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How to Manage Lymphedema Swelling

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The thing about lymphedema is that you must learn how to manage the swelling that comes with it. It’s not easy, but there are various ways for you to manage your lymphedema so that you can avoid complications and reduce fluid buildup. Here are some ways you can effectively manage lymphedema swelling:

A lymphedema pump

Whether you have upper extremity lymphedema or lower extremity lymphedema, there is something that can help you with any type of swelling you may have: a lymphedema pump.

While those with lymphedema have to learn how to treat their issues with a massage at home or with a physical therapist, there are devices designed to do it for them. The process is more relaxing and effective for those already dealing with pain and discomfort. It helps stimulate lymphatic function while decreasing swelling, significantly improving a patient’s quality of life.

Compression garments help

Compression garments are common among those dealing with lymphedema as they can greatly reduce swelling and discomfort. Patients with lymphedema are encouraged to wear them throughout the day while taking them off to sleep at night.

It may take some time to get used to wearing them. For those who are fashion-forward, the good news is that there are designs made to be easily hidden, depending on your affected area. For those who have to show their affected area, for example, your arms, you’ll find that there are some garments that have been designed with fashion and trends in mind. Beyond the stylish factor of these garments, you want to be sure you’re wearing the right compression level for your needs.

Don’t forget your exercise

Getting daily exercise can help manage the swelling as well. It can be focused exercises for the affected area, as well as daily movement like going for a walk with your pup or going to a gym with an indoor pool to get some laps in.

Movement helps blood flow, but more importantly, the flow of fluids to avoid them collecting in the affected area. Join a gym, buy weights and exercise equipment for your home, or simply practice yoga with online fitness classes in the comfort of your home.

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Eat well and manage your stress

From the foods you eat to the way you live your life, it’s important to decrease stress along with inflammatory foods if you want to manage lymphedema swelling effectively. Foods you should be eating include ginger, garlic, turmeric, berries, fish, greens, and more.

A diet rich in antioxidants could be especially beneficial. When you don’t have time to cook, consider ordering a food subscription designed for healthy eating. Practice things in your life that help you decrease stress, whether that looks like meditation or spending more time with friends. Not only will it relieve your swelling, but your overall health.


This is basically a therapy designed with everything you should be doing to care for your swelling. This includes a skincare routine, daily exercise, and manual lymphatic drainage. You may only need to focus on this type of therapy to avoid swelling by doing it for two weeks, or in more severe cases, it could take months to help you decrease swelling.

Skincare is helpful because it helps prevent infection caused by dry, chapped skin or cuts.

In Conclusion

Managing your swelling and pain is essential. If left uncared for, your swelling could result in more severe issues. You want to avoid surgery if at all possible, so try practicing these different methods for managing your swelling and discomfort. From healthy food to exercise, there are ways to keep swelling down and ensure you live a relatively comfortable life. Speak to your healthcare provider about the best treatment for you.

5 Safety Tips to Consider When Using Blood Thinners

You may be required to take blood thinners for a number of different reasons. Commonly, a diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythm, like atrial fibrillation, or afib, may mean that you need to consider taking blood thinners, to ensure that there is a reduced risk of experiencing a clot. This can also lower any chances you may have of having a stroke.

Alongside going down the route of taking natural blood thinners to help with this, you must be aware of some of the safety tips and recommendations that you need to follow, in order to protect your health.

This is because if you hurt yourself while taking blood thinners, you could be suffering from internal bleeding, even if it is not apparent on the outside. So, let us learn more about what these safety tips are.

Try Natural Blood Thinners

Instead of taking blood thinning medication, you may decide that ingesting food that has blood thinning properties may be the best route for you to consider. Ginger, cayenne peppers, cinnamon, and even red wine are just some of the foods and drinks that can help to prevent blood clots from forming in the brain and heart, as a blood clot in these areas can significantly damage your health.

Alongside reducing the risk of your blood clotting, most of these ingredients have other health benefits too such as reducing inflammation, relaxing the muscles, and increasing circulation. So, if you want to take advantage of all these benefits, then you should take the time to look into the many different natural blood thinners that are on the market.

Be Aware of Internal Bleeding

Sustaining an injury to any part of your body while on blood thinners can increase the risk of internal bleeding. It can be hard to know if you are bleeding internally, as there are no firm symptoms to suggest that this is what is happening. However, there are some signs that you can look out for. These include fatigue, shortness of breath and a pale skin colour.

Rapid internal bleeding can cause symptoms of a stroke, or increased pain in the abdomen and back, although this will depend on where you are bleeding from. If you think that you are bleeding internally, seek medical attention immediately.

Avoid Alcohol

Many people like having a drink or two after a long day at the office, or while they are relaxing at the weekend, however, if you are on blood thinners, this can further damage your health. As most of us know already, the liver is responsible for processing alcohol, as well as many different types of medications.

Moreover, if the liver is breaking down the alcohol instead of the blood thinner, or any other type of medication that you are taking, the level of medicine in your blood can increase, which can cause detrimental health effects if not treated as soon as possible.

Take Care When Mixing Medications

If you are taking blood thinners and different medications at the same time, you should be aware that some antibiotics and anti-fungal medications can increase the potency of blood thinners, thus increasing the risk of further bleeding.

