Tag Archives: routine

How My Crazy Toddler Might Help My Strength Gaining Goal

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my strength gaining goal and the issues I face with sticking to it. In sum, training is not the problem, it’s my lack of a caloric surplus.

After that post, I had a couple people reach out to me offering their help and support. One of those people is Tony Huynh, a personal trainer and owner of the site Good Guy Health. Tony has been extremely helpful by creating a solid nutrition plan and training routine. I urge you check out his site and reach out to him about your own fitness goals.

I did make changes to his original strength routine, but mainly because I have Avery in the garage with me and felt it might take too long for her patience to hold. That, and it gets hot fast in there, like our own personal sauna. Too bad we can’t control the heat, I literally have my shirt and shorts (even my socks) drenched in sweat after just 30 minutes!

Here’s my current routine:

Workout Routine_June 2015

Saturday and Sunday are rest days, but I always include some conditioning by running, swimming, or rowing. Nothing too extreme, but enough to get my fitness “fix”. I’m currently on the 85% week and will take it down a notch next week before increasing my RM (rep max) and going through the cycle again.

This, along with following the macro breakdown Tony setup for me, is yielding results. Nothing big (yet), but mainly b/c I’m still struggling with eating more than I’m used to and being less active than before.

For eating more, I’ve reduced the over-abundant amount of raw veggies I usually eat with more calorie dense foods like nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. Extra spoonfuls of NuttZo with Greek yogurt and cherries do the trick too, and I’ve been enjoying them daily!


I just have to be sneaky or Avery will go crazy and demand it all to herself!

I know what you have....GIVE IT!
I know what you have….GIVE IT!

Which leads me to why her crazy toddler temperament as of late just might help me with my strength/weight gaining goals. You see, I’m one to constantly keep pushing myself when working out despite what my mind and body is trying to tell me. This results in overdoing it most of the time, and therefore, burning those precious calories my body needs to use to grow.

Since Avery’s early onset of the terrible twos only seems to grow in intensity each day, her mood can change in an instant. And patience? Fogettaboutit!

Long gone are the days of quite little Avery hardly aware of her surroundings….

squat rack, baby, workout, fitness

I love that picture. But her patience level has dropped dramatically in the past 2 weeks which means I need to get my lifts in and be done with it. No more messing around trying to think of some elaborate “finisher” to get that burning pump and sweat pool going on. As much as her fussiness has been driving me up the wall, I find the silver lining is possibly helping me on my journey to strength.

Time will tell, and then I’ll tell you, but hopefully I can look back and thank our crazy little girl for being, um….crazy.

Can you find the silver lining in your kid’s craziness?

Do you get a “free” sauna in your garage during the summer too?

Going Strong: Turn Playtime Into An Intense HIIT Workout

I’ve been feeling guilty lately. Avery’s activity level has increased tremendously from roly poly days of yore. Okay, it really wasn’t that long ago, but a guy can exaggerate, right?
Hi, I'm cute but can't do much else right now!
Hi, I’m cute but can’t do much else right now!

All parents say it, and we’ll probably continue to say it forever; time flies! I skipped the “when you’re having fun” part because, lets face it, it’s not always fun. 🙂

Anyway, my guilt is spurred from ability to play more and allow me to be active with her but I still take time to do my workouts in the garage as she plays in her jumper.

Umm, you done yet?
Umm, you done yet?

As long as I don’t push my luck, she remains patient and happily “talks”, screams, and jumps around, but these days are numbered. Soon, the jumper will no longer work and I need to setup an area for her to walk/crawl around. Keyword, WALK! You reading this, Avery?

Not one to just skip exercise for the day, I decided to get creative and combine playtime with a  full body HIIT workout routine. I really wanted to stay indoors when I made this since the weather sucked that day, and it turned out to be pretty fun but intense. Functional fitness just took on a new meaning!

For this, the only equipment you need is a box and a baby.

Playtime HIIT Workout Routine

3 Rounds of 30 Seconds On, 30 Seconds Off

Thrusters with baby

Mountain climbers

Crunches (or other form of core work)


Running in place

Push your kid in a box (Substitute Bear crawls if no box)


Lift baby overhead from side to side (in the shape of a half-moon)

Alternating forward lunges while holding baby

Karate kicks

Avery enjoyed the random movements and did the whole time until the end of the 3rd round. I think she was getting frustrated with me setting her back down, so be warned.

