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How to Care for Your Scalp

It doesn’t matter whether or not you have a little hair, or a lot of thick long hair, it’s the pride and joy for most people because your hair can help to frame your face and it helps to enhance your looks . For many women for example, self-confidence is rooted in exactly how the hair looks which is why they spend a lot of money to make sure it’s always maintained. While you’re busy at your next salon appointment, ask your hairdresser about scalp care. 

It’s actually quite ignored for skincare and haircare in our daily lives, and yet given that there are common dandruff causes out there that are currently irritating your scalp, it can help for you to know how to look after it. Like the skin, the scalp is made with layers of tissue – the top being the oldest with the dead cells. There are numerous benefits to looking after your scalp. It’s not easy to maintain a healthy scalp care routine and involves cleansing and removing sweat, buildup of products and debt. Don’t worry though, because we have some of the best tips and tricks to help you to maintain your scalp.

shampoo, hair, hygiene, skincare, dandruff

Image Source: Pexels

  • Exfoliate. Most people choose to exfoliate the skin on their face and then neck, so why did they leave out the scalp? There are scalp scrubs and scalp exfoliate is available that you can get anywhere. If you ensure that you check the ingredients, you can make sure that there are no harmful chemicals that can irritate your skin. It can really help to know your skin type before you buy a scalp scrub or a scalp exfoliator. With regular exfoliation, you can remove the buildup of dirt and dry flakes. You could even use coffee powder mixed with your favorite carrier oils to make your own scalp scrub at home and keep your scalp looking and feeling healthy. A healthy scalp will help to grow healthy hair.
  • Indulge in scalp massage. Now everybody who’s had a scalp massage knows exactly how wonderful one of these can feel. A good head massage can promote circulation and that will help to carry the cells with nutrients to the scalp and into the half articles. A 10 minute massage every day works wonders, so if you have a partner or a friend who is willing to help get them on board. You want your scalp to thrive and be healthy and this is one of the best and most comfortable ways to do that.
  • Moisturize. If you’re going to moisturize your face, then you should understand that your scalp needs moisture, too. Having warm or hot water showers can feel comfortable, but it can cause the scalp to lose its natural moisture by washing away all the oils. It can lead to dried scalp that’s dehydrated and therefore flakes – dandruff. Always only use lukewarm or cold water for hand washing, as this will prevent moisture loss. The scalpel will not over produce any oil, and you can avoid dandruff and flaking.
  • Choose the right shampoo. If you want to really care for your scalp, you need to make sure that you’re washing your hair with shampoo or shampoo bars that are void of sulfate. This can damage your hair and your scalp over time. You also must ensure that you’re not overly washing your hair. You don’t need to wash your hair more than once every two days. In fact, for many dry hair types, shampoo and once in four days is good enough to maintain a healthy scalp. Always listen to your hair and pay attention to whether you have dandruff or not to know if you’re going too far.
  • Indulging in a good hair mask. A hair mask packed with the right ingredients can really help to maintain your scalp health. Once a week, mix your hair mask with your favorite oil or yogurt so that you can restore your hair and your scalp health.
  • Switch to wooden combs. If you’re using a good old plastic hairbrush, it’s time to swap over to a wooden method. Bamboo comes and brushes are great. You want to reduce friction of your strength and your scalp so that they can reduce her fallout. 

When you don’t look after your scalp, you will notice more dandruff and itchiness and hair loss. This is something you can avoid with simple and effective tips that we have for you in this article so why not try them out for yourself?

3 Health Conditions You Can Treat with a Home Device

Millions of people suffer from chronic health conditions that require treatment. In many cases, this treatment can be done at home using devices or treatments that are available to the general public.

We can feel fitter both physically and mentally when we have a home way that will help, despite some medical conditions. For instance, have you heard of a vagus nerve stimulation device?

Below, we shall examine three medical conditions and how their symptoms might be able to be relieved at home.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a common health condition that can be treated with a home device. A vagus nerve stimulation device, for example, is a home device that is effective in treating chronic pain. Vagus nerve stimulation works by sending electrical impulses to the vagus nerve, which is responsible for transmitting signals from the brain to the body.

