After going through my phone, and social media pages, I collected many pics of my weekend at the At-Home Dads Convention, so kick back and enjoy!
Workout with another fitdad.
Dinner at The Pit.
Raleigh beer tour fun.
Our morning stair run.
Hey, that means me!
Meet and greet speakers.
Protein salad in room.
Cheers with Daddy Porter.
Dads learn from dads.
Local pulled pork lunch.
My awesome hotel roommates!
Interview with Dad Bros!
NuttZo fuel to go.
#DadWords from Oren Miller.
Lots of new friends.
Baby wearing gone wrong.
Selfie with Josh Levs!
Happy to be home.
Pardon the excessive use of pics from Instagram, but it’s just so much easier to pull from the ones already online.
The entire weekend was a blast, and I could share many more pics, but these are some of my favorites. It all went by so fast (cliche, I know) and look forward to seeing this great group of at-home dads again soon.