Tag Archives: throwback thursday

The Kitchen Cabinet and Birthday Kisses #TBT

It’s fun to use various ways to mark the growth of our kids, right? This Throwback Thursday (#TBT, for short), I have two; Avery’s obsession with climbing in one of our kitchen cabinets, and a birthday kiss from Mommy and Daddy.

I can’t remember the exact time she started to get into this particular cabinet, but the first post I could find is from March of this year. It was in How to Hide in the Kitchen where I found this pic.


And just the other day, still utilizing her crawl space with a blank stare….


The hair really marks her growth here, but so much more has changed. Attitude, being one of them.


Yeah, sometimes for the better, and, in this case, for the worse. Which brings me to the other #TBT picture; birthday kisses from Mommy and Daddy in her highchair.

Here she is taking our kisses with that signature blank stare as a one year old.

Ummm, dad, your nose is in my eye and both of you are in the way of my cake!
Ummm, dad, your nose is in my eye and both of you are in the way of my cake!

Even my pointy nose didn’t upset her then. But for birthday numero dos, she showed her true feelings.


My nose wasn’t even touching that time, geez!

Before I go, here’s one more kitchen comparison of our crazy girl. In August of 2014, she looked sweet and innocent hanging on to drawer handles.

You need something?
You need something?

But now, screw the handles, she romps and stomps her way around the entire house, and even does ballet if she damn well pleases.


Growth, it never seizes to amaze me.

Happy Thursday!

Any big plans for the weekend?

Have any meals you can make now to get ready for Thanksgiving?

International Babywearing Week: Reap the Benefits

This week is International Babywearing Week, and our City Dads Group has teamed with Baby Bjorn to celebrate all across the U.S. today.

Here in Texas, our Dallas Dads Group will meet at Klyde Warren Park to wear their babies as they proudly get active outdoors. Any longtime reader should know I’m a huge advocate of babywearing and have shared my feelings as to why I wear my baby and the numerous benefits.

Since it happens to be Thursday, I’ll take this Throwback opportunity to share an old pic of me wearing Avery and a few of my past posts.

How to "wear" in style in Texas.

Ha ha, okay, I’ll show one where you can actually see Avery and not my flying saucer covered head.

Bundled up for a cold walk
Bundled up for a cold walk

This is from my babywearing progression post I did last October. Yeah, she’s changed a little… Here she is just last month while helping me mow with our EGO.

For a little babywearing motivation, check out these great sites.

Don’t just take part for the 7 days, you can and should wear your kids year round to reap the numerous bonding and health benefits both you and the kiddos receive. Speaking of health, you can even turn babywearing into exercise. Here’s a video I put together with Avery a long time ago….

I even turned mowing the lawn into a babywearing sprinting workout with her! The possibilities are endless!

Again, celebrate International Babywearing Week this week and ALL YEAR….and the next to keep your kiddos literally and figuratively close to you.

Make sure to follow these hashtags and give a little retweet/like love if you can:



Do you plan on celebrating by wearing your baby?

Do you already wear your baby or are you interested in starting?


6 Throwback Thursday Posts from August 2014

Is Throwback Thursday bittersweet for any other parents out there? Bitter, because so many things happen so fast and your baby (even if they’re a teen, they’re still your baby, right?) is growing up. Sweet, because so many proud moments have happened and well, it’s also great that your kid is growing. Not to mention we’re getting older too! Bleh!

Looking back a year ago, we were still holding Avery and rocking her to sleep for naptime and at night, but now that’s a thing of the past. Going Mom has been successful a few times, but I have had no such luck. But that’s what memories are for, right? And since parenting seems to zap our memories sometimes, that’s where the internet (blogging/social media) lends a hand.

Let us now travel back a year to see what I was blogging about in August of 2014. Here are 6 of my favorite posts…

  1. My Wife Wins Again, Our Baby Throws Food, and More Banana Fun Facts #5 – She always wins, and other dads even agreed with this one thing when you have a house of girls. Avery has changed a lot, but she still throws her food every now and then.

    Goodbye, broccoli!!
    Goodbye, broccoli!!

  2. Uh Oh, Our Baby’s First Cold! – We waived her coughs off as no big deal, but then it happened….sickness! Luckily, it ended with this…DSC_1265
  3. Learning to Walk: Is It Wrong to Place Bets On Your Baby? – The funny thing is, I would’ve totally lost all bets since she didn’t start walking until around 3 months later!

    Walker in training.
    Walker in training.

  4. How My Daughter Is Saving My Life – Stress, it had built up for years before Avery, and although having kids is no walk in the park (unless, that is, you’re walking with them in the park), it’s a different kind of stress. I write about that here.

    Daughter vs Dishes....hmm, easy choice!!
    Daughter vs Dishes….hmm, easy choice!!

  5. Free Food And Booze Plus A Flat Tire: Our 7th Wedding Anniversary Recap – How could I not relive this experience as we celebrating moving beyond the itchy phase of marriage?RC and Kelley_Night Out_Splash Pad
  6. Having A Daughter: Learning to Conquer The Fear of Fatherhood – I proudly got this published on The Huffington Post, and hold the words near and dear to my dad heart.DSC_1903

August was a big month last year and it turned out to be a big month this year as well. Maybe I’ll share some of the posts again when August 2016 rolls around. No rush though! Year hear that, time? Easy does it now….

Hope everyone’s week is going well. Going Mom comes back home tomorrow!!! Yay!!!!