Chronic pain is debilitating and affects many aspects of a person’s life, so anything that will help should be considered before being outwardly dismissed as helpful. There does seem to be a growing trend in the use of stimulation devices, so there must be something in it. They are also used in hospital environments as well as home settings for an effective form of treatment.

So, what do we mean by chronic pain exactly? Well, chronic pain is any pain that lasts for more than 12 weeks and cannot be easily explained. Some common causes of chronic pain include injuries, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a widespread health condition that can be helped at home using a vagus nerve stimulation device.

This is a disorder caused by extreme tiredness, and it can be difficult to do everyday activities. There is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome, but there are treatments that can help lessen the symptoms. Some of these treatments include lifestyle changes, medications, and vagus nerve stimulation.

Numerous studies have shown that vagus nerve stimulation is an effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. In one study, it was found to be more effective than a placebo. In another, it was seen to be more beneficial than standard treatment.

Check with a doctor or online, to see how such a device could benefit your health and wellbeing, and those of your friends and relatives. If we know someone who is suffering, it would be good to be able to come up with a solution for them that might help.


Depression is a common mental health condition that can be treated at home using a vagus nerve stimulator, also known as a tVNS (Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation) stimulator.

Some studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the device when treating depression, but it is ultimately for the users and their relatives to decide on how it eases pain or suffering.

There are a variety of vagus nerve stimulation devices available on the market, and they can be used to treat depression in diverse ways. Some vagus nerve stimulation devices are worn around the neck, and others are implanted under the skin.

These devices are considered safe and comfortable to wear. This will likely be for 15 minutes per day. The stimulation received can also be considered to provide a rebalance to the nervous system, with some reporting a slowing down of the effects of aging.

Always look for a device that can easily be recharged, such as one that has a USB recharging cable.

These are just a few of the many conditions that can be treated with home devices. If you suffer from any of the above, that are known to be helped by vagus nerve stimulation, talk to your doctor about whether home treatment is right for you. It would certainly be more convenient to receive it that way.

Why You Should Re-Write Your Will When You Re-Marry

couple hugging outside, marriage, relationship, will, wedding

Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

Creating a will is something that everyone should do. It ensures that your wishes are followed after you’ve died, rather than your family trying to sort things out, which could cause problems. 

If you have a family, this is even more important. But if you divorce or remarry, you should change your will too, as not doing so could cause a lot of problems. 

Here’s why you should stop putting it off and update your will today to protect your family. 

Your new partner may be left out

In many cases, a non-married partner is not automatically entitled to inherit your estate if you die, even if you’ve been together for decades and have lived as any married couple would. They would also not be entitled to other payouts such as a personal pension or other benefits. Your family law attorney will be able to advise you on the rights of your partner under current regulations. 

If you have a life insurance policy, then check it to make sure that it pays out a named person on the policy, rather than just next of kin. 

Also, if you’re separated or estranged from your previous spouse, but have not officially divorced, then they will be counted as your next of kin, and any wealth and assets may pass to them, rather than where you want them to be. 

Your children may be disinherited 

If your previous marriage has produced children and you then remarry without making provision in your will, your new spouse would inherit your estate and your children may not receive anything. Then, if anything happens to your new spouse, the money and assets would then pass on to their next of kin and bypass your children altogether. 

In order to stop this from happening, you can choose to write a will that gives your children money or assets when you die. You could also place your assets in a trust to benefit both your new partner and children from your first or subsequent marriages. 

A lot of people feel awkward doing this as they want to believe that their new spouse will include their children, but this isn’t always the case as relationships change. 

Make any omissions clear

Not all family relationships are smooth. For many reasons, you might choose not to leave any money to a particular relation, spouse, or child. If they are someone who can reasonably or legally be entitled to it, then you will need to detail in your will why you have purposefully left them out. They could still contest this in a legal way but at least you would have had a chance to make your position clear. 

Don’t assume

Regulations around marriage, inheritance, and the rights of non-married partners are changing all the time. There are many loopholes that catch people out. Don’t just assume that something will happen when you die. Make a detailed will and ensure that any insurance policies and other benefits paid after your death are going to the people you want them to.  It’s one less thing to worry about.