Tag Archives: sunday

Instant Happiness with Pictures of a Smiling Baby

Hi there and Happy Sunday!

Hope you’re having a great weekend and the greatness continues for all of today right into next week.

I posted pictures of our smiling Avery back in April of this year to help provide instant stress relief, so I figured it’s time for some updated smiles from our rapidly growing and ever so beautiful daughter.

Instant stress relief and happiness are sure to follow as you scroll down below. Start your day with a smile and enjoy the pics, I know Going Mom and I will be doing the same!
















Thanks for stopping by, and if you feel gravity pulling the corners of your mouth southward, come back and…..wait for….yep…..”turn that frown upside-down!”

Week in Review: Crawling and A Homemade Activity Board

This week seemed to drag on yet fly by at the same time. How does that work?

I consider “dragging on” and “flying by” as mutually exclusive, but I figure this occurrence has something to do with being a parent. Parents of the world, is this a familiar thing to you?

For the past few weeks, Avery had been showing signs of a soon-to-be crawler. This week she has graduated from rolling as if practicing what to do if caught on fire to being an official crawler! Now when we set her down to get something in the next room, she simply crawls to us.

Leave the room, huh? I'll find you wherever you go!!
Leave the room, huh? I’ll find you wherever you go!!

Yeah, guess we should probably get around to that whole baby-proofing thing, huh?

This is sturdy enough to pull down on, right?
This is sturdy enough to pull down on, right?

I’m fairly certain our nights spent playing with the laser and our cat helped her progress into the crawler she is now. So many benefits from that little red dot emitting tool; cheap entertainment, exercise for cat and baby, and good for learning to crawl!

Don't move, you might scare it off!
One day, cat, I’ll crawl and even the playing field….

I have been wanting to build an activity board like the many ones I found on Pinterest, and finally had the chance early this week. On Tuesday, Avery was sleeping a little longer than usual, so I took advantage and went to the garage to put it together.


I am far from a great craftsman, but thankfully it didn’t have to be pretty! I grabbed several wood floor and carpet samples at the Home Depot, bought a chain lock, smiley face push light, light switch (not connected!), plastic chain, and several door stops. I figured the door stops would be her favorite just going off of her use of the ones around our home.


Turns out, my assumptions proved accurate!


I also bought a bell for bicycles that attaches to the handlebars, but don’t have a way to attach it to the board. I need to get another bell like those you see at a bank teller’s window that you just hit, but she seems happy with it as it for the time being.

Yep, I'm happy. Seeeeee?
Yep, I’m happy. Seeeeee?

This week was reasonably productive and busy with having a crawler to watch over, and I can only imagine what adventures we’ll have in the coming week. Whatever they are, I’ll be sure to document them all right here. She’s already bumping her head more, so that will be fun…

Now it’s time to enjoy our Sunday before the looming workweek starts again; it’s a vicious cycle!

Do you ever have those long weeks that somehow also seem to go by? Do I even make sense?

Ever make or want to make an activity board for your little one?

Sunday Photo Dump: Our Baby in June

Do you NEED something?
Do you NEED something?
Reflecting on life......all 7 months of it.
Reflecting on life……all 7 months of it.
I'm happy. Seeeeeeeee
I’m happy. Seeeeeeeee
Eating cucumber naked is sooooo my thing now.
Eating cucumber naked is sooooo my thing now.
Working out with dad makes me this happy....and awkward looking.
Working out with dad makes me this happy….and awkward looking.

Hey there, welcome to Sunday! How’s it going?

It’s been pretty busy for the first half of the month, and things are finally starting to slow down. We started with being part of an awesome Father’s Day campaign with Oral-B, winning first place in our first race, Avery going to her first brewery, being part of another wonderful Father’s Day campaign with Onya Baby (love their carriers!), my birthday weekend, and celebrating my first Father’s Day the same day Avery turned 7 months.

We’ve had a blast and the month is flying by. Holy crap, it’s almost the 4th of July! Like how I rhymed there?

Anyway, instead of going on about how I feel about food and health, I am zipping my mouth and just laying on the photos of our sweet little 7 month old daughter. Not a second passes where our love for her grows even stronger; even if she screams bloody murder because we broke eye contact with her for a second.

Enjoy the pics and the rest of your weekend!

Just enjoying my carrots.
Just enjoying my carrots.


Door stops should be located in the toy aisle.
Door stops should be located in the toy aisle.
You can't be mad at me, I'm too cuuuuuttttteeee!
You can’t be mad at me, I’m too cuuuuuttttteeee!

Hey, why are my pupils so big?
Hey, why are my pupils so big?