Tag Archives: toddler

3 Signs of Toddler Regression

Going from baby to toddler is big step for our kids. They start talking, eating, and sleeping (usually) better. For us, things were going good and Avery was doing better with the big three, but then, something happened, she began to regress!

After looking into it a bit (i.e. Googling), it’s apparent that toddler regression is a thing. As a matter of fact, our little crazy clones go through many regressions from birth to, well, uh….we have some years…..

Seeing as to how we are just under 2 years into the parenting game, I’m sure there are plenty more signs we have yet to experience, but until then, here’s the 3 we have dealt/are dealing with.

  1. Sleep

Sleep was the first thing that started to wane for Avery. We had a good thing going. She’d move around and talk to herself when we put her down for the daily nap and nighttime, but never really make a big fuss. But now, starting a couple weeks ago, she gets upset and will scream and cry for what seems like forever before entering a slumber state.

No Sleep on Monitor 3

When she’s not crying, she’ll give her chill-inducing demon stare directly into the monitor camera.

Sometimes I think the crying is better…

The Baby Sleep Site describes sleep regression as:

… a baby or toddler, who’s been sleeping well, suddenly (often without any warning) begins waking frequently at night and/or refusing to nap during the day. These regressions usually last for a period of time (anywhere from 2 – 6 weeks); then, your baby or toddler’s sleep should return to its normal patterns.

I’d put major emphasis on the “should” part of this explanation! Here’s a list of symptoms/reasons our kids regress around the 2 year mark:

  • Growing sense of independence (18 month olds are learning to exert their own wills, and are likely to resist doing something they don’t want to do — like going to bed)

  • Awake time is getting longer (this explains why your 2 year old’s sleep schedule may suddenly start falling apart)

  • Separation anxiety may resurface (separation anxiety tends to improve after 18 months, but it may suddenly re-appear when your toddler is about 2)

  • Naps may suddenly stop (we usually advise parents to treat their 2 year old’s naptime resistance as a phase, and to avoid eliminating naps altogether)

  • Big transitions may be happening at home (many 2 year olds are facing transitions like moving to a big kid bed, awaiting the birth of a new sibling, or potty training — and all of these transitions disrupt sleep)

  • Nighttime fears appear at this age (your imaginative 2 year old may suddenly feel afraid of the dark, or of monsters in the closet, and that can affect naps and bedtime)

For us, I’m thinking the nighttime fears from a growing mind and separation anxiety are high on Avery’s list. We need to keep that naptime just as much as Avery, so hope that doesn’t go quite yet!

2. Eating

Next to go was our accepting eater. We would give her a book to read and most days she’d accept whatever we had for dinner that night. And *gasp* Going Mom and I could even hold a real conversation some of the time!

But that’s gone now. We have to change our eating game plan several times for each meal, even bite, since she simply refuses the same food she used to happily consume. Avery is even back to throwing food on the ground, which hadn’t happened in a while.

Much along the same lines for sleeping, I blame that darn sense of growing independence as the major culprit for her acting out when eating.

I'm eating this now because I WANT to!
I’m eating this now because I WANT to!

Yeah, I didn’t ask her to eat the apple, she wanted it right then and there. But if were were at the dinner table and that same apple was on her high chair tray, it’d be on the ground. #firstworldproblems

3. Back talk

When they know “no”, it feels as if everything falls apart, true? Kelley and I paused and grew silent the first time we hear that small, but oh so powerful word escape our sweet girl’s mouth. We tried so hard to avoid using the word, but somehow, some way, it must’ve slipped….a lot.

Damn….I mean shi…I mean crap! Yeah, probably happened similar to that.

We tried to simply ignore it at first, but her use of “no” only grows more frequently each day. Just like that damn independence! I tell ya, it’s a troublemaker! It’s so bad now, that even her animal sounds all come out as “no”.


So yeah, I think it’s safe to say we have a toddler regression on our hands. I guess, according to my Google searches, there will be more to come, so just like parenting as a whole, we’ll take it all in stride.

We’re not there yet, but I hear potty training regression is common too. Since we have yet to experience potty training, besides that one day, I kept it off the list. If you’re dealing with potty training regression, feel free to add a 4th sign to the list and do some reading!

Are you currently or do you remember going through toddler regression with your kid(s)?

If so, do you have any tips to share or did you just let it pass?

What My Toddler Eats In A Day + WIAW

I can’t believe I haven’t shared a day of eats for our toddler yet. For as much as I love food and cooking, you would think I’d do this all the time. Well, thanks to Jen, a fellow reader and blogger over at My Kitchen Musings, who requested a day in the life of my daughter’s food intake, I finally did it!

It’s been a while since my last What I Ate Wednesday post, so what better time than now to join in by sharing what my toddler ate! I always enjoy this link-up, so please make sure to check out and share the host’s post (cool, a rhyme!) if you don’t mind.

Breakfast #1 – We always start the day by reading Hey! Wake UP! by Sandra Boynton followed immediately with a green smoothie. Since I hardly never measure ingredients, some smoothies can be super green and a little bitter, but she usually loves what I blend up. In fact, she gets down right cranky and impatient if I’m not quick enough to hand it to her.

green smoothie, wiaw, healthy, toddler

Breakfast #2 – After drinking most of her smoothie (I usually have to help with finishing), I made a super nutritious bowl of oatmeal.


