Tag Archives: tips

Children’s Health Is Degrading In America. What Can We Do?

According to a Children’s Health Fund report, over one-third of children between the ages of 17 and 1 have at least one health condition. A whopping 40% confirm that the condition affects their day-to-day activities. 

Not all conditions may be life-threatening, but children living with conditions such as autism, asthma, and even anxiety problems can experience unexpected challenges. Additionally, modern US lifestyle choices can present huge risk factors, such as a poor diet or lack of physical activities. What can parents do to improve their children’s health and give them the best chances in life? 

young teen boy outside,

Unsplash – CC0 license

Help them feel comfortable with their pediatrician

Children of all ages may feel uncomfortable when they need to visit the doctor. Young children are prone to panic and tears. Older ones tend to clam up for fear of sounding silly. So, it is important to build up their confidence and create a positive and productive relationship with the doctor. Arranging for regular checkups with a family doctor, for instance, can normalize medical visits. It can also encourage your child to build a trust relationship with their doctor, so they are more likely to talk about their health concerns. Many dangerous conditions can be prevented and avoided if they are caught early! 

Prevent vitamin deficiencies

Here are some alarming facts about our diet. Over 9 in 10 Americans have vitamin deficiency, including a lack in potassium, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and magnesium. Vitamin deficiency can lead to mild to severe anemia and disruption of normal body functions. Some individuals can even experience extreme symptoms such as personality changes, mental confusion, and irregular heartbeats. Severe anemia can have dramatic impacts on your health. 

Unfortunately, vitamin deficiency is a frequent occurrence because the nutrient intake in fresh produces has dropped over the last century, some cooking processes remove nutrients, processed food is low in vitamins and minerals, etc. Bringing supplements and multivitamins for teens can make a big difference! 

Teach them normal portion sizes

According to researchers at the Human Nutrition Center, 92% of US restaurants serve oversized portions. It is no wonder that obesity is increasing alarmingly in the United States as people become unable to recognize standard portion sizes. As a population, we eat too much. Yet, it’s not out of gluttony but a lack of understanding. Therefore, the sooner you educate your kids about portions and macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat), the earlier they can make an informed choice about their food. 

Make sports a family activity

Kids embrace more and more a sedentary lifestyle because they learn by observing their parents. Therefore, making physical activities a part of your family routine starts with us, parents. It could be simple things such as planning a ball game every weekend together or going for a run before breakfast with your teen. There is no need to overdo it. What matters is that you show your child that being active can be fun and beneficial. 

Some of the best activities you can try as a family, regardless of your fitness level, include:

  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Tennis and basketball games in your backyard
  • Zumba classes

Parents have a responsibility to prepare their kids for the future. Showing them the best way to manage their physical and mental health early can prevent many issues that can be aggravated through poor lifestyle choices.

The Complete Guide to Fatherly Activities to do with Your Kid

There is a lot of pressure on fathers to live up to their traditional roles as providers, protectors, and moral guides. But there are many ways fathers can be involved in their children’s lives. Research has shown that fatherly activities such as reading books to their kids, playing with them, and teaching them new things have positive effects on the child’s development. 

Plus, who wants to be a boring dad? Old TV shows and sitcoms such showing the dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper, and fortunately, these traditional standards are disappearing. Children love hanging out with their dads, Bob, from Bob’s Burgers is a great example of that. So, what are some fun activities that you could do with your little ones? Here are some great ideas!

girl practicing riding on a skateboard, fatherhood, bonding, daddy's girl, parenting

Image credit

1. Role Playing Games

Role-playing games are a great way to develop children’s creativity and imagination. They also help kids learn to take on different perspectives and solve problems collaboratively. Sure, there’s the whole “playing pretend” with your kids such as a house, or tea parties, but why not go beyond that? Being a more active dad can be pretty easy, so don’t worry about doing any role-playing that’s too intensive.

2. Nature Walks and Hiking

Nature walks and hikes are one of the best ways to connect with nature. It can help kids learn about ecology, biology, and history while giving them a chance to explore nature. It’s important for parents to lead by example and show their kids how much they love nature by spending more time outside. Even if you don’t live by any national parks, that’s not a problem either, just take them to the local park!

3. Cooking Activities

Cooking is a great activity to do with children because it helps them learn about food and how they can make it. It also helps them develop skills such as patience, problem-solving, and creativity.

Some fun ideas could include!

-Baking: This is a fun activity for kids to get involved in because they get to measure, pour, mix and see the results of their work.

-Cooking: This is an activity that you should supervise closely because there’s a lot of potential for injury. Children usually enjoy this more when they’re older than six years old.

-Ice cream making: This is another fun cooking activity that’s perfect for summertime!

In general, make sure you pick something that you know they’re going to enjoy.

