your own Chabee Outfitters Diaper Bag for 15% off using promo code RCL when you checkout. The code is good until 12/31/15. Help support Jesse’s new company and get something that will last generations at the same time!
I’ll end with a quote from their About Us page explaining the name which I think adds to the uniqueness of this business and one I’m proud to get behind to share with others.
Chabee is a mash up of the words “change” and “be”. The name was formed to encompass the beautiful Gandhi quote “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Have you heard of or seen Chabee before?
Are you interested in getting a bag for yourself or someone you know?
Disclosure: Chabee provided their bag free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are strictly my own.