Well, Thursday started out pretty similar to other mornings in our house. Kelley woke up to get ready for work and I laid in bed a little longer with our sleeping burrito, better known as Avery in a swaddle.

She was extra squirmy when I brought her to bed early in the morning, and poor Kelley had to deal with her wrath while trying to feed her. Even with her hands stuck to her side, Avery is a mover and shaker!
On the Supreme 90 workout schedule, I had Tabata Inferno to tend to as Avery kept me company. She kept flashing me smiles whenever I’d look at her and stayed happy for the most part. Then, close to the end, I caught her eyes going in and out; time for a nap!
But first, I figured I’d take a shot at getting Avery to roll from her back to her stomach. She did it for the first time with Going Mom on Wednesday night, but I missed it because I was in the kitchen. I can’t get myself out of that place! Anyway, I was determined to capture her rolling on film……..or memory; whatever it’s called now.
Annnnnddd, she did it! After filming her for a total of 30 minutes the day before and only getting a lot of close calls, she rolled both ways in a couple of minutes! Awesome, proud parent alert! Here’s the video:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwF8SvLDeXc?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
After her triumph, she went down for her morning nap with a little more pride and experience under her onesie.
She must’ve been pretty worn out after all of the twisting because she slept good! Once awake, it was time to go on our long walk and enjoy the warmer, although humid, weather. Oh yeah, it was really windy too, so I made good use of the integrated hood on the Onya to keep Avery shielded.
It didn’t take long and she was asleep again. Must be pretty cozy in there! Along our usual route, we ran into two geese on two separate occasions. The first time was a goose we see almost every time we walk, and the entire neighborhood has given him several names.
Henry, Harry, Marvin, and Chris. So I guess we’re going with it being a male! The other goose we ran into was a Canadian goose with a black, snaky neck and a mean hiss to boot. I knew that they can hiss, but it always catches me off guard when I hear it.
Even Abby wasn’t too sure what to make of the goose, so she just pretended to act interested in the grass.

I was relieved the Avery stayed asleep through the hissing goose event and happily carried along with our warm, windy walk. Part of our route brings us by a ranch that houses cows, horses, and one ass (donkey). As we passed, I made eye contact with the donkey…

Several parents bring their children to feed the donkey every now and then, so he’s a harmless ass. But, I guess he thought I had something for him because all of the sudden….

He was in our face! And during his trip toward us, he let out boisterous “hee-haw” sounds just like a donkey would. I had my phone with me so I decided I’d capture him on video.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZuAGdIBiUA?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
It doesn’t sound like a very inviting “pet me” noise, but like I said, he’s harmless. Unfortunately, he did wake up my sleepy baby who wanted to know what all the commotion was about.
At least she didn’t get fussy, just kinda looked around for the rest of the walk. I tried to take a selfie of Avery and me with the donkey behind us, but then the ranch owner turned into the driveway (which I was standing in!) and I promptly waved and carried on my way. Oops! I should’ve told him I just wanted a picture of his ass.
So that was our Thursday highlight; rolling both ways, getting hissed at by a goose, and a loud ass. How do you top that? I don’t know, but I’ll be sure to share with you when that day comes.
Total time in the Onya was an hour and twenty minutes since I took an extended walk. The only real annoyance so far is having the loose straps blow around when it’s windy. Not really an issue, just something to note. Still loving as usual.
Have a great Friday right into the weekend!
Have you ever heard a goose hiss?
Ever hear an ass make noise? No, not that ass!!