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3 Ideas for Wine Labels to Personalize Your Alcoholic Drinks

Many of us will buy wine, and some of us will even make it ourselves from grapes that we pick, or kits that we can buy. If we have gone to the trouble of making it, we will want to ensure that it is as personal as possible, whether it’s for us to enjoy or as a gift for someone else. This is where you can create your own personalized wine labels at Grogtag. Also, when buying wine, you can personalize it later by buying some creative tags.

Personalized Wine Labels

It is good to know that there are places online where you can purchase professionally produced personalized wine labels or tags. These can be to a size that will fit your standard wine bottle. They will look special because you have had them printed with someone special in mind.

Specially produced wine labels can include the names of particular people or a family, or be more general and printed in large numbers. You will save money by having a greater quantity of labels.

The labels are of a good quality and made from vinyl, so resistant to getting wet, compared to the cheaper paper ones that are stuck on bought bottles. There is nothing to stop you from removing those, or covering them over with a more luxury label of your choice to give the wine bottle as a present. The label on the reverse of the bottle will have the ingredients and the region where the wine is from on it. It is the front label that you can have looking bespoke.

It is good to have a personalized wine label for events such as birthday parties, stag and hen nights, and corporate events. They add that something special that will be what people remember. Complimentary bottles at corporate events can be used as an advertising tool by a company, through what the label says. Those personalized for birthdays make it more geared to the person receiving it. We all like to receive personalized gifts because it suggests that someone has thought of us just that bit more.

Antique Wine Labels

Historically, a wine label that will hang from a bottle or decanter will be made from a material such as silver. These were needed before we had labels attached to the actual bottles to identify their contents, as we have today. A butler would rely on them to remember just what he was serving his household and their guests.

It was as far back as 1730 when wine labels would be used to enhance the look of decanters and bottles containing alcoholic drinks. Antique wine labels are today’s collectibles. Silver examples will have a hallmark stamped on them, that will make it possible for you to date the label quite precisely. Also from the hallmark, you will be able to check the quality of the silver and work out who the maker, or silversmith, was. It is a fascinating hobby to collect them. They can, of course, still be used today if you want to re-create that period look.

Hanging Labels

As with the antique labels that hang from the neck of wine bottles or decanters containing wine, we could make cardboard labels.

We could use marker pens to decorate the hanging labels and be as creative as we like. It depends on our artistic ability as to how professional they can look.

If drawing, painting, or signwriting is not our thing, it is best to have a professional firm print your individual labels. You can still have creative freedom through what you ask them to produce for you, and templates can be used to guide you.

Wine labels matter because people notice the details at events. Also, at home, wine is something that we can all appreciate more when we personalize it for ourselves and others.

Wine labels do not just have to be about identifying the contents of a drink or indicating the type of wine, they can also be personalized to say whatever you want to say to someone. You can include their name or company on the label, or a funny message personal to them, or the event they are attending. Labels can be ordered in bulk, so that all your wine bottles say the same message.

Weddings can be the perfect occasion to consider using bespoke wine labels. It is a special day and requires those well-thought out details. Wedding planners will want to consider wine labels as an added touch for guests. They can be used for wedding presents too, of course. Christmas, or a romantic occasion such as Valentine’s day, may also be the time to consider a personalized wine label.

When you have modern professional labels produced, they can be reusable and capable of being repositioned as required. The online templates will prove useful to guide you, both in terms of what you choose to write, or give you help with the creative design element. They will be of a good quality as well as being customized, so they complement any wine, or indeed alcoholic beverage.

3 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Family’s Mental Health

girl covering her face with both hands, mental health, anxiety, stress

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

When people think of mental health, they only do so in terms of adults only. Most people are unaware that children too are dealing with mental health issues. In fact, surveys are showing that there’s an increased rate of anxiety and depression among children between the ages of 3 and 17 years old. 

So, if you thought you and your partner were the only ones dealing with mental health related problems, think again. Whatever the case, you need to make sure that all members of your family enjoy excellent mental health. The tips in this post, should help you do just that.