Either way, I think you should definitely give it a try as it will get your blood flowing while you “play” with your kid. It’s a win-win!

I can’t stress enough how important our role as parents is when it comes to teaching by example. Please for the health of your kids as well as your own, show them how being active can be fun and rewarding!

Being the nice guy that I am, I put together a quick video to demonstrate the moves. Since my stack of boxes on the kitchen island wasn’t high enough, I cut my head off of the entire thing. Since I have no desire to do a re-shoot, I’m leaving it as is. #keepingitunique

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HopIOAkS4I]

I hope you give the routine a try and share your experience with me in the comments. If you have any questions, please go right ahead and ask away. If you’re in a time crunch, only do 1 or 2 rounds of this. Moving some is better than none!

This post is part of the #FitFamilyFriday Link up where you can find other excellent posts by healthy parents sharing health-inspired information. Click on over and check it out and share if you care!



Going Strong: Training Goals and An HIIT Workout Routine During Naptime

Remember how I posted my workouts from last week a whole 2 times? Yeah, that didn’t last too long. Not that I quit working out, far from, but that typing it all out took too long. Honestly, keeping myself in check is hardly an issue, just ask my wife, so other than sharing my workouts with all who care to read, it felt pointless.

Sorry to anyone who seriously looked forward to knowing my workouts from the prior week. Instead, I hope to share strength & conditioning routines created either by yours truly (that’s me) or found elsewhere.

High intensity routines are perfect for the time-strapped parent (or anyone short on time) as they provide a superb training stimulus in 30 minutes or less. That is, of course, assuming you push yourself out of your comfort zone. If there’s one carry-over from my years of marathon training to strength training, it’s learning to push far beyond my level of comfort to reach and/or surpass my goals.

One thing I have trouble with in my strength goals is actually doing less to gain more. With marathon training, it’s all about doing more; more miles, more time on feet, and essentially, more running! When training for strength, you focus on lifting “more” weight (i.e. get stronger), but not much else since your muscles need to rest and recover in order to repair themselves and grow stronger.

Strength training is obviously more detailed than that, but that’s an extreme Cliff Notes version. Lift heavy, eat a caloric surplus, rest, repeat. I’ve done better with this over the years, but still have a major problem with creating a caloric surplus. I’ll admit I have this fear of getting fat, like I used to be, and anytime I actually eat what I think is a lot, I have this urgent “need” to go run or do some form of exercise. It’s borderline OCD if not worse, but like I said, I’m getting better at accepting I MUST eat more to actually get stronger.

Even with my diet comprising of almost all whole foods that I prepare, I still find ways to be hard on myself as if I’m not doing enough. I think it’s time I get over it and eat more peanut butter! Love that stuff!

I could blabber on and on about this topic, but it’d become more redundant than it already is. Plus, I have an HIIT routine I created that I want to share with you and hopefully you’ll find it effective.

Although this is mainly a blog about my life as a stay-at-home dad, fitness/nutrition plays a major role in our lives and is a field I want to get into when Avery starts going to school. Plus, parents need to keep fit too. If not for their own health, for the sake of leading by example for their little ones!

Once your kid goes down for a nap or you’re graced with a patient child, try this routine for a full-body blast that’ll have you full of endorphins once finished.

I'm waiting for you!!
I’m waiting for you!!

6 Rounds for Time

6 *Pull-ups or Chin-ups

10 Burpees

15 Push-ups

10 1-arm **Kettlebell Swings (each arm)

15 V-Ups

*If you can’t do pull-ups/chin-ups, try inverted rows or dumbbell bent rows
**If you don’t have a kettlebell, use a dumbbell or anything you can old and securely swing

I was feeling this the next day and loved it! If you really push yourself, expect to take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. I added 5 minutes of biking before and after but it’s not required.

Give this routine a try and let me know how you liked it (or didn’t like it) in the comments below. This is also a great finisher after pure strength training with compounds exercises like squat, deadlift, bench, etc.; just shorten it to 3 rounds.

Do you struggle with getting motivated to exercise or are you like me and struggle with doing less to gain more?

Do you like crossfit style “WODs” like this?

This post is part of the #FitFamilyFriday Link Party. Click below to find posts by other health-minded bloggers and be sure to share with your friends and family!
