Tag Archives: videos

Learning to Walk and Butt Spins + Friday Foodie Fun Facts: Pears

Only 3 days left until my “bet” that Avery would be walking by 10 months will expire. Of course, technically, this counts as walking, right?

She’s getting very close, just needs to let go and realize she doesn’t need support to stand on her own. It’s hard, but we are trying not to rush it as that will make the task of keeping up with her all that more difficult! A crawling baby is hard enough as it is!!

Although, she does give us a break every now and then just to spin on her butt….

This is pretty new and took me a while to actually capture on video, but now she does it multiple times a day. Her Aunt Lindsay, Going Mom’s sister, said she just likes a panoramic view, and I fully agree!

But I don’t think she’ll be “grounded” much longer. I’ve been catching her working on her leg strength with squats to prepare for her momentous first steps.


What do you think? Before 11 months for sure or would say even longer?  I feel pretty confident she’ll make those steps before her 11 month mark, but only time will tell for sure.

Maybe she’ll be motivated as we start going to meetups with the Dallas Dads Group another stay-at-home dad, David Kepley, and I just started with a lot of help from some great guys at City Dads Group.

Our first official meeting is tomorrow, at nice park with a miniature train to ride! How do you think an almost 10 month old will handle a train ride? I think she’ll love it.

Now, being Friday, that means I have a few fun food facts to share. We’ve been receiving organic, local produce each week from a co-op we just joined, and I’ll start giving facts about one of the items we receive. Today, it’s pears.

I love pears and haven’t had them in a while, so it was a nice treat to see them in our last box. Being organic, I just grabbed one and ate it as is, no need to wash since even organic soil has nutrients. It was delightfully tasty and left me eager to learn more about this sweet treat. Turns out, there’s a lot to know; here’s a few things….

  • Before tobacco was introduced in Europe, pear leaves were smoked.
  • Pears are often recommended for weaning babies because they are low in acid and aren’t too harsh on a baby’s digestive system.
  • Pears have more nutrients per calorie than calories per nutrient which is surprising since they are so sweet. They are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, copper & vitamin K.
  • Pears don’t float.
  • Most pears ripen from the inside out, and if left on the tree to ripen, many varieties will turn brown and rot in the middle.
  • The skin of pears contain at least three to four times as many phytonutrients as the flesh. These phytonutrients include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory flavonoids, and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients like cinnamic acids. The skin of the pear has also been show to contain about half of the pear’s total dietary fiber.

Wow, I’d say when put against these bell-shaped treats, other fruits just can’t com-pear!

Happy Friday!

Dear Demon: We Want Our Daughter Back

Have you ever considered the possibility of demons inhabiting your child and that’s what makes them cry at glass-shattering decibels?

I mentioned how Avery has started to really “hit the high notes” in my 7 Memories post (it was the bonus memory, number 8), and she’s only getting louder. Why oh why do they do this?

That’s a rhetorical question, please don’t actually answer.

Unless you know for sure…..do you?

She’s in the prime age for teething and both Going Mom and I are confident that this, coupled with her increasing neediness, are the culprits. But, you can never rule out the possibility of demon possession; right?

How else can you explain having a baby with all of their needs met, but the instant you even think about setting them down, they begin their shrill, demon-like cries?

Luckily, we are loving parents and show her our love regardless of demon possession or not. But I wonder if when I’m feeding a bottle, if I’m feeding my baby or a demon.

Gives me goosebumps. Poor girl, she’s going to hate me posting this all over the internet, but I capture raw footage of possible demon possession in Avery. Watch it and let me know what you think?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tdI5FP3CoQ&w=560&h=315]

Maybe blowing raspberries really is the best way to remove demons and that’s the actual reason babies do it on a daily basis. Hey, maybe.

So, Demon, if you’re reading this, please leave our daughter and go with your demon friends elsewhere. We don’t like your kind around here; consider this your one and only warning.

This post is part of the Love All Dads Link Up Party, check out other cool dad bloggers by clicking the button below and enjoy!!

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Going Strong: 3 Moves to Work Your Core During Playtime with Baby

Babies are demanding little people! When you’re not feeding, changing, or rocking them to sleep, they require constant attention. Take your eyes off of them and try to do something for yourself? No way; you’ll only get this…
Hold me, dammit!
Hold me, dammit!

If you don’t have a baby that’s demanding of attention, well, maybe you’re just boring; or I’m jealous. Either way, if you’re like me and need to be active every day or you feel like slush, you need to get creative. Creative parenting is a must to keep your baby and yourself healthy.

So, if you’ve already been through Peek-a-Boo Push Ups and Burpees with Baby, why not try working your core? I have 3 moves you can do to strengthen your abs and keep (most) babies entertained. You can even make it educational too!

The first move is the plank. If you want to make it more challenging, add press ups, but be careful with your baby under you!

 [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47_ylIHEodA?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

The second and third moves are crunches and ab twists, respectively, and I combined their demos on one video. Of course, baby safety always comes first, so make sure you are in a safe area and physically capable of holding your baby securely.

 [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_beaLHMfSg?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

I apologize for having to look at my face more than Avery’s, but I only had a stack of children’s books acting as camera man. At least she makes some cute coos for all to hear!

And now I want to show you all three together as a routine.

 [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4bxm_i9Mq8?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

Try doing 3 to 5 rounds of:

  • 60 second planks or 10 plank press ups over baby (count time or reps)
  • 20 crunches holding baby
  • 10 baby ab twists per side

Most babies, depending on age, won’t understand what the hell you’re doing, but they will still be entertained. As I mentioned in the videos, count your reps out loud to add an educational component to your playtime workout. Anything you can do to stimulate your baby’s brain is a plus!

Hope you and your baby can enjoy this together. Let me know how you liked it if you do!

Does your baby cry the second you set them down or are the just fine not being held?

Update: I added this post to the #FitFamilyFriday link-up. Check it out by clicking the button below and share your own story on living a healthy life or read how others are doing so. You might find something you’d like to try!
