Tag Archives: sleeping

Sleep Training vs Sleep and Avery’s First Snow

Can you mix attachment parenting with sleep training? I say yes, as we’ve been doing just that for the past few days.
A successful sleep! sleep training
A successful sleep!

Avery has been going to sleep in her crib for almost 2 weeks now, and when she wakes for feeding during the night, I’ll bring her to Kelley to have her fill.

Then, the plan was that I would take Avery back to the crib and get her back to sleep. Fail. Either Kelley or I will end up sleeping with her the rest of the night. Oh well, this way we all sleep longer without fighting to get her down in the crib. Win.

If she’s not fussy, she’ll stay with Kelley and have easy access to boob for the next feeding, but if she’s not going back to sleep, I’ll take over so Kelley can rest since she has to work.

All of the sleep training, cry it out method supporters are probably just thinking, “Suckers, they’ll never win.”, but I disagree. I know that being able to just hold Avery close and cuddle with her (yes, I said cuddle and I’m not ashamed!) will not last forever, so making the most of this time only seems right. Kelley and I both agree with this as we all know time goes too fast and we don’t want to waste it trying several times to get her to sleep in her crib at night.

She does just fine in the crib during the day, and eventually, we know the inevitable will happen, but for now, I see no harm. The other day as the cold front swept in, our heater crapped out and blew nothing but cold air which woke Avery from her nap. I had things to do around the house, but wanted to make sure she was rested and happy before Kelley got home. So I brought her to the recliner, wrapped in my jacket, and just rocked with her until she was asleep again.

The sun went down and I had to pee pretty bad, but didn’t want to stop holding her. So I sat in a cold, dark room with a full bladder until se had a good sleep and Kelley was home and ready to see our happy baby. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but I’ll remember that time for years to come.

Yesterday it remained cold here in the Lone Star State, and we were graced with snow. This was Avery’s first! She wasn’t doing very good in the nap department, but we eventually ventured outside with her oversized bear coat. She was pretty damn cute with her long sleeves flapping as she moved her arms all over!

Free Bear Hugs!!
Free Bear Hugs!!

After the photo session to document her first snow, we went on another Long, Cold Walk just like the day before. She was squirmy at first, but before I knew it, she was sound asleep and I was just talking to myself (not uncommon). And so another long, cold walk ensued. I thought I lost an ear at one point, but it was just my whole face turning numb……then burning. 3+ miles in the books and I loved every second.

Getting tired of the camera.

Once we returned, I couldn’t help but try for a few more pictures. I even tried making snow angels with her facing out in the Baby Bjorn..

Dad_Avery_Snow Angel

That was my first and last try to do that!

It’s still cold her and more snow might come, so I’ll try for round three of walking with Avery to see if she’ll nap again.

What are your thoughts on sleep training and the various methods used to get your baby to sleep?

How do you make the most out of the time with your baby before they are all grown up?

Toilet Seats Up!

Imagine someone holding their baby in one arm, not able to put down for whatever reason (we all have our reasons!), and really having to pee. Also, imagine this is a guy.

Now, lets assume this guy had left the toilet seat up from a previous pee and went back there expecting to have an easy “release” this time. But, much to his surprise, the seat’s down! WTF!?

Okay, I give, this guy is me, at least several times a day. I’m sure there are many other men who experience this same phenomenon. I understand that the general population considers lowering the seat the proper thing to do. I say, WRONG!

If anything, the seat should be left however the last person used it, but it’s very helpful to be able to not deal with a toilet seat while holding Avery. Yeah, yeah, somebody call the Whaaambulance, you say, but it’s difficult enough trying to pee with a squirmy baby.

It’s the only fair way…..

I understand women have to set the baby down to do anything potty related, but, well, I’m being selfish and talking about us men only. Sorry, I still respect all ladies. I love you, Kelley! : )

Just felt like ranting on this topic while it was fresh in my mind. I feel better now. Oops, maybe that’s because of pee……no, I’m good.

In other news, Avery’s 3rd night in the crib wasn’t so great. We tried a new swaddle thing called the Woombie but all she did was get her arms close to her face and stuck in some uncomfortable position. #fail

I eventually just swaddled her tightly in what we had and she slept better the rest of the night. So, I think we’ll try Woombie once she’s bigger and can’t move her arms so much.

Today will be my first time going to the store with Avery as a SAHD, wish me luck!

What are your thoughts on toilet seats?

Every try a Woombie? Success or a bust?

Today We Made No Income and Went Shopping

Since yesterday was my last working day and Kelley took one last day before returning to work to be with Avery and me, we both earned nothing. Ironically, we decided to make our rounds for grocery shopping today. But first, we “had” to go to Starbucks. Priorities, right?

I proudly wore Avery in Central Market and Costco and she was pretty good for the most part. A little fussing, a little sleeping, and a lot of just wide-eyed staring at everything. Coupled with flailing arms and legs along with her constantly turning head. Yeah, those limbs and that head are going full throttle most of the day. I suppose that’s a good thing though!

Despite our new tight budget, we splurged on a nice bottle of Kirkland brand red wine (the really big bottle) to enjoy with some friends who are coming to visit. And, I’ve been thinking about the fresh Brussels sprouts Costco had on my last visit and made sure to grab two bags of those suckers this time. Next to mushrooms, steamed Brussels are my favorite produce.

Like popcorn, only green....
Like popcorn, only green….

After the store trips and another stop for a refill at Starbucks (hey, it’s free with the card!), we hurried home to feed Avery and put her down for a well overdue nap. After she ate, she started getting pretty cranky and we knew a nap was imminent! I swaddled her and sang random made up songs in a deep voice until she fell asleep, then I sat in our recliner for a little while to make sure she was settled. Kelley put a heating pad and one of her milk-stained shirts in the crib and I attempted to lay her down.

We watch this monitor like it's playing "Breaking Bad"
We watch this monitor like it’s playing “Breaking Bad”

This is a huge thing for us as it seems the second she is put down, the eyes shoot open and pretty much have fire in her whites. Basically, we’ve been unsuccessful. But not this time; she slept 3 hours and we (yes, we) had to wake her up! Then it was feeding time and a cold walk after.

The day went by fast as usual, and tomorrow I’ll officially start my life as a stay-at-home dad. It will be weird with Kelley going to work and me staying home, but I know it will make a better quality of life for us all. I already started to miss her today, when she was still here! We make a great team together, and I never feel whole when she’s away, so I bet I’m as nervous as she is.

Hopefully I’ll have a great update on my first day “on the job” with Avery. I’m counting on a repeat nap in the crib to allow me to get a workout in and do things around the house.

Any other stay-at-home parents have tips for fitting it all in while answering their baby’s constant needs? Maybe I can just start doing lunges while wearing Avery, but I’m pretty sure pushups would be ill-advised…..