Avery is a couple months over 2 years old now, but when she was 5 months old, I had her (safely) sitting on the counter with me as I was busy in the kitchen. I just finished making a batch of NuttZo Banana Bread and went to cut it as her eyes absorbed my every move. Then, right when I started slicing…..
Yeah, you’d think I was dressed in a clown suit honking my big red nose, not simply cutting bread I cooked a little too long. I tried many many many times after that to replicate the laugh for Going Mom with no luck. I’m just happy she did it when the camera was on, now she seems to freeze up when she sees the camera in front of her. Can’t blame her, I’d be annoyed at me too.

It’s not on camera, but Avery has been giving giggles like the cutting bread episode almost every night as we play around the house or during dinner. It’s a sound that never gets old and always warms the heart.
Hope you’re having a great Sunday and enjoyed seeing a sweet baby laughing at such a random thing.
Do you have something your kid laughed at unexpectedly?
Does it happen every time or was it a one time occurrence?