Avoid or Minimize Worry

Worry is a major thief of your peace of your peace of mind. If you continue to dwell on the things that aren’t right with the world, you’ll find that it’s an endless slippery slope. Instead, be selective about the kinds of information you consume and digest.

Start by identifying the cause of your worries. For instance, the news is a major source of anxiety and mental stress. If it’s the news is the source of your anxiety, go on a 2-week “news detox” and see how you feel. If you find that you’re less worried or anxious, keep at it. Also practice habits that will minimize your worries and keep you calm.

Acknowledge Their Feelings

If your kids are feeling anxious and having panic attack episodes, you need to talk to them about their worries. This is very important because teenagers in particular, tend to think of anxiety as a major mental health issue. And because they are scared of the negative association, they tend to further worsen their state of mind. 

The first thing you ought to do is normalize the feeling of anxiety and discuss it in the home. In fact, you should inform them that anxiety is perfectly normal. It’s just the body’s way of alerting us to possible dangers so that we can take adequate protective measures.  

Do What You Love and Enjoy

Whether it’s cooking good food, telling anti jokes, watching your favorite TV shows, just hanging with the dudes, playing with the kids, or engaging in activities that they’ll like, just find something that gives you joy and do it. 

The pandemic has proven that life is too short to not live fully. So, identify the joyful activities that can improve the mental health of the entire family and participate in it. For example, you can all play games at home, have an outdoor movie night, and a bunch of other activities. 

Finally, do everything you can to have a measure of control in your life. Sometimes, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and other mental health issues stem from not being in charge of aspects of your life. Sometimes, simply making an effort to do something is enough to dispel some of those anxieties. Take charge of your life and it will have a ripple effect on the family’s state of mental wellness.

What We Can Do if We Worry About Our Health Too Much

health, worry, stress, kids, parenting, covid, sickness, immunity, nutrition, healthy

Source – CC0 License

When we become a parent, we immediately find ourselves worrying about things that didn’t concern us before. While there’s a lot we have to be concerned about, and the statistics can certainly be alarming, if we find ourselves worrying about getting cancer or constantly checking the news with regards to the COVID situation, we’ve got to address the concept of “health anxiety.” A lot of people are experiencing health anxiety due to the pandemic, so with this in mind, what can we do to relax our minds, be proper parents, and give our attention to the people that need it the most? 

Focus on the Basics of Health

There’s a lot of information out there that can cause us to go down the internet rabbit hole. Dr. Google is such a fantastic example, and we can spend a lot of time trying to fix our health when there’s nothing to fix in the first place. But sometimes, it’s about ensuring you have the basics in place. If you have concerns about the risks of heart attacks and strokes as you get older, this is easily remedied by aspirin. A low-dose aspirin like Cartia or any other brand is a very simple thing you can do to thin the blood and lower the risks of heart attacks and strokes. And, of course, make sure that you are feeling healthy in yourself. 

Think About Your Mental Effort

If you worry about your health, how much time are you actually spending thinking about it? Because if you are spending more time worrying about something that may or may not happen to you, this could be mental energy spent on something far more beneficial. You can spend more time with your children, having a hobby, or learning something new. And this is why we need to remember that if we are too focused on our health, we need to dial that in and take steps to clarify our values and bring purpose to our lives. This will reduce any sense of distress. 

Learn to Calm Your Body

Relaxation skills are in abundance out there, and if you worry about your health too much, you need to find the right practices that bring you back to the present moment. We can focus on every little thing that appears wrong with our body, when in fact, all we need to do is to refocus our attention on the things that matter. What you are thinking is not necessarily true. When we feel anxious about our health, we are taking the baton and running with it. If you focus too much on being completely healthy would you feel that you’ve failed yourself if you caught a snivel? A lot of the time, our worries are unwarranted. 

If you find you worry about your health too much, it might come from a place where you want to be the best father possible, but you must remember that if you spend a lot of your focus on being healthy, is your attention being diverted away from the things that really matter?