If you are required to take more than one medication, along with your blood thinners, then you should consult with your doctor at the earliest convenience. Advice in this area is paramount if you want to make sure your health is protected at all times.

Relax When You Can

This is probably the most important thing to take into consideration when you are on blood thinning medication. This is because it is imperative that you take all the precautions that are needed, in order to reduce the risk of any falls or trauma, that could lead to any significant bleeding. It may be hard to hear that you need to take it easy, especially if you are missing out on the opportunity to take part in activities that have an element of risk attached to them, but it will be beneficial in the long run.

If you have any worries or concerns, don’t be afraid to consult with your doctor or any other health practitioner, who will be able to offer you help and advice if you would like to participate in things that are known to be higher risk. It is important to check, after all.

Living a life that involves taking blood thinners comes with its risks, but if you follow the tips and regulations that have been put in place, making this adjustment will come swiftly and easily. The most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t be afraid to reach out for advice if you need it.

How You Can Save Money By Investing In A Dashcam For Your Car

Dashcams are becoming more popular and a lot of people are fitting them in their cars these days. They are simple devices that sit on the dashboard of your car and record everything that goes on around you. In the event of an accident, you have a full video of the incident, exactly as it unfolded.

save money, dashcam, car wreck, car accident, driving, finance, money, driver safety

Pixabay CCO License 

But there are a lot of people that are still on the fence about dashcams. They can be expensive, especially if you go for a high-end model, so is it really worth the expense? People often assume that they won’t need a dashcam because they are a careful driver and they aren’t likely to get into an accident. However, you never know what could happen on the road and a dashcam could be a huge help. In fact, it could save you a lot of money in certain circumstances. These are some of the ways that you can save money by investing in a dashcam for your car.

Save Money On Your Insurance

Insurance is one of the biggest costs associated with owning a car, but it’s a necessary expense. The good news is, there are ways you can reduce your insurance costs, like getting a dashcam. Dashcams are becoming more and more common, so insurance companies are starting to offer discounts to drivers that have them installed in their cars. In some cases, you could save up to 10% on your insurance costs.

The footage can be used to prove who was at fault in an accident, which makes things much easier for everybody, including the insurance company. They’ll save time and money when investigating claims, which is why they encourage their customers to use them by offering discounts. 

Dashcam footage can also be used to demonstrate that you are a sensible driver, and your insurance costs will be reduced as a result. So, this simple investment can save you a lot of money over the years.

Keep Your No-Claims Discount

A no-claims discount is a feature you get on your insurance when you have a clean driving record. This discount is forfeited when you claim on your insurance policy, which means that if somebody else crashes into you and they make a claim against your car insurance, then your costs go up in the future. But if you can prove that the other driver was at fault, their insurance company will pay out and you won’t have to claim on your own insurance policy, so you keep your no-claims discount. 

Your discount builds year on year and the longer you go without making a claim, the better the discount will be. So, being able to maintain it makes a huge difference.

Protect Yourself Against Insurance Fraud

The majority of insurance claims are made when a genuine accident occurs. However, there are people out there that make money by committing insurance fraud. This is when they deliberately cause an accident and then make a claim against the other driver’s insurance. This costs the insurance company money and it drives up the cost of premiums for everybody. 

This is a nightmare situation to find yourself in because, if it’s just their word against yours, you might end up having to claim on your insurance. But with the advent of dashcams, instances of insurance fraud are becoming less common because it’s easier to prove who was at fault. If somebody deliberately slams their brakes on for no reason, it will all be caught on video and you can show this to the insurance company and the car accident lawyers, so you won’t be liable. You can also show it to the police, so the perpetrators can be prosecuted and they won’t be able to scam people again in the future.

Be A More Economical Driver

Learning to drive economically is important if you are keeping a close eye on your spending. Fuel is expensive, but you can find ways to reduce fuel consumption if you adjust the way that you drive. 

If you keep it recording at all times, you can watch the footage back later on. This will help you spot any mistakes you are making and correct them so you can be a better driver. Not only will this save you money, but it will also make you safer on the roads. This is especially beneficial for new drivers that are not that confident yet. 

Sell Your Car For More Money

When you come to sell your car, the buyer will want to know about the history and how well you have cared for the car. They’ll usually ask to see the service history and any details of repairs that have been made. But you can also show them the dashcam footage. This is a good way to demonstrate that you are a sensible driver and you haven’t been putting the engine under unnecessary strain. 

All of the other benefits of a dashcam also mean that you are less likely to be in an accident, which increases the value of the car too. Improved driving practices will reduce wear and tear on the moving parts of the engine too, which means fewer repairs. In short, having a dashcam helps you avoid accidents and keep your car in better condition, so it will last longer and when you do come to sell it, you can get a better price for it.

There is a reason why dashcams have become so popular in the last few years. If you are still on the fence and you think that it might be a waste of money, think again. A dashcam is one of the best investments you can make because it helps you save a lot of money. You can cut insurance costs by easily proving that you were not at fault, especially in cases where people are trying to commit insurance fraud. You can also use it to drive more economically and save money on fuel. Finally, you can keep the car in better condition so when you come to sell it, you’ll get a much better price for it. So, what are you waiting for, invest in a dashcam today?