4. DIY Projects

DIY Projects are a great way to make an ordinary day special. With just a little creativity, time, and patience, you can create crafts that will make your children feel like they are the most important people in the world. There are many different DIY projects that can be done with kids. Some of them are fun and easy while others might take more time and patience. It all depends on what you want to do with your kids and their interests. But getting them to feel handy can certainly make them proud of themself!

5. Training/Sports Related Activity

A classic fatherly activity would be tossing the pigskin. You could even watch sports together with your little one, and maybe even read up on a game from Stephen Troese Jr’s website. Sports can be a great way to bond.

Improving the Family Bond: 5 Activities To Try

family on the beach at sunset

Pexels – CC0 License

The concept of the family bond is something that can be bigger than the family itself. Sometimes, there are siblings that fight and there can be times when we all feel that we’re not doing our best as fathers. The fact is that a strong family is something we’ve all got to work at. The most effective way to improve relationships and actually prevent behavioral issues within our families is to focus on strengthening the family bond. Families that spend more time together will increase their sense of identity and strengthen sibling relationships, while also making it easier to deal with conflict, and, of course, it will help everybody feel happier and more secure. So what does it really take to help solidify a family bond? 

Getting a Pet

There are many reasons why pets are excellent for families; pets can decrease allergies, and encourage a healthier lifestyle, but they can also help families to build bonds. Animals can be the focus of family activities, from grooming, feeding, and walking the dog. All of these tasks are simple but very enjoyable, so everybody can enjoy each other’s company. If you are looking for the right pet, there are many options out there, including a lab retriever. On https://chocolatelabradorretriever.ca/lab-retrievers-toronto/, you can find some lab retrievers. But the fact is that for many families, the pet is there as a welcome distraction from the fact that they necessarily have things in common. Some families don’t have things in common, and this is not a bad thing, but a pet can be that invisible glue. 

Preparing Meals Together

Cooking is one of those precious activities that can do a lot for families. Preparing meals, from the chopping and cooking to the cleaning up gives everybody a sense of responsibility and order in a household. Every single person has an understanding that they are contributing to something that keeps the family house going. Everybody can benefit from helping out but sometimes children don’t necessarily want to, which is why we have to start early. Allowing your children time in the kitchen can do a lot for their sense of self it helps them to be more creative but you can also get them interested in healthier habits. 

In addition to cooking meals together, eating together can help to solidify a bond. So many families are busy and don’t have the same quality time together, which is why it’s a good idea for families to at least eat together once every day. Everybody coming together for the family meal allows everybody the option to engage in conversation if necessary but there are also benefits to eating regular meals together; in fact, children who spend time at the dinner table with their families are less likely to display behavioral issues

Reading Together

There have been countless studies on the benefits of reading to children at a young age, not least in terms of their cognitive development. It may seem like a very “Waltons” thing to do, but reading together is an amazing way to connect as a family. The benefits of reading together can be found at https://markhampubliclibrary.ca/blogs/post/9-reasons-why-you-should-read-together-as-a-family/

One of the best things you can do is to take it in turns as a family to read a chapter, or you can come up with something that suits your family dynamic. Alternatively, everybody can get together in the same space and read their own book. A family that spends time together focusing on their own thing is still spending time together! As fathers, we may feel that we’re not having that quality time, but we’ve got to remember that we shouldn’t force it. As long as you’re spending time together, this can be the perfect starting point. 

Have a Party

If you have a party for your immediate family members, this can be an amazing way to promote bonding. The benefit of having a party where you are bringing a couple of other people in from outside the family unit can be an eye-opener for your child. Children can sometimes view us from a very particular point of view: that we’re not cool enough or we don’t know enough or  don’t understand them. So if we bring one of their friends into the mix and we engage with them in a certain way, it could help our children understand that we’re not what they think we are. In fact, it could make our children appreciate us more. 

But despite this, having a party can help to take the pressure off. Make sure that you organize something for each family member to enjoy, whether this is different types of music or games, if everybody takes the opportunity to organize something that they have an interest in, as long as everybody has that same enthusiasm for everybody else’s activities, this doesn’t just promote the bonding, but also gives us insight into their current tastes. Our children can easily chop and change their interests, which is why it’s so important to keep up-to-date. 

Family Meetings

While many would argue that this doesn’t promote family bonds because it can take a very negative turn, the reality is that family meetings can bring everybody together in one place. A forum such as a family meeting can be invaluable because it allows people to talk about their feelings without being judged, but it also can help with family negotiation and mediation skills. 

When it comes to bonding with the family there are many things you can do to share quality time with each other, but here are a few other things to bear in mind: 

  • Keep it simple. You may be chomping at the bit to try and get your family to be closer together, but you need to pick activities that you won’t regret. This means you’ve got to stick to the interests of your family as a unit. 
  • Don’t try to do something daily if you cannot. Instead, opt for weekly or monthly, or even annual activities. 

If something isn’t working out, try another approach. The fact is that if you want to improve that family bond, it’s not going to happen overnight. Make time, but give it time.