I’m not one for simplicity when it comes to cooking, this bowl consisted of organic rolled oats, organic chia seeds, organic shredded unsweetened coconut (not pictured), organic pumpkin puree, Great Lakes Gelatin, and obviously NuttZo stirred in. Oh yeah, and two packets of Pyure Sweet Stevia along with heaps of cinnamon. The smell of pumpkin with NuttZo and cinnamon had my stomach rumbling for my own bowl!


I made a lot, and that girl ate 90% of it on her own! That’ll be fun to change later…..

For the leftovers, I added organic cacao powder and egg to create a quick microwave cake treat for us to “share” later.

chocolate, healthy, microwave

Yeah, I ate it all by myself during nap time. Sorry, Avery, hope you still love me.

Lunch – This girl loves her veggies, so we always have a large bag of organic Normandy Blend frozen veggies from Costco that we steam. Nothing added, just make them bite size, put them on her tray, and she’ll gobble them right up. Along with canned wild-caught salmon, another staple in our house, and a simple, healthy meal is served in no time.


Pretty? Not really, but the importance of good nutrition far outweighs anything else in my mind. Especially when it comes to feeding a beautiful growing body like our sweet little girl. I even gave her a few spoonfuls of avocado that she surprisingly ate without protest.


It might of had something to do with watching Sid the Science Kid, the only 20 minutes of screen time she gets a day, and my promise to give her air-popped popcorn.

We don't wear shirts for lunch!
We don’t wear shirts for lunch!

With nothing added, this Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn is awesome! If you ever see it, buy it to try. It’s easier to eat than other versions which makes a perfectly healthy toddler (and parent) snack.

Dinner – Using our handy slow-cooker, I made a black bean and quinoa stew with carrots, zucchini from our garden, and crushed tomatoes along with wild antelope round steak my brother gave me from his hunting trip.


I love slow-cooker meals, and luckily, Going Mom and Avery do too! No special kid food here, we all ate and enjoyed a big bowl of our meaty stew. It’s almost too thick to be called stew, but lets just call it thick stew. Deal? Deal.

Pre-bedtime Snack – I tell ya, she can eat. She didn’t seem fully satisfied after dinner (she shared a big bowl with Mommy), so we gave her a few of these Go Raw Pizza Flax Snax to top her off.


We have to remind her to chew (only a million times a day), but she loves these things and I enjoy them too. They really have a good pizza flavor that makes them fun to crumble on a salad or eggs.

And there you have it, a typical day of eats for our 21 month old girl. We are proud that she enjoys fresh, whole foods and doesn’t cry for sweet treats all the time, and hopefully we can keep it that way. Only time will tell.

Do you have special food for your little ones or do they eat what you eat?

When it comes to cooking, do you tend to just throw things in as you please or prefer to measure it all out?

How NOT To Hold A Toddler

There are many ways on how to hold a toddler, and they shouldn’t be that hard. But, as my Uncle Preston will show you, there are ways on how NOT to hold a toddler as well.

Even before I was a walking, talking blabbering, and crazy toddler, my Uncle P just didn’t quite “get it” when it came to holding me as baby.

holding a toddler, parenting, uncle, kids

Another example…..

holding a toddler, parenting, uncle, kids

Okay, maybe when sitting down it’s not soooo bad, but still, he’s a little awkward about the whole thing. I’m your niece, your blood relative, just hold me normal! Seriously, as I have aged, I’ve been pushed to hold and chew on things from the stress he gives me when being held.


Think I like chewing on purple rubber wands that flash lights? Well yes, yes I do, but that’s besides the point!

Recently, when we spent the night at G-Ma’s for the 4th of July (and Mommy and Daddy just wouldn’t go to sleep!), I had the luxury torture of Uncle P’s awkward embrace.


Please, sense my sarcasm. I tried to hold it in, but my true feelings quickly appeared with my facial expression.


When holding a baby, maybe you can get away with this arm under butt facing out hold, but not now. Actually, how about never? Capeesh? Mark this down, toddler-holding-newbs, don’t do this!

From there, you might think lifting your curled arm up more into a cradle position is better. Cue the Jeopardy buzzer because YOU’RE WRONG!


This is partly my fault for being misleading with a slight, albeit forced, smile. But really I just liked grabbing his watch. So, again, put this holding position on your DO NOT DO list. Unless it’s a cat, that would be funny.

And whatever you try, NEVER try holding a toddler like they are a baby that needs to burp.


At this stage in life, we are perfectly capable of burping for ourselves, and farting too. I tend to enjoy a good fart and laugh at them quite often. As for diapers, please continue changing and cleaning me for now. Thank you.

Lucky for me, Daddy couldn’t stand to watch as Uncle Preston practiced his crappy holding skills on me, so he stepped in for a little toddler-holding tutorial.


Notice my head staring in fear at Uncle Preston’s hands. If you’re ever wondering if you’re doing it right, look for signs like this to know that you are NOT!

After the instruction, I was passed back to my far from confident Uncle for another try.


Fail! Obviously, I was ready to get out of his arms as he glanced at Daddy telling him he’s still doing it wrong. He basically just changed arms and used the same position as the first one I showed! I’m smart, nothing gets by me!

The ways not to hold a toddler are numerous, but these are some of the most common ones I’ve had to endure. Hopefully, to those of you reading this How Not To tutorial, you’ll find a better way before picking up a toddler near you.

Oh, and it’s probably best to make sure you actually know the toddler, otherwise, things could be worse than just an annoyed kid in your arms.

Do you have any family members who just can’t quite “grasp” how to hold your baby/toddler/kid/hopefully